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Posts posted by Trisul

  1. I reckon for all intensive purposes on the new coach possibility, that Ross Lyon be typed as RL and Garry Lyon as GL. Only because reading Lyon says that Lyon is doing this or that it can get a little confusing, :wacko:

    Confucious say, 'Man who purposes with intensiveness holds himself hostage to desire.'

  2. What are you trying to achieve by kicking these guys while there down?

    What, like Bruce kicking the MFC while it was down? Did that stance flow through to the Geelong game, at all?

    At least those two left when the going got luke-warm, and didn't try and pretend to be leaders.

    Probably shortened their own careers too. Careers.com.au.

  3. Blame? I'd shake Bailey's hand for driving that soft pretender out of our club, no blame, praise.

    "Soreness" yeah, sore nerves.

    If we were in a final this week, Bruce would be Cpt or Vice leading us out. Can't crack a spot at Hawthorn.

    That's how far we still have to go.

  4. In 2009 we were also intent on developing the NQRs.

    And Martin was one of them.

    Yes, to a degree, and no.

    In 2009 24 players played 10 or more games.

    Davey 22, Moloney 21, Morton 21, Jones 20, Bate 20, Frawley 20, Rivers 20, Bruce 19, McLean 19, Martin 19, McDonald 18, Petterd 18,

    Johnson 18, Sylvia 17, Miller 17, Warnock 17, Bennell 16, Bartram 15, Jetta 15, Dunn 13, Robertson 13, Green 12, Cheney 12, Grimes 11, Whelan 10

    Of that list, I've bolded players with 3 or fewer seasons experience at that time (33%), and italicised delistings/trades/retirements (33%).

    He may have been injured in 2010 but he was still an NQR, and he was headed for a delisting.

    He was taking away PJ's position as a second year 19 game player in 2009.

    Edit: Spent an hour looking for video of a play of his in 2009, that I've posted here about before. Land only allows searches to 2010 though, and google was not my friend. :(

    Edit2: Somehow didn't note Juniors category.. adjusted along with delistings/trades/retirements %

  5. Fair enough Gareth. I appreciate your position. However;

    Did Neitz going the cab driver kill the MFC?

    Did .. scurrilous rumours .. regarding an MFC post season function with the fab 6 (whatever) kill the MFC?

    His contract is his contract. Or do we advocate / invoke the contracts are for shmucks clause?

    If his contract specifies a parking ticket as a terminable event, he's terminated. And?

    "Does the positive outweigh the potential negative?

    Not for me. "

    What is that?

  6. I worry about the possible fracturing effect it could have on a united playing group.

    If Fev were to endear himself to a section of the playing group, and then commit a minor indiscretion... what would the club do?

    I assume they'd send him packing, and stick to their no tolerance policy, but it would be at the risk of dividing a playing group, many of whom could think he was being dealt with too harshly for such a minor infraction.

    What would fairly constitute crossing the line? If Fev were to get a parking ticket, and then the players lose their new friend and teammate, what then? Would you expect them to all be happy with this result?

    The effect of adding him to the playing group, and then swiftly removing him - would this not provide a distraction and upset the balance of the list?

    It would appear to me that a similar thing happened with the playing group at the bulldogs last season when dealing with Akermanis.


    Pray tell, why is Sylvia stil with the MFC if the prospect of an MFC player getting a parking ticket (cough) or somesuch and being removed from the list is so mortifying?

    The hyperbole in this thread truly is amazing.

  7. Forget about trade bait; if Martin's year this year was like his year last year then he'd have shoved Matty Warnock and Addam Maric out of the way for first to be delisted, and his career would've been finished.

    He was definitely on the rocks at the start of this year, that's what makes his improvement all the more spectacular.

    Erm, he only managed 2 games in an injury wrecked 2010...

    Edit: When we were intent on developing the NQRs/youngsters...

    Edit 2: 2009 - 19 games. 2011 - 20 games...

  8. Really like him (Martin). He still can't hold a mark like he should but he's taking a lot more of them.

    Perhaps given his previous injuries, and Jamars this season, it's more a case of an opportunity to shine than improvement. At least I think so.

    His ace is his speed / agility / hand-eye (frame doesn't hurt). We saw that years ago. Certainly impacting more games.

    I'd go with Watts.

