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Posts posted by Trisul

  1. Garlands goal in the square

    ..from a great wait-and-assess-while-harrassed-then-nail-the-option ('waawhtnto') pass from Jones - whose 2nd effort boundry snap earlier on was also brilliant.

    Rivers was it for me. The hard body, desperate lunge and clear to a team-mate time an again esp. in the last.

    • Like 1
  2. .. The next AGM should be interesting. ..

    I wonder if questions and their scope will also be limited by request next AGM.

    Need made some calls at the AGM, three months ago, that appear off the mark.

    Eg (poster quotes), 'We will by round 1 have done enough work to be able to compete.', 'the players will be fit enough and have the right conditions to produce their best.'

  3. What Neeld wants is one thing. What he is able to achieve is quite another.

    People talk about giving Neeld the same chance as Bailey...

    What, an under resourced FD,

    a CEO and FDM that undercut at every opportunity,

    a coaching group on coppers and pence,

    a gym of a bike and a few possums,

    a List Manager at the END of his tenure?

    Under that kind of shizen, Bailey, over 4 years, had 10 wins over the first 11 rounds.

    Neeld will not have 1.

  4. Better get rid of ALL our players then seeing very few are performing so far...


    .Morton 48 12.0 32 8.0 80 20.0 25 06.3 56 14.0 12 3.0 13 3.3 5 1.3 14 3.5 15 3.8 5 1.3 4

    Moloney 43 10.8 27 6.8 70 17.5 46 11.5 25 06.3 10 2.5 06 1.5 0 0.0 31 7.8 13 3.3 4 1.0 4


    k=kicks, H=handballs, d=disposals, cp=contested, up=uncontested, c=clangers,

    m=marks, ho=hitouts, cl=clearances, t=tackles, 1=1%'ers, ga=goal assists

    So should whipping boy Morton be averaging more..






    than our reigning B&F winner / top 10 brownlow'er, in 2012?

  5. Is anyone else noticing a large increase in illegal blocks? Have the rules around this changed?

    *Warning: If your internet is capped low, it's probably best if you don't continue.

    Go here: http://www.afl.com.a...76/default.aspx

    Then: click page 2, select MFC vs STK Q1, wait x minutes / make a coffee (depending on net speed / video quality selected) for the whole quarter to cache, click to 27:50 mark and watch the slow-mo from the pocket camera.

    Macdonald is blocked ~35m from the kicker and ~10m+ from the receiver. Is the ball within 5 metres at any time during the two-stage block? The more I watched that 'set play' the more blantant it seemed.

    (sorry about the click and wait .. I'd already watched the quarter at the time I put it on loop to have a look. maybe someone can youtube it)

  6. To add to my earlier post referencing:

    Or you concede that the other bloke beats you to the ball . You then tackle him .

    IMO that would be unacceptable to any coach.

    ..and could well lead to Rohan-like outcomes. I'm pretty sure that that was his plan.

    Brown got a snapped legged. It will happen again unless they outlaw smothering.

    But yeah, we disagree. Especially on the solving the 'flow on' of outlawing much of the contest by outlawing more.

  7. My argument centre's on going in for the ball feet first / studs up .

    I know. However the only other method I can think of that would guarantee Thomas possession of the ball would be head first. What does he do? Is that a desirable option? Would the MRP tripple double back flip and cite them both in my hypothetical?

    Interesting that not many have a problem with Goodes being outed for coming in with his knees .

    Goodes clearly took the cheap opportunity to double corky (and/or bonus damge) and take out the opposition. He has done this (cheap opportunity) many times.

  8. Hadn't seen/heard it. Then I was watching Garry and co. replay it over and over, yet couldn't understand why (the digital sound was cutting in and out in some poor weather). They'll have to go retrospective soon - re outcome over intent - if they want to take it any further.

    'You did damage to your opponent on the day last week (even though you had eyes for the ball), and duly copped a 3 week suspension.

    Further scans have revealed associated head trauma. Your suspension has been increased to 8 weeks.'

  9. I don't know where to find this stuff.

    I used the afl stats pages (http://www.afl.com.a....aspx#page=team) which has improved a bit over the years, then manually crunched the numbers. Be sure to click the More Stats option (to the right of the season, round and match drop-downs) to de/select the stats you dont/do want to see. Note that the maximum of 12 stats displayed is also the default number selected. Therefore you have to start by removing existing stats before you can add your own.

  10. Sorted by i50 below -- Sorted by GPi50

    LP CLB i50 GS GPi50 -- LP CLB i50 GS GPi50

    =================== -- ===================

    01 WCE 199 69 (.35) -- 01 WCE 199 69 (.35)

    06 KAN 194 63 (.32) -- 05 STK 145 49 (.34)

    02 CAR 188 59 (.27) -- 07 HAW 164 54 (.33)

    04 ESS 186 45 (.24) -- 06 KAN 194 63 (.32)

    03 SYD 177 44 (.25) -- 11 GEE 162 45 (.28)

    08 ADE 171 42 (.25) -- 12 PAD 134 38 (.28)

    07 HAW 164 54 (.33) -- 17 MEL 110 31 (.28)

    11 GEE 162 45 (.28) -- 02 CAR 188 59 (.27)

    10 RCH 160 40 (.25) -- 14 BRS 117 31 (.26)

    09 FRE 156 36 (.23) -- 13 COL 150 37 (.25)

    15 WBD 154 26 (.17) -- 10 RCH 160 40 (.25)

    13 COL 150 37 (.25) -- 03 SYD 177 44 (.25)

    05 STK 145 49 (.34) -- 08 ADE 171 42 (.25)

    12 PAD 134 38 (.28) -- 16 SUN 127 30 (.24)

    16 SUN 127 30 (.24) -- 04 ESS 186 45 (.24)

    14 BRS 117 31 (.26) -- 09 FRE 156 36 (.23)

    18 GWS 114 23 (.20) -- 18 GWS 114 23 (.20)

    17 MEL 110 31 (.28) -- 15 WBD 154 26 (.17)

    Orders within groups on GPi50 sorting may not be accurate re manual rounding.

  11. I think some people forget wyl we have been around since then.

    While nothing might be a little strong it is not far off that.

    There are days when I wish the merger with Hawthorn had gone through.

    Imagine how happy we would be tonight.

    Do you think, OD:

    That those of us that haven't seen ONE premiership aren't aware of this?

    That we are happy with that?

    That 'nothing', re achievements, is an accurate rewriting of history?

  12. Don't sugar coat the statement Trident. We have achieved no cups since '64. That is the aim of the club, or should be.

    We have been so wide of that mark.

    OK. Not going to [censored]-4-tat beyond this reply. The Statement was simply "We have achieved nothing since '64"

    If you meant to say, "We have not achieved a premiership since 1964" then you would be 100% correct. Otherwise, sorry, but you're full of [censored].

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