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Posts posted by Trisul

  1. Will be there,

    Parking should be fine really, especially if you get there even a bit early. The roads inbound through Cranbourne / Clyde can do get congested.

    Edit: Got to one game at quarter time last year and had to park in the area behind the goals instead of behind the stands but that was a 5 minute walk instead of a 2 minute walk.

  2. At the time as much was said about Grimes. To this day people moan about expectations etc, et al, yet refuse point blank to acknowledge that Grimes, even as a raw recruit, displayed said qualities,

    All strike me as young men with their heads screwed on right and born leaders, each looking like developing into really good footballers, if they're not already.

  3. i ride for leisure and exercise. ive done a number of Vics and Interstaters. I only mention this so as to suggest I do actually like bikes

    I also live on the Nepean Hwy bayside. I can tell yo that the vast majority of cyclists are good. I can also tell you theres a fair share of arrogant sh!theads who's sole goal it would seem is to fight some sort of war agaisnt cars and paying users of roads.

    Cyclists pay for nothing. Lets get that clear. They pay no licence, they have to PASS no licence. They pay no insurance. I say THIS so as to highlight the inbalance between positions. The minute you get a small handful together they seem to think theyre a peloton on the Tour !!

    As is often the way a minority spoil it for the rest. This lot do a really good job of it too.

    Roads were designed for cars. It just so happens bikes use them too. Where theres a bike path /lane then the road has been designed also for bikes.

    I & ii - So, you pay for nothing, bub? iii -Or chariots, or .. everyone?

  4. What colour?


    It has been my experience over the last 5 years on Land that 'RED' is in the eye of the beholder...

    Well .. what can be said. If you truly believe that the MFC has worn RED in the last five years then there is no helping you.

  5. Well that's looks like the Essendon 'red' which most of you were wishing we had...

    I will say it again - you guys don't know what you want.

    Red, R E D. Not pink, not orange, not vermillion. RED.

  6. you must have been asleep

    it now takes new members and better still it has the correct time, otherwise the resurrection is ongoing

    Enter user name (3-20 characters) - ok, 'Hell123'

    Your username must be at least 5 characters long. - hmmmm, okay... 'HellDemon'

    Your username must be at least 5 characters long. - meh

  7. The roads are really dangerous for cyclists these days. Few motorists know sufficient laws to keep themselves and others safe in a car, let alone the regulations applicable to cyclists. Fewer still even care - might versus right. I was down towards Inverloch around new years and the number of cars that overtook cyclists on blind corners at 80+ k/h was distressing. Also, If you're travelling 'bush', how about looking at the tourist info first that says quite clearly that the 84th annual road race is on and plan accordingly. Beach road? What, you mean the cycling mecca that's been that way for almost a century?

    Everyone needs to lift thier game. People on bikes are not good cyclists, just like people in cars are not good drivers. In the CBD from 4pm through to 7pm a surprisingly large number of people on bikes attempt to get home. Most have some form of lighting, although those that don't, in the middle of winter where everything is dark grey at 5pm, are in my opinion suicidal. Many also wear black on black with black trim. Also in my opinion suicidal. I was recently abused crossing Little Lonsdale. My fault was not looking right twice (the wrong way) for the cyclist wearing black, with no lights, speeding (road is 40 limitied) down a one way street. The moron came very close to cleaning me up and then abused and blamed me, Almost also got run down in Rathdowne by a pretty girl on a pretty bike that decided the pedestrian crossing with the little green man going didn't apply to her. Ran over my feet. 'After you' I said. She didn't say a word, just kept on going.

    And so castles made of.. wait. Where was my rant?

    Hope the backs holding up while all the other bits mend mate.

    • Like 1
  8. Hope Oprah asks all the right questions and I hope Armstrong doesn't try and justify his actions .

    He's never been interested in justifying his actions.

    That's why he is where he is, and why he needs someone with Oprahs influence and reach to remind everyone its all about him.

  9. Didn't know that. Makes sense but leaves the new players a long way behind. It must be a double shock to the system to face the massive work load and to be a couple of months behind everyone else. Even worse for rookie draft picks.

    Perhaps it's time for the AFL/AFLPA/AIS/feeder leagues/etc to approve/design some base 'AFL entry level' fitness programs and provide some support staff to manage that 'competition transition' for those players who nominate for the drafts. A more formalised approached should provide the players with a greater understanding of and comfort-level with their requirements. Perhaps this already occurs to some degree.. I've not really seen it detailed.

  10. Ok where did you get that info? Im pretty sure its 35k, I will ask Cam today, hopefully he'll tell me.

    Digging for it. Will update this post.

    Edit: hrrm. I've only found a few demonland threads with assertions ranging from 16k-22k. Could've sworn there was a article or two on the matter that I haven't found yet.

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