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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Oddly, in a manner, many if those remarks could have been effectively transcribed from the previous Port and Dockers efforts at doom and gloom. Yet here we are These scummy folk are a lot more certain about the Dees than im prepared to be currently.
  2. Seems we are selecting these days the same way we play.... i.e trying not to lose as opposed trying to win. If it's as i suppose it would account for the close loses as opposed close wins. Selection will be revealing later today.
  3. What we understand as Phonetics...is modern Phonetics.. kinda came into play early 19th century.. a little late for the Greeks to be worried.
  4. Seems there's a simple formula in operation. May + Lever less capable 3rd = Struggle Street May +Lever+ Petty... =sweet May works much better when he can seemingly bark the ideas...as does Lever... but they need the "polishers" to make it look truly pretty. Salem and Petty do this well. Salem was ( in that Big Dance that mattered) the 'pilot' of the back 50. He's been missed ( imho ) Salem makes much better decisions coming out of defence. I believe Lever and May like having the cool calm Salem to sweep the ball into rebound. I think May is unsettled without that 3rd and 4th wheel.
  5. The strict answer must be we're no further advanced. There have been accusations. They havent been properly tested. There being an impasse to proprietary procedures. Kinda he said ...he said.. they said.. others said nothing.. yada yada yada nada nada nada. Many other things could be said... i won't
  6. Yes... i think many might be overlaying another extrapolation which cant be done. Edit... funny how much of anything is read but invariably people will see what theyre looking to see or not.
  7. You cant find what essentially isnt there. If the accusers weren't prepared to go on record, test their case in court, then there IS nothing. People can hypothesise to their hearts desire . For something adverse to have been found, something would at least have to been substantiated. Accusations alone are not substantive.
  8. Were you represented by the respected Firm of Messrs Daniels & Beam Esquires ?
  9. Weatherzone has cbd as 90 % showers in evening 🤷🤷🤔
  10. THIS Yep... we're getting ragged at centre clearances often because the opposing team can behind us and link clear quickly..i.e they're playing to our rucks better than we often do. Crazy really. We cant afford to give Cripps any leeway or he'll be ramming it down McKays gob quicker than you can scream ( your colloquial invective of choice )
  11. Not thinking stoppages are our forte currently. Not entirely sure what is actually. Im sure we'll just do our thang ;)
  12. Im not confident our Brains Trust will impose a tag on Cripps... they passed up doing similarly on an on-fire Butters . They'll just back our Brand ;) W̶o̶r̶k̶s̶ W̶e̶l̶l̶
  13. 🤔🤔 Stuff that... I want flags flags flags 🤣
  14. The look of despondent incredulousness that befell to the smug scummies .... priceless. Made the win doubly special. Had there been a roof over the ground it would have lifted with that roar :)
  15. Personally...the Carlton "disappointment" pales next to the dying moments at artic park ... PF 1987
  16. I would have thought his professional reputation might be worth a few $$$
  17. Guess thats why they call them the BLUES !! 🤣 The poor diddums.... awwww
  18. Are you agreeing or naysaying...hard to tell with such a glib comment. Football isnt that complicated. If you disagree perhaps try putting a few reasoned words together and offering an alternate view. Im happy to read it.
  19. Nupp They are what they are and that is corrupt . Maybe life is softer in Romsey
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