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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. I'll never forget the day Byron Pickett shirked it, right in front of me on the mcc wing, when Tingay was going to run through him. Unfortunately, I haven't had more highlights watching Melbourne over the years. And Pickett ends up coming to the dees so I can't hang it on my mates who barracked for North.
  2. Where is Kobe Farmer? I reckon i was praying on Chris Johnson & Jack Viney for less time. Surely he is getting close to draft age?
  3. Didn’t have his best year and still tied for the bluey. For the record I would back Hunt to kick further than him in a torpedo shoot out.
  4. Draft best available and select players for need. All of a sudden we might be able to win at the MCG. The wings have been our deficiency since Goodwin took over.
  5. Lot’s on here wanted Parish with our pick. Draft picks are a bit of a lottery you can’t list the pontential difference on speculative picks.
  6. Cyril Rioli would be proud of those stats.
  7. To be fair Mitch Morton almost won the norm smith.
  8. That’s probably because he’s not going to the toilets to use them.
  9. If Yze doesn’t come back to Melbourne do we go into 2020 with no Clarkson understudies?
  10. The premiership clock made famous by Malthouse is outdated like any other single use clock.
  11. This is the opposite of what I was suggesting. Bring a troubled genius into the club and have a support system around them. Like Richmond do. Back them and give them a chance. If they [censored] up they are out. Nothing to lose. If you have an idiot within your system like Martin Pike get rid of them. Melbourne made the correct choice despite his success as a player.
  12. It’s worked for Richmond. They even took Ben Cousins.
  13. No they weren’t. Scully was always highly rated, Trengove came shooting up after a final in the SANFL.
  14. My mistake, it doesn’t change the fact we were worried about the problems associated with him rather than his footballing ability which is the point of the thread.
  15. He went to jail after we drafted him.
  16. In 2009 we have pick 1 & 2 but don’t interview Dustin Martin because of his dad’s links to bikies and the neck tattoos didn’t help. Sydney Stack was overlooked by everyone until Dimma asked him to live with their family and ends up selecting him. He knocks out Viney in one of his first games and nearly wins the rising star. Marlion Pickett is one of the best footballers in the country but gets over looked by everyone because he has been to jail. Richmond will be the best team of the decade. Perhaps we should look at the best player, back our culture and not worry so much about their background.
  17. Dean Wallace punching Brad Green in the throat. Whelan missed through injury that day too. Two of our best players in a generation miss. They were both young and on the up without reputations so it never got reported.
  18. Player development is important but so is winning. You have to pick the best available side every week and if Billy was in it one week and not the next the onus was on him to become better not for us to pick a worse side.
  19. How long do you need to live in the zone for an NGA spot? Can you move just before draft time?
  20. He needs to stop dropping the footy from somewhere between his belly button and nose when he is kicking it. He will be a good kick if he just drops and guides it from a proper height. When he improves his kicking guarantee he will command it more.
  21. It says a lot about our year when one of the nominated players in contention for the b&f was dropped at the end of the season despite a massive injury list. Said player also did his best work in the forward line, got moved to the backline and got dropped 2 games later. i’m over 2019 let Toby Green scratch the eyes out of Richmond. Mumford to go out swinging, not worried about drug testing in his last game and bring on 2020.
  22. Everywhere Balme has gone since 1970 has won the premiership too except for us.
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