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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. This isnt about footy....not about rules.. It's about ONE thing... AFL EGO. Well [censored] them. It's not their game...its ours
  2. Youre on the money I suspect. After that wonderful "dance" i had opportunity to dine with a number of the lads... Spoke at some length with Jake Lever. (Interesting fella btw ) I asked him point blank... " so... have a flag... now ?. How will the team react this year ( last year) Hang the hat and coat up... job's done ?? He was adamant ( quite civilly) that it was anything but.. not satisfied til they hold the cup up at the G....and keep going. Plainly someone's writing cheques that aren't being cashed. We've been way off the boil. .. as you suggest
  3. This Gleeson is a bit of buffoon surely. Ignoring the rules....making it up on the fly. Passed the bar... certainly not the Mitre i suspect.....
  4. In the great recent history when have you seen the club so quick and keen to appeal...and in Roos case appeal again ? " Trigger happy" was somewhat tongue in cheek ;) but by comparison to our previous (in the main ) dour 'look the other way' approach it seemed apt.
  5. Im not sure you can assume that. Historically we've never been as trigger happy as it were to rebuke the MROs cavalier hypocrisy. That strikes me more a change in mood rather than happenstance. Just me perhaps.
  6. Are the bets voided though.... dont you just lose ?
  7. Sort of reminds e of some ridiculous suburban/urban speed limits. Whilst supposedly about reducing risk of injury/death by lowering impact speed allit seems to do in many areasis remove the obligation for own safety as ppl just walk out into/onto streets expecting....no demanding cars evade/avoid them. Its this same sense of arrogant entitlement whereby a player absolves himself of any responsibility of actions and transfers it all to another. Can we just remove all the warning labels........
  8. Nail on head. Max is the Captain. Captains lead....they dont shirk. Others will look to that lead to take 'instruction' I dont really want to enter into Max bashing as thats certainly not my intent. Max is a very good player. I just cant help but feel hes lowering his guard and lowering the flag somwhat at the same time How do walk tall on a field when your leader cops serious attention and seemingly does nothing. What is the message supposed to be ? Footy isnt a Softly Softly game. It's very hands on.. and gladiatorial. Not in a Neanderthal Rugby like manner but its hard body on hard body often. It requires a great deal of commitment. Commitment is a mental state of mind. Its something you can direct and control. Good teams need to apply that commitment for as much of those 4 qtrs as can. Ideally 100% o the game. Thats not a realistic result as its human to ebb and flow a bit. Nonetheless it must be the default intent.. A lot of psychiatry is employed in modern day sport. The reason is because the mind drives the body.. work away at your opponents psyche, get them to second think,to doubt , to put them off their game and half ( or more ) of the battle is won. Superior coaching will target any and all weaknesses, real or imagined in the opponent. Plan will be made to understand the weaknesses of others,the chinks in their armour and home in on them. Im sorry Max..theres a good reason oppositions target you... 1.. you let them. 2 by you doing little it sends a message to the others.... 3 They get you ...and its cutting the head off a snake. That the reactions to the Max targetting seemingly are none, that it goes unremonstrated must be by instruction. If it is it's the wrong one. Its all well and good to play ...turn the cheek and get on with it but thats not working anymore. We could rely on our game to carry us through but that game hs been worked out, countered and bettered ...by better coaches. We are getting hounded, we are getting pressured, we're getting worked over. And when an opponent does that we are a very ineffective team. Some opponents only manage it for 1 or 2 qtrs... manage it or 3...you beat us... The idea o weathering the storm doesn't work any more. And that hounding/ unsettling / niggle is about showing whos top dog on the day. Who better to target than the Captain . He doesn't do much about it... the team does sfa. Oppositions do this by instruction. Its not some random occurrence. Everything you need to know about Melbourne is summed up by how we deal with that. Doesn't make for happy reading does it.
  9. AFL turned into a soap.... not LUX
  10. Anyone spoken to Stuart ??? Just wondering....
  11. Soooo... Toiges.. Weagles... Woos... Wees'n'poos ... all fighting it out for the glory of the Spoon.. Go get it you good group of guys ...
  12. 🤔Oh Ch9... well.. they wouldn't fib or fob eh Wont shoot...just 🙄
  13. Richmond in the [censored] A wonderful day
  14. Didn't see that coming.....
  15. 🤔🤔 Didn't see the game...... Perhaps you might have stopped with that. Had you....
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