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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Stay calm This is ours !!! Dees by 31 Carn mighty Mel...bourne !!!!
  2. I caught a bloke a few years back in the process of "decorating " my side fence . (lived on a corner then ) Made the mistake of thinking he could outrun me. He made the further mistake of running onto the beach. ( Lived pretty close to it then ) . Must have thought i was some dithering old bugger...Shame for him I was just back from trekking Nepal...fittest id been in 20 years. He never came back...nor strangely anyone ...they must talk among selves Hope you get yours !!!
  3. strangely confident myself..If we come out the blocks again like last game Hawthorn wont get to install their style of game. Its a game of Kaos v Control sorry about that Chief !!!
  4. That particular bump on Robbie...was actually a sandwich... Dipper one side...guess who the other !! ???
  5. I don't normally do this as to do so is to ( in the past ) invite the "gods of nasty' to smite me but right now I think I will. What is that yo might ask ?? I'm buying in !! Ive been severely critical of this team and the coaches and much with good reason but just as it was obvious at one point we were doing a lot wrong..or not properly it would seem we are clicking to some degree. For those that are at least inclined to keep reading I've found it incredibly fortuitous to be currently reading The Red Fox. ( highly recommended to any who havent ) This very well researched tome not only brings the man ( Smith to life ) but is a wondrous journey through the halcyon days of this club. You want to understand what sort of culture we once had, what sort of club and team win premierships then here it all is spelt out and described in black and white ( sic ). Maybe its a willingness on my part to see it , or it might just be "what is " but I see many parallels , of a fashion , in Melbournes resurgence in 54 to our present situation . ( Numeroligist might have fun with 54 and 64...lol ) The essence of this emergence of the most successful Demon era was , as is mentioned elsewhere , the creation and nurturing of our Esprit de Corps. A One for all and All for One club. Team Team Team. It's here again. Weve had some very good players...and some very good teams over the past 50 or so years and even made a few finals and cup tilts. At each juncture where we have the TEAM has been paramount to the cause. The lads bought in and played for each other, played for the jumper , played to excel for themselves to aid the cause. And they revelled in this. Just didnt quite get the choccies ( 87 being the big one that got away imho .....and @!$# Hawthorn !! ) Smith was incredible at getting his charges to do their utmost. The Demon game was not that which every club managed to play. A characteristic of all Smith teams was you played your part, you did it to the best of your ability and you did it unselfishly. Smith didnt care about personal glories, he thought that a team shared one was infinitely more satisfying and lasting. Teams win premierships. Players might win games but finals require team efforts. They need players to rally and support each other. Smith was not a fan of shirkers. You were encouraged to NEVER take a backward step.....or the door out the club was shown. Norm understood it was often the little things that made the difference because if you add them all up it's often the difference between winning and losing. He wasnt much a fan of losing. Smith understood synergy even if he never gave it that name. We as a team are still maturing, just like that team of 54, which also had a lot of youth, but Smithy knew that that one possibly element which might undo a young team, that devil may care attitude , the natural instinct to take risk, to disregard personal safety can actually be directed into a very powerful asset; blind determination. We may or may not go beyond friday. I think we will. Is it all bathwater ? or is it the gurgling of a tide, a Tsunami building. Are the media just creating a beat up or are they just writing about what they observe ? Probably both, but who can deny there's something in the air. To drink the bathwater is to indulge in false prophecy. It would be fair to say we are witnessing , not faux bravado, but BELIEF. The army that BELIEVES in its cause will always beat the one that doesnt, or is mercenary, because they will fight for each other, they will fight for the their cause, indeed they will fight for their flag !! They are willing to sacrifice to the greater end. This is how Im seeing us play now. Much is made of the idiom a Champion team will beat a team of champions. Im wary of Clarkson, only a fool isnt . Much as Richmond denied the Hawks their game so do I believe will we. If it takes a little bathwater in the drink bottles to keep us going, I'm all for that. If we indulge ourselves with a little between beers and such...well....why not. Self belief is not a bad thing. It's how it's harnessed. Im really not fussed by all the media attention. For years we craved it. But just like the sun..too much and your burnt, just enough and all is well. One thing for sure, you invariably will fail if you dont believe you can succeed. Speaking to a family member last night who plays footy and quite well,understands the nuances and the unmeasurables he thought, as a Weagle supporter ( hes ex WA ...poor lad ) that hed much rather face Hawthorn in a prelim than us. His own words :" you guys are a bit scary at the moment" in the immortal words of Alice Cooper: We're the Department of Youth The new Department of Youth We're the Department of Youth We've got the power Go Dees
  6. Keep in mind any 'talk' for public consumption will invariably always push the status quo. Coaches are always backed...players always needed. No one EVER goes anywhere ... officially...til they do . It's the company line. You wouldn't really expect the MFC to say anything different...3 weeks from grabbing our next flag !!
  7. beelzebub


    Print up sheets of them
  8. What's the bet the next time this serial pest tries his 'move' he ends up on his his ear groaning at his strained groin That'd be one rotation less for Bucks to worry about ???
  9. We're getting good at killing Giants Reckon we have reason to believe.
  10. Lifts his leg ? Let fly with your arm and knock his leg upwards even more !!!
  11. We need more Max Gawn ads ..I think even more companies would benefit from the bearded one. Right Max
  12. Can only suspect a change if an injury Otherwise...it ain't broke......
  13. Going to be a cracking game.. Clarkson is no noob, but Hardwick's game bested him. Some reasoned and some not so much views from Glenferrie. The same will be said of us surely. I reckon we'll outlast them in a dire contest. We actually seem to be getting better, more resilient and hardened. I respect the abilities of Hawthorn. They should return the same. A nice time to avenge 87 and 88 We're coming off 3 wins against top 8 teams...they have had some good ..some bad..some so-so results of late. Again...a cracking game awaits
  14. A guy could get a broken leg might easily playing that way ???
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