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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Tmac is an interesting beast In reality he only has to turn back the clock for 3 games....thats all ( in a fashion ) I think many under-rate Tmas...I used to.. Then I started to actually watch HIM at games( or as I could on the box ). I'd be very interested tohear from the trackwatchers who attend the Magoos. What kind of role has he been playing since he's completed his road back from injuries ?? In many ways he IS exactly that player that Grundy was supposed to morph into. The upside ...he already IS that player....no morphing required. He's big enough and knowledgable enough to take a few taps here and there.. He can link up as a higher forward...he has the strength to mark the ball in packs. Is he still reasonably mobile ?? I'd be interested. He's not Milkshake....no one is Milkshake...but a fit and firing Tommy Mac is a pretty handy player...And he wont be fazed by these being finals.. So...all stats aside.... how is Tommy travelling...and what's been his role ...as far as anyone can discern ?? cheers
  2. Bless their little hearts.... on the plus side for them.... they only need suffer the once ;) My pie brethren in law .. yayyy we sealed the minor premiership !!! Me: enjoy the minor prize.......
  3. A Magpie crowing......obviously has nfi ;)
  4. Im always for forwards worrying more about attack....than defence
  5. Weird 🤔🤔🤔🤷 Yep...bout sums it up...but it's a weird rubber eh
  6. Contracts can be rewritten. Contracts are technically void once they cease to facilitate the benefits to both parties as intended. This may not be the case with Brodie but if he was want to away... ...it might be all bets off as far as we're constrained. He may move on at a renegotiated $$.. not a definite..its a maybe/possibility. I very much doubt we'll be liable for a cent
  7. It does have 'curiosity' painted all over
  8. Its a calculated gambit... i suggest. Bit like mastermind ( the board game ) you have to figure out what is where... sometimes a sacricial selection of sorts. It may well not be but either way provides an answer. You want as many answers before qf1 as possible. Ive had my reservations with Goody... im wondering if he plays chess...hmmmm
  9. Might depend if you're on a roll.... ( non-chiko )
  10. Of course we have incentive to win... it's called form...momentum. We just arent incentivated to kill ourselves doing it. Others can
  11. Tbh... i just want us to go out and do a 'matter of fact, workmanlike' job on Squibney. Just an unfussed professional hit job on them. Walk off the ground with 4pts..and probable 4th and take a breath...refocus. All back to the garage and we changeover the gearbox and put our racing gear on. Time to take it up ... Just get the job done , unscathed and let the others start worrying ( if not already ) . September is different... not all the protagonists have an A+ game for the coming month
  12. Of course they will... if a 7 negates a 10.. you're ahead. Not rocket surgery We will get targeted and hunted ...for sure
  13. I dont think there was anything meant other than the obvious.. Clarry was set a heavy tag. . Did that truly accomplish Hawthorn's goal ??? Footy is a war of minds... dont mind us engaging occasionally especially after we've won ;)
  14. I must confess.. I don't see him at the Dees next year either. His work isn't finished here just yet I suspect.. but he is entitled to his career, and it wont go the way he probably desires in current situ. Strangely I will always happily consider him an accomplished accidental Demon.
  15. When the original pairing was touted it was a scenario such as outlined above that came to mind .. and yet as you suggest we never saw this. Odd really. Oh well.
  16. AFL theatre continues.. It's a corrupt methodology. And accountable to ????????
  17. Where Brodie may go... And what we get.... Two different things ;)
  18. Make it..... We're winning it !!!
  19. Ive my doubts we'll be turfing anyone out. That said there is going to have to be a very frank and honest discussion after this season as to where everyone stands....and what everyone's ideas are about going forward. If there IS a greater scheme to things and al lare still on board...well, why would anyone depart ? If there is a change in the 'weather', if there are new thinkings then logically and deservedly a new outcome might happen.. I'm sure there a lot of 'imagination' being applied to journalistic endeavours.
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