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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. The Lion player should be reprimanded for careless play, lack of awareness and very poor acting !! 2weeks
  2. Almost like the AFL are afraid of us Hmmm?
  3. What game were you watching ?? Both Joeboy and MRP off to ridiculous starts for the year 3 words Joeboy Must be kidding !!!
  4. Has been offered... He's not suspended Please refrain from sensational inaccurate headlines ffs Memo to MFc...tell them to go ..... themselves !! Was he moving. Did he leave the ground ? No Just braced himself . Ffs What a joke Line in sand time already . Got any balls Melbourne ???
  5. Yep...they won't be hard done by...the $$$ will help soothe their conscience I'm sure
  6. ?Richmond Jeep and Bingle.....just naturally flows really ?
  7. It's obvious from here in the cheap seats that Gil the Dill and Tricky Dicky favour a more "commercial" time. It's also obvious they both need to leave the game alone.... actually they can both ... off !!
  8. So........ A hitout against a team peaking at wrong end of season...... ..playing with 2/3 to 3/4 of a preferred lineup ... 1/4 out of position ....playing for NO points.. ....and we look about 5/8 our expected ?? Yes ..all those numbers are [censored] and mean nothing....just what you can expect from preseason fluff. Wake when it really starts. Carry on chaps
  9. Ethan sums it up perfectly... No Fosbury...all Flop
  10. Am happy to just have practice games. Far better to control what you do or don't do in terms of publicising your development. The Preseason isn't even a real comp anymore anyway.
  11. Just give it away as a bad joke that's seen its time.
  12. I myself night watch a game that's supposedly neutral as you say. Very few. You have a problem with that ? really ?? If so... it's all yours... The biggest influence on watching tv...is the bleeding obvious...access. Since going (in the main ) to pay for view, slot of punters/ average folk vote with their limited wallets. It's just footy.
  13. Btw...let's not confuse h/a viewing with the GF. There maybe a temptation by some to develop a strawman argument where h)a droppoff supports a switch in GF time. That would be complete [censored].
  14. Most I know only watch their own team. Still do Who wants to watch crap games like Carlton etc ? Tv numbers can be rubbery. Without absolute context ....
  15. Keep in mind attendance numbers at NRL are laughable compared to AFL League is essentially a TV game now.
  16. Sponsors, TV and others want some night action ??? Play around with all others finals ...knock yourselves out. The BIG day .....leave alone. It's just fine. Still drags in big telly audience...still massive exposure for brands. Ffs.. stop f@#$ing around with the game you Dills !!!
  17. The Grand Final isn't broken.. It's doesn't need fixing.... Leave it alone
  18. Oh that's a shame...? Said no Demon ever !!! ?
  19. The GF is in reality a LIVE EVENT which is also televised. There is a difference. There is no doubt the Televisors would prefer a later time but it's not THEIRS. ITS OURS As pointed out the game doesn't need all the rubbish you glitz and sham of American rubbish. The FA cup manages just fine as a day event. So should ours.
  20. Someone shoot Gil. Fmd, he's done more to ruin this game than anyone. Send this ponsy polo-ing puckhead to some other sport to bugger it up.
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