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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. You would see rain when it is sunny. Go dees go Dom Tyson.
  2. Every beer tastes good when Collingwood are the laugh of the town. There aren't any good pubs in Kensington but it doesn't matter. Enjoy.
  3. Not sure why you would compare the stats of a lock down defender against an attacking one. Different roles. I like Wagner but it really highlights how far he needs to improve.
  4. It's a long season mate. Tyson is best 22 and will play in finals. Why you take enjoyment in a player missing round 1 after a long and gruelling pre-season speaks volumes about the type of person you are.
  5. The fact you say we heed what the scientists tell us shows you have a religious belief system. Do all scientists tell us or just the ones that follow your belief!
  6. This is a religious argument and not one of mitigating risks. The more severe the unlikely consequence of not complying with a religous rule the more you need to do it just in case.
  7. I’m not sure how many times I can explain this to you Jara. My interest lies in the content the organisation produces not your opinion on their reputation.
  8. I’m not sure the majority of scientists do agree. I guess it depends on the question but i’d be surprised if the majority of scientists didn’t share my view when broken down into individual questions.
  9. A couple of points I don’t hate anyone. Andrew Bolt is somewhat representative of the conservative right in that he thinks for himself and doesn’t but into groupthink. Other than that I have no idea what opinion piece you are referring to, the herald sun isn’t My thing. Thanks for telling me what I think.
  10. Garlett can rotate through the midfield in bursts.
  11. Tyson would be close to the most nimble and agile player in congestion we have, Oliver excluded. He is tough as nails, his kicking is penetrating and he keeps getting the footy. He is not just best 22 at Melbourne he would be at any other club in the league as well.
  12. Richard De Natalie prays and preaches. Of course if you don’t conform to his carbon dioxide religion there will be tragedies of biblical proportions.
  13. It’s funny because I see the greens praying on fear with climate change and all their other far left scare campaigns. I guess it depends where you sit on the political spectrum as to who you think is fear mongering and who is addressing genuine concerns.
  14. The BOM are not meeting in a dimly lit basements just like Exxon and any other capitalist fairie you imagine isn't.
  15. To see how organisations such as the BOM benefit maybe read the thread. It's explained in detail a few posts up for you. The BOM is not impartial. They won't even adhere to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. They are a scourge on science. NASA - National Aerontautics and Space Administration. Explain to me where climate fits within what NASA investigates?
  16. Of course Exxon want to protect the billions they have in oil but they will move in a second to any other energy technology that is more profitable. How much have Exxon invested in solar or wind? Your question and your virtue signalling. Why should the worlds leading energy company invest in doubtful technology? The more the Government subsidies it the more they will invest but it would be just a ponsey scheme. Thank goodness for Trump calling the industry for what it is. Exxon has diversified their investment in energy and profits from renewables. The more profitable renewables become the more Exxon will invest in them. Unless you are a socialist it is pretty easy to understand. i have and do work in business and can assure you i understand. I'm guessing you don't and are a teacher, nurse, ambo or other union related field that relies on group wage rise.
  17. EH - Thanks for contributing to the its happened before argument. Can you point to any man made warming or cooling that hasn't?
  18. I simply can't understand how any logical person could argue that. The companies with the heaviest investment in fossil fuels dominate the energy sector and have diversified enough to benefit from other energy sources.
  19. The answer is pretty obvious. BOM - bureau of meteorology. If man made climate change is happening their jobs are more important and high profile. The bureau gets more funding and they ultimately get paid more. Now have a look at the evidence instead of squealing IPA and refusing to look at the obvious.
  20. I'm not sure how comparing Pauline Hanson's 4.3% vote to Trump's presidential election win helps your argument.
  21. If your enemy states a fact it is still a fact. You need to get over the association with the IPA and look at the content. It is damning.
  22. I don't doubt your ability to be impartial enough to see the arguments of polticians and politics you don't agree with and note you often try and understand from the opposite viewpoint. A quality I admire and try my best to do as well. I think you under estimate Trump. I can't emphasise enough that I despise him as a person and hated him even more as a celebrity. He has smarts about him though that put him at a genius level. You don't end up president of the USA by fluke Bush didn't, Obama didn't and Trump didn't. Australian politics follow the USA and at the moment we have the most insestual, unfit, corrupt mob we have ever seen. Don't for a second think the USA wasn't worse and Trump had the forsight to campaign on "draining the swamp" Trump has had a much better impact on the economy, employment and social cohesion than could have been imagined. Watch the left get more and more shrill in the lead up to the next presidential election as Trump's economic numbers get better and better.
  23. I actually agree with you twice in succession which is unprecedented. The Age is full of fat left propaganda. This is where we stop agreeing the Herald Sun is centre right with at least an attempt at balance but is best known for its pictures and sport coverage. The Australian is by far and away the best masthead for journalistic quality, business, politics and opinion pieces but it sucks at left wing group think, being a picture book and sports outside the boardrooms.
  24. For once you make some sense Dieter. When somebody is is on the receiving end of an unprovoked violent attack by multiple cowards and they fight them off it is virtuous.
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