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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. my spider senses are tingling... just have a funny feeling there's a surprise yet in all of this..and not a bad one.
  2. doesnt make much sense does it.. However Ive heard from a number of sources its really not in good knick. Time will tell
  3. should be banned...this is no place for reality....shame on you.....
  4. think his ankle already has
  5. was he singing..... when my baby smiles at me I go to Freo ??
  6. can we do 17 before the big announcement.... yes we can... I'm sure we can all find something to repeat
  7. you getting excited ? armageddon excited !!!
  8. Hawks gunna do their doh on this one. Such a pity Giants having a laugh surely.
  9. Said bugger all. Lots of people putting words in his mouth. Much I what I recall has been predictably generic. Some of what I thought he'd said he hadn't at all Journos getting twitchy.
  10. He IS... theTradebreaker
  11. Gee...all happening in the 50's and 60's ( hope for us old buggers yet ) Is there anyone left at the Sun's.
  12. I like Apple pie...or peach cobbler. Can we have either of those.... I'm just going to sit over there >>>>>> wake me please....when the Pie comes. Cheers ( Oh...with cream )
  13. Is it fact it was a guess Or just a guess in fact If in fact a fact I guess the guess is fact But if in fact a guess then the guess is pretty fact !!
  14. I can see it now... another arc....centred between the goal posts, on the goal line, taking in both point posts. Why do they have to eff around with the game ?? Meh So are we any clearer ? Does play on need to be called before defender on the mark 10 back can move on the kicker ?
  15. Only 27 hours to go....only...lol
  16. Well my brain's fried trying to keep up... Sooooo...if we do do 'that deal' ...and then the other...meaning Out. Hogan In May KK Could some kind soul tell me how many spots we MUST fill ? Is it at all probability a rookie upgrade might account for 1 ..even 2 ? Rookie spots easy to fill... The list..I presume the draft but I've lost count of where we might end up here ( number of picks ) Time for a drink... we know ... it's early....its Circus week
  17. It explains everything ... and that which isn't....is understood
  18. Thanks. No idea what or how they'll use it,only it's the OVERPAYMENT for May. Other players picks etc bound to be part of the change coming back.Theyre just my thoughts of course.
  19. Admittedly its just possibly my read on the situation but I cant help but think a lot of folk are misconstruing the nature of pick 5 and May. Mahoney has been quite candid in saying we need the hogan trade in order to get May..There after everyone , bar a few simply assume pick 5 is THE price for May. Its not how I read it at all. The Hogan trade delivers a goodly 1st pick ( and maybe change )..So for sake of argument lets call that pick 5. Yes pick % is INSTRUMENTAL in securing May as GC want that pick...but its not the price paid as such as I believe we will get more than May for 5 and there is probably still some trade off of picks as well. Pick 5 is part of the deal...not ALL of it...imho
  20. A big problem I think in all of this is folk isolate a player and then somehow attempt a valuation. I see it differently.. Hogan is a forward...May is a back. I think we can all at least agree upon that. Here's where I diverge from the groupthink model. I see it as a comparison of effects. What does May added to our back arc do as compared Hogan being in the front arc ? Add May to Lever, Hibberd , Jetta, Oscar and say Salem... thats formidable...take out May...not so much...as dynamic reverts back to before...somewhat problematic Hogan in the fwd 50 with Tmac , Milkshake, Trac...any of Spargo... VDB etc etc...is also quite effective. Take out Hogan...put in Weed...or someone else..its still reasonably effective, and possibly not so mono-centric in nature of attack. So for mine the impact of May in far outweighs Hogan leaving Have a suspicion out FD sees it similarly.
  21. it's simple...like breathing air really... Yet some struggle
  22. Amazing so many just don't see this. Must be too busy collecting Scanlens cards .
  23. I'm flummoxed to think that some would seriously think Mahoney still hasn't a few tricks left in the bag. If there's a master juggler of late pick swaps it's this guy.. I'll await the actual outcomes...not the fishwrapping.
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