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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. This year we added Flat track bullies to our cred...hey thats how we roll... There have been for mine 3 games thus far that were finals like in so far as it was just a pressure cooker. Thats 3 for zip !! Unless we learn this next step up we ain't going anywhere...and even if we go there.. we're still going nowhere. A brand wont get you anywhere...a culture might. That and tactics with the right players...in the right place
  2. Yeah... Hmmmm And what happens when expectations aren't met ? Seems one rule for some... golden tickets for others.
  3. Bit ? A lot I sense the world is more cruel ☹️
  4. Its a good point. Where do other teams find it ? Its not like theres a 'shop' on the high street !!
  5. Im not fussed about games against Saints or Suns. The test is the three against Eagles, Cats and Crows. They will all be like the Port game. Fast , furious, pressure... parochial crowd..on three of the worst away venues. I can just imagine the umpiring ? Sydney will be very interesting. At least its the G... Then we have the annoyance of snipers. All of Dockers, Dogs and Giants will want a scalp. We cant lose any if we are to go anywhere into Sept. The Saints and Suns will too...just no ammo for them to do so imho. Good teams find a way home under the gravest of conditions. We don't (yet ) We struggle...and lose Unless Goody gives the lads a different/better roadmap i can't see anything changing ( why would it ) 6 wins is the minimum if we are to be fair dinkum.
  6. Yes Port did prime themselves...well...did some homework. As will everyone else we'll play. Itll all be same same but different. If we dont account for the likes of Geelong, Sydney, Weagles going into finals what makes anyone confident of taking the loliies off them in then ?
  7. You're not going to get much closer to the Top end of Town....than Yarra Park. Location.. location..and opportunities.
  8. Maybe i have a different take than some: Many seem locked into the mathematical semantics of making the 8. For mine that's somewhat irrelevant..that is...just making the 8. Our 9 game run home sees us up against 4 teams that all but will be in the 8 and 2 ( maybe 3 ) that might upset us by looking for a scalp. Its not enough to make the 8. You have to be there with menace. You have to be relevant and not a stocking stuffer. If we don't win 6 of the next we wont be in any shape, gamewise or momentum to do much more than spectate. Much work ahead...any more injury ( of note ) and a wheel will come off our little red and blue wagon. The games against Richmond , Collingwood and Port reminded me of finals in so much as its PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE. 3 times ...for no wins I wont be keeping September free.
  9. Easy fix...yet he didn't. Goodwin admitted selection could have been better Twaddle ?!...fron the man himself. Stick to training
  10. Over thinking it.... Micromanaging an impossibility...but they insist. Dont need 4....go back to 2 Scrap the rubbish rules...bring back FOOTY !!
  11. Sorry Timbo...had a lengthy reply last night then hit wrong window.. ( Problems with phone...be aware any and all...the Pixel has PROBLEMS !! ) anyhow.. The biggest offender is Petracca. Needs to go find his appetite for a whole game of efforts back in the Magoos ( reboot ) ANB is a yoyo. Classic flat tracker...game going well..he shines.Game going septic...lost at sea. Was an advocate of Dom a long while. Much of his contribution goes unseen...but he's no Champagne Footballer currently...all fizz..no pop. Jones for allhis gusto and flying of flags is a serial offender of turning it over... beyond normal. Lets play Jesse-lotto !!! Salem needs to step up to his capabilities...he flies under radars as more/others draw the light. Waxs and Wanes A number have contracted the fumbles..is odd. The Smiths were a good group...not lighting the stage up for us. Another offender is the guy in the box. The seeming inability to step outside of this "brand" rubbish and learn to tailor to requirements is very Moby Dick. Hinkley must have salivated that we didn't adapt. There were a number of areas where we lost. We had no control over the abysmal umpiring. We DID have control over selection ( even Simon conceded it was wrong...in hindsight...some here saw it immediately on Thursday !! ) We had control over setup and style. What is it they say a out repeating same and expecting a different outcome ?
  12. Can we get a report from the Richmond doctor about him
  13. There's an old adage ...those not part of a solution....are part of the problem. There's a few last night that should hide sheepishly.... Some have had some hesitant bunny hopping games...and also some good ones. Some are quite frankly showing as serial offenders. Magoos for you. The breakout kid might need a reboot ?
  14. Needs to find his footy again. Magoos for the Truck. He like any can earn his spot back. No places for cameos. Needs to feel the hunger.....maybe try another shower or bath ( new water ) Very disappointed
  15. Im not sure about the bombing or otherwise but what we lacked was improvisation and cunning to upgrade all that forward thrusting into currency ( score ) . Spargo has been a revelation... he's one of those who can turn nothing into something. Here we had a lot of something becoming nothing Maybe Jeffy needs a trot also. we became ultra predictable....thats an opposition coach's dream !!
  16. Might some of the problem be a fixation upon the brand ... In lieu of the Scoreboard ?? Its nice to enjoy the journey but its really the destination I'm more focused on...a Premiership Win ugly..win scrappy..win lucky...just win. Im not fussed what 'brand' is employed. In the real world its success that builds a brand...not a brand... success. Brands are results...not tools per se.
  17. Its lamentable that it's almost a justifiable critique that the Umps cost us the game. They did make it akin to pushing manure uphill for sure but I'm not going to hang that above the mantle as to the how or how not of winning. The blame lies, for mine , squarely upon a number of players who's skills seemingly deserted them for unknown reasons as well as a few playing with attributes reminding me of the Wizard of Oz...ie playing with no brain, no heart and no courage. Had they not...and played as they could/should then we would have won. No point blaming what we can't change when there's things we can.
  18. I wonder if the umps were asking for signed port jumpers ????
  19. Not a rough night....that infers effort , contest , deprevation by maggot. He had a rubbish night...all of his own accord. There's a difference.
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