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Posts posted by Trisul

  1. Amazing number of posts in less than 6 months Satyriconhome - do you have another working life?

    Nowhere near the record.. point not withstanding.

    "If you hate seeing your team struggle, pay your membership if you want, but stay home, and stop whingeing on here"

    ^^ Really is good mental health advice imo. Maybe not the best strident supporter / enabler / disabler pacifier.

  2. Nothing!

    TSFKA - please don't take this the wrong way, but the gifs are losing their impact and it's getting to the point that pages take ages to load. If you are who I think you are I've supported your gif talent elsewhere but overload takes its toll. (this is not a bump)

    • Like 2
  3. Perhaps Neeld hasn't actually changed, but media hero's and keyboard warriors who have been type casting the coach and assuming his message and game plan was just a copy of Malthouse circa 2010 were actually wrong in their assessment (much of which is not based on any real info).

    Just being a devils advocate...

    I'm unsure of Neeld and have been for the majority of his tenure.

    Just wanted to say that it's good to see you posting deanox vs on the currently viewing list.

  4. My father was a Demons supporter. My grandmother was a Hawks supporter.

    It was a close call for a young kid - Irish grandmothers are not to be trifled with (Mrs Brown's Boys is rather appropriate),

    Somewhere around that time Leigh Matthews king hit someone behind play. I told my grandmother that her captain was a thug and that I'd be supporting the Demons.

    Don't think she ever quite forgave me for that. Hopefully before I hit 50 I'll be able to forgive myself.

  5. As an enterprise team lead providing production support I must say;

    Applying an update late in the night, by the admin ( ? ) ,in a high load period, prior to a backup, without support involvement ( ? ) is a really poor choice. That's being as nice as possible .

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