  9. They weren't far off the pace today.

    This is what gets me. Some have even referred to the Subi game, in direct comparison to the ES game, as a debacle.

    At Subi we:

    Won 1 quarter.

    Lost by exactly 9 goals.

    Had 22 scoring shots at goal.

    Had 1450 games experience WCE had 1920.

    Travelled and played in front of a hostile 38,000 strong crowd.

    Had Bail, Jurrah, Gysberts, Grimes, Green, Bennell, Wonaeamirri (103 games + Brad Green (300))

    At ES we:

    Won 1 quarter.

    Lost by exactly 8 goals.

    Had 17 scoring shots at goal.

    Had 1477 games experience WCE had 1900.

    Didn't travel and played in front of a partisan, if subdued, 15,000 strong crowd.

    Had Macdonald, Nicholson, Scully, Petterd, McKenzie, Howe, Blease (146 games + Joel Macdonald (106))

    No doubt the ES game was better than the two preceeding.

    The second quarter though was horrible. In fact it was worse than any Subi quarter.

    If we weren't far off the pace, was it a similar result at Subi in April?

  10. Let's just ignore the fact that he'll take up a spot on the list of some kid who has even the slightest chance of being a part of our future. Let's also forget the fact that a portion of the funds the club is seemingly so desperate for from supporters to pay their players will go towards paying 31-year-old menace. Let's forget the fact that he'll stifle the development of forwards (i.e. Jeremy Howe, Liam Jurrah, Jack Watts) who are young and need an opportunity. Let's ignore the fact that when, not if, Brendan screws up again, the MFC 'brand' will suffer further damage (in light of the events of the past few weeks). Let's also forget the fact that to hire a 31-year-old would be equivalent to spitting in the face of players, such as James McDonald, who were given the boot due to a youth policy that seemingly would not exist were we to hire Fevola.

    Seriously man? I could go on...

    So you're saying that there is NO chance that he could replace a senior (+25) on the (full) list? Senior positions filled and 100% effective playing full seasons? 75%?

    He's already taking a spot at Casey where, apparently, in a newfound hardness we will be relegating players to (at least for one game) if they dont perform, AND we're supposedly planning on building them up more in the VFL until they're 'ready' so .. he'll be taking their spots anyway staying with Casey? Granted he could be picked up by another club.

    Funds? Doesn't the AFL have a serious clubs-will-pay-100%-of-tpp policy in motion? So we pay the 8 odd mill regardless of who is on the list?

    Stifle development? If he's performing well enough (across the board) he'll be in the seniors and not at Casey, freeing up the FF position for developing forwards. Granted he could be picked up by another club.

    Did the Tiger Brand suffer damage with Cousins? Did he add to the bottom line? Arizona? Fundraising is important - across multiple streams. Is it Fevs problem the club aired its dirty laundry?

    I'm sorry, but I thought we abondoned the development policy when we dumped Bailey because the team lost by too much? Isn't that why Jurrah is at Casey? Why senior players that were selected sporadically through much this year now find themselves locked in? If you have another explanation I'd be keen to hear it.

    I'm not even FOR Fev. Though not AGAINST.

  11. I see it as justification of the decision to end Bailey's tenure - we were not improving - and when you come to that decision you may as well let everyone know and move on.

    I'm beating a well dead horse, but didn't the club (ie multiple people higher than the coach, in club representative roles) say on numerous occasions that 2011 was another development year and we wouldn't be apologising for that?

    edit: never mind the elephant. nothing to see, move along.

  12. Hg45. Because it comes AFTER the last 2 weeks. No response. No hey let's get some pride back. Just [censored] it I can't be [censored] running back into defence. Na I CBf laying a shepherd. Drives me nuts.

    Nah, I won't tackle with intent I'll just give his boobs a slap as he goes past, that'll stuff 'im! Plus, boobs.

  13. Watts winning the B&F would be a nice touch to finish off a crappy year.

    Yes.. and no. If you're a "don't be negative" type please just skip to the next post.

    I wish him all the best, as no doubt all MFC supporters do. Have no problem with Jack, or his progression.

    However an elite? 40 game player (at seasons end) getting the nod over players with 238, 148 (injured alot / poor form), 124, 119, 110, 106, TEN other players, games experience ...

    Ie from 25% to 500% more experience?!

    The future is bright. The now is depressing.

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