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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. @Diamond_Jim..how does that argument go..not playing as bad as Ess ? They've only been thumped once...us twice....in a row They're actually above us...if only just i accept. We should be playing for the NQR cup.... Oh wait... Moorcroft ?
  2. He just can't help himself from bvggering things up. Serial pest .
  3. Yeah..thats him lol Strangely i still think he ADDS to the equation. Maybe that of itself is a worry
  4. .... amazing.... couldn't write this stuff
  5. Composure and direction off the backline. Probably more nous than the box
  6. Phew... I love it....fronting up to a depleted Essendon...going in favourite. We always walk away with the choccies.....?? Whoever loses Sunday is going nowhere in '18 Why can i hear David Byrne.....?
  7. We could use an annoying boomer type. Too much to dream...
  8. Yep...he won it for us...bless his hairy lip
  9. Fair comments to suggest we learnt nothing. Others less au fait might have.
  10. Is it for him to provide answers ? I wouldn't think so. Its for the club to sort itself out. Hes just providing commentary on observation. As we do.
  11. Almost makes you wonder why it did ? It didn't have to
  12. The 2019 season might well start MANY months after this one's finished ?
  13. Duck quacks correctly. My god I used to think the Saints were the kings of self-destruction. The king is dead...long live the Demons. We have absolutely no one else to blame. We've brought this upon ourselves. I actually think Duck was almost gracious whilst being circumspect in his assessment. It's beholding upon each club, and the groups and individuals within to carve out its future. It's upon them also if faillure 'wins' out.....again. I now believe the camp fiasco was mainly about a major disconnect between elements of the Coaching and a particular group of players. Does it look like we play united ? Does it look like its one for all and all for one out there ? Does it look like everyone has blind faith in what everyone is supposed to be doing ? The scoreboard suggests not. The glib rubbish coming from the club suggests not. We're about 5 mins fron being a basketcase again unless some serious correcting is done. By all means consider this the rambling ranting of some old negative bvgger, and I know some will. There ARE some on these boards who post, some who just read and watch. Among them I know some have a very good idea about which I speak. There is a crack developing at the club, big enough for Jackson to scurry out of office waving the vultures away. How odd for him...no ? This needs fixing now. There are some at Melbourne who's egos are likely to derail a lot of good work lest they have a good look in the mirror... change....or bvgger off. There's much that's good at Melbourne..... there's an element that's not. It's not an accident per se that we're playing like rabble. Go Dees
  14. He would be a massive out. Actually i like watching Tippa...just not against us ???
  15. What game were you watching ? On the ropes ? We were 3 goals down. Until Milkshakes snag we hadn't goaled for 20 mins. We see things very differently Saty Cheers
  16. Should be fine.. looks armless enough I'll see myself out..
  17. Curious thread. Im sure the powers that be thought we'd be looking at a different scenario atm. Possibly they thought we'd have stepped up and be motoring along nicely with a view to the 'window' opening next season. In that light you're no so concerned with 1st round talent. More along lines of swapping out, topping up and maybe filling a gap. Im sure that was the thinking given how we traded. I don't think we do get to pinch a 1st rounder this year.
  18. This is definitely a week for fresh legs. A lot depends on who's available. If Lewis can play...i would. We need someone down there directing traffic. Maybe HE can remember what a 'switch' is. If Tmac available....straight to CHF.. leave Weed in the square...mainly. Fritsch in. Be nice having someone who can pick the ball up . To be very left field id even consider Pedo for Max. Max isnt the difference in THIS game , but kicking some goals IS. It'd freshen Gawn up for the Saints. Kent's obviously out. Some who are becoming liabilities might need a freshening in the Magoos. Candidates in no particular order: ANB, Stretch, Harmes ,Jeffy ...but on a dry track with Ess who are currently kings of stuffing around with silly kicks around the back arc...is this his 'good' game ?
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