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bush demon

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Posts posted by bush demon

  1.  It's one thing to say Lever had a bad game, quite another to conclude he's no good after a handful of games. And why do admins allow players of our club to be called spuds or potatoes anyway. And why do demonlanders continually reference such  sledging as OP's, they are not OP's, they are one-fingered typists.

    • Like 1
  2. 32 minutes ago, pitmaster said:

    Pre-season I thought Viney was our biggest loss in the first third of the season, but the past two matches suggest I was wrong. Running Hogan far beyond forward 50 is robbing us of forward structure. It worked last year when T Mac was playing forward even though he seemed to be missed from defence. The strength of the strategy is that both T Mac and Hoges are running machines that can alternate in the forward 50 with the other pushing upfield.
    With O Mac growing into his role and Lever at his fifth attempt really contributing it's apparent that T Mac as permanent forward is a real prospect.

    The weird thing is that with our forward line not working at all that we keep playing as though we have serious targets up there. My guess is that Goodwin is trying to ingrain a method of play that will work once T Mac returns. Unfortunately that does not explain why we played down the line against Richmond, but it's my optimistic guess that this season will recover once we regain our structure.

    Maybe a more experienced coach (Clarkson) would come up with a strong alternative short term approach but I hope what's going on is what I said above...teaching the players an aggressive forward approach that will hold up long term.



    Clarkson coaching Melbourne is just the Messiah complex. Clarkson is just a naughty boy. We absolutely need TMac, Jay Viney, Jack and Todd Viney back on the pitch.

  3. Why is Dusty given free reign with his arm-blocking tactics when it is barred as a strategy in ruck contests (Big Maxy). Why doesn't our club, any club - employ some martial arts dude to teach players to grab Dusty's wrist and draw him forward so he  loses balance. Really embarassing watching his triple fend off last night. Take away the don't argue and dusty is just another player.

    • Like 1
  4. On 17/04/2018 at 11:10 AM, old dee said:

    This always amuses me dm.

    I don't believe it matters a tinkers curse what we supporters think or say on here about him. Probably does not even know we exist.

    He will make it on ability or he wont our support does not matter.


    Tinker's cuss

  5. 6 hours ago, jnrmac said:

    Lyon says melbourne "needs to explain"... err no they dont.

    And the last time you got involved in the club dipstick you helped set us back 8 years.


    Gary Lyon is an all-time great of the MFC and he can errrr, say what he likes.

    • Like 2
  6. On 17/03/2018 at 6:24 PM, Lucifer's Hero said:

    Agreed.  For some reason our customer service has been a bit lacking this year.  Lots of anecdotes throughout this thread on issues re membership packs: cards, scarves etc. 

    Add to that DL commentary in the last few days on our website:  lacking training times for the last month/yesterday's work out at Casey, lacking twitter advice of those, lacking advice of today's VFL practice game times - fair contingent of AFL players selected for it,  lack of Twitter feed on said practice game (People were posting from the BH site onto DL).  Not to mention the 'Get your finals tickets' fiasco last year when we didn't make the finals. 

    I'm with you, if we make communications with the club, using its website etc good experiences they can only help keep the members we have.

    We got a call from Clayton Oliver, which prompted an early renewal. All our bling and glitter duly delivered. No complaints.

    • Like 3
  7. 3 hours ago, red&blue1982 said:

    Slightly of topic, do Hawthorn who have 1902 on the back of the shirts now really date back that far?

    They came into VFL 1924 or '25. Percy Cerutty got them running up sand hills in 1960 and the rest is history.

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  8. Watch for teams in game 1 having built up a lead by 3)4 time then coasting - and dragging off stars in the last quarter, whilst punters make their dash for the car park or Richmond station at the 20 minute mark, quite unedifying. What would the ticket price be for three games and what kind of stupidity/sleight of hand fashioned this marketing ploy anyway.

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