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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I seriously think you need to take blinkers off .
  2. Tex showed with his ' conciliatory and gracious ' speech in defeat just what a top bloke he is. Burton by comparison, to well, anything 'reasonable' is just a boofhead. I dont mind Adelaide the city. Football....
  3. All well and good at magoos He imho, is simply not equipped with sufficient of anything to make an impact atAFL level. Hes a good player in some respects , just not good enough. That's no sleight on him, hundreds ,ne thousands aren't. Where is there a position for him and who would he beat to it ?Its a question for all players really. Sometimes things are just what they are.
  4. Well done, missed point. Others haven't. Play on.
  5. well, going forward, things look much better
  6. go back and read.. All explained. Not hard. If not bothered thats fine.
  7. You think we look shiny clever ? We appear to not know whats happening with one of our players. Puts us at a needless disadvantage. Not saying they have to. That of itself is not the criteria for looking less than clever. It's how they appear to the public / and profession in general. Wouldnt expect the club to give two shlts about me.
  8. any wonder Crows botched their GF aspirations !!
  9. Exactly. The player has a contract. Which is why you would need to establish very early on what's what and how both parties would go forward. It seems the club just barreled on regardless. Jack plays the Contract /I want to stay card.. Club look like gooses. All avoidable if anyone had bothered to think it all through and address the issues timely and to a decision, not an open ended...balls-up !!
  10. By avoiding the probability that you provide for unknowns. Season's end exit interview. Establish the clubs position and the players intentions unequivocally . Or a reasonable is short time frame for all to come to a decision. Stay/Go. If stay,... all chatter and such stops. If go. then go!! None of this door open...etc etc etc [censored]. If it was Watts happy to go , then any 'looking' "visiting" is all above board and beyond scandal or confusion. Yep. 'after discussions . Jack is seeking a trade suitable to himself and agreeable to the club" Did we get anything clear cut...absolutely NO. it's been a mish mash . It's still a mish mash. Is Jack staying or going ? who the f knows currently. A clear and defined path was NOT utilised. Too much left with pathways to not only unsatisfactory outcomes but not having everyone on the one page has fueled the frenzy. Some things really just arent hard..People make them so by not thinking it through. I deal in the building industry. So much is AVOIDABLE if everyone has a clear idea from day 1. I avoid a lot of hassle because i imagine that bridge ahead...make sure its passable..cross it...and all are happy. This has all been a bit like taking the kids to the zoo and turning your back for 5 mins... You just KNOW it cant go well from there !!
  11. well... about what though? Had they come to sensible terms ...whichever/whatever amicably we'd have had a united front type story etc. here its amateur hour adversarial type rubbish. All totally unnecessary in my book.
  12. There has been a faux pas because they've let it GET to this. That's poor management right there. Good management on the other hand would be that none of us would be having this discussion because it all would have been sorted behind closed doors. You just don;t launder in public
  13. This is all getting tackier than a midday soap. ( Mfc that is ) "Survivor" seems like a battle of chess giants by comparison. Watts has a contract. Supposedly the door is open and welcome. Jack doesn't want to go anywhere. The End But it's not. Why's this even being talked about still ? Agendas,motives and bullshlt being laid bare Quite frankly im not overly impressed with this club just at the present. And I thought it only the teens thatv"mucked up" this time of year !!
  14. What does this tell me ? Someone(s) haven't done a bangup job thinking this through. Amateur hour stuff
  15. We have extractors. We need skilled outside mids. I just don't think Jay has what we need.
  16. I dont see the need to be either On Board , or not with Goodwin. Im onboard with the MFC. I'm also aboard the reality bus. Reality is we are the Ninemons. A very middle of the road team at present with some. claims to be going somewhere..maybe. Simon Goodwin may or may not turn out a very good and successful coach. Im critical of some aspects whilst glad to see others implemented. Currently im not wildly excited.Others welcome to be
  17. So that's pretty well everyone NO Kiss of Death YES
  18. Oh.. Bernie my lad. Love you in Red and Blue, love the passion, the verve . Youre desire for success is infectious. May you never take a kick out ever again. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas mate. Cheers
  19. Who was it who said: Never say never ? Strap yourselves in folks....
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