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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. You attack me personally when I point out the obvious conflict of a leftist desperate to represent every minority but unable to admit they don't all share the same leftist values.
  2. This is getting boring. My sister is probably better than you at barracking for Melbourne but we will never really know. I wish the best for your brother and hope going forward you have the ability to contribute with your own arguments.
  3. Dodging questions and replying with emoji's just furthers my argument. I am beginning to think deep down you know man made climate change is a farce.
  4. Ben Simmons is tracking to be the greatest rookie ever. Can't shoot for [censored] but it doesn't matter when you can dunk like he can. Are Australia a chance for Gold at the next Olympics with him and Patty Mills (aaraon davies cousin)? Will Simmons be the greatest ever Australian sportsman? He's Petracca's mate and we're looking at a Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods like influence on world sport.
  5. I wonder if @hardtack 's brother was a scientist in the 70's
  6. This is the problem with being a conflicted lefty. The Islamic population does pale into insignificance compared to other religions as you try and argue but the terrorism that is born from this minority group is horrific and significant. The electorates with high Muslim populations also voted against gay marriage in droves.
  7. Yes I am a conservative which gives me a massive advantage in thinking but that is not the reason I am right.
  8. Ok. So your answer is because your brother understands the science. Thanks for contributing. Of course your brother has no idea. Nobody can say for sure that man made climate change, i.e human CO2 emissions have caused anything. The evidence is simply no there. If your brother is saying that he is ill-informed.
  9. I happen to know quite a few practicing Muslims who believe in the Koran and therefore want to smite infidels and throw gays off buildings. Regardless of who we know the statistics clearly show the Electorates heavily populated by Muslims voted strongly in favour of "no". I realise this fact is upsetting for lefties because they want to side with minorities and the harsh reality is that minorities don't always agree with their values.
  10. I didn't say it was naturally occurring although I presume it would be. You made a statement saying your brother has seen man made climate change first hand and I just asked how he knows it wasn't naturally occurring. Perhaps ask him and come back and answer the question.
  11. I'm pretty comfortable arguing about conservatism and to be fair I can see why you might be confused. A few points 1) Conservatives have their own opinions guided by a set of principals unlike the left who all seem to think the same thing and tow the same line 2) Conservatives believe in free markets, why would they put restrictions on gay weddings that will clearly boost the countries GDP? 3) Conservatives unlike progressives don't like change for change sake but will change for the greater good
  12. How does he know it is man made climate change and not naturally occurring?
  13. Irony. Presented with evidence you show a South Park clip saying look at the monkey.
  14. You misunderstand conservatism. The great social changes like moving past white Australian policy and gun control were driven by conservatives as was the ssm postal survey which will translate into ssm. The progressives are off trying to bring in windmills with unicorns flying alongside them to provide infinite imaginary energy.
  15. I'm not confused about the high yes vote amongst conservatives, in fact, just read this thread and you will see I said conservatives are normally drivers of change.
  16. Are you so naive to believe that the ABC broadcast / publish news on climate change if it goes against their narrative when they have publicly said they won't?
  17. Congratulations to all the ssm supporters and ss couples. A resounding yes by the Australian people speaks much louder and will mean much more than any change of legislation by a limp Government ever could have. If you ever feel like starting a thread on industry super funds I would be really interested in what you have to say.
  18. I don't think you can say Labor's traditional base is progressive. They were certainly for white Australia. Their most recent Government was spending big on windmills and they shunned same sex marriage despite what the polling was saying. The only reason Turnbull is tied in knots is because he leans too far left. His greatest achievement will be ssm and he got that through by sticking fat with Abbott's idea and a twisted arm from his conservative back bench.
  19. Tony Abbott who promised the mechanism to bring in ssm? Penny Wong was in Goverment prior to Abbott and swore black and blue she thought marriage should be between man and a women. So did her Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Today I see Wong crying with joy after the announcement. She is clearly not a conviction politician. So just to be clear it was Abbott's idea to have a public vote, a Liberal party policy to have the Postal Vote and the Liberal held Electorates voted more strongly for "yes" than the Labor held Electorates. Abbott and his sister (and partner) are close. But don't let the facts get in the way of your Abbott hatred.
  20. My count on the 17 electorates who voted "no" 4 Liberal (including benelong) 1 National 1 Katter 11 Labor
  21. The ABC only broadcasts news on climate change if it fits their alarmist narrative. This makes them un-scientific and leftist.
  22. Obviously an exctract from the climatgate emails. Investigation after investigation has found nothing to answer. Yet I read that and see concerted efforts to manipulate an outcome they are seeking.
  23. All votes are in. I called Brexit and Trump but think the "yes" vote will win this. It will be much closer than any poll suggested but a small victory. Expect now the lefties who laughed at Howard and Abbott for saying the legislation should be put forward before the vote to cry foul when the new legislation is argued over.
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