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Posts posted by Trisul

  1. Mills' hard hard work over the years is paying off.

    Used to regularly watch the NBA on SBS way back when. Loved it.

    Haven't watched a game in quite a while now though and couldn't tell you more than half a dozen player names league wide.

    The important names haven't been forgotten. Dumars, Thomas, Laimbeer, Rodman, Edwards, Aguirre.

  2. But what if the new one is the old one, but clearer?

    You were attached to a song, just not the song.

    "Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around the eyes, look into my eyes. [click] You're under!"

  3. Why are so many people picking Sellar?

    The guy was dumped by Adelaide

    Has play a couple of average games

    And suddenly he is everyone's CHB.

    There aren't too many options there Old, who would you prefer?

    I would prefer that the defenders are able to work to their talent / niche without being burdened with gorilla minding - where possible.

  4. Next year will be interesting when there's a basketball ring at the top of each goal post, worth 1 million points if you kick it in one of them I believe.

    Kick it in from outside 50 and you are the king of Moomba the following year.

    We used to play 'board footy' on the asphalt basketball court back in the day. Wings had no boundries. 1 point for hitting the backboard, 6 for hitting the basket, 10 through the basket. Tackles were interesting, torps a decent quick option, and 'following the arc' drop punts scoring off the rim sublime.

    Really enjoyed the NAB match. Jones, in particular, was fantastic.

  5. Look at the forward line of last year. Thankfully very different to the 2012 model.

    How far did you factor that in out of interest?

    Double the output better? Or, 50% better forward and back? 33% better forward, mid, and back?

    Most of the changes between 2011 and now will have positive impacts, but when?

    Won't most of them also have short term pain? Clark barrelling into Watts, average press application that gets run through / kicked over .. etc, etc.

    To answer your question, a little - building through the first 11 rounds. Just as the short term pain starts high and mostly fades away.

    The major presumption in all this though, if we are to win more than three games of these eleven, is that the top eight from last year has regressed enough that our improvements from 13th will see us out perform them. My computer says No.

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