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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. Yes the MFC is relying heavily on the donations and generosity of supporters - but isn't this what supporters do for their club? Somehow I get the impression that your the type of person who wouldn't ask for help under any circumstances. Richmond at the start of June this year raised over $5 million from their Fighting Tiger Fund, which I understand is now at $6 million, and will continue to 2013. Donations are not a new form of supporting an AFL club. It is practiced by several clubs other than us. We are fighting a difficult battle but we are not by any measure losing. This is the crux of all your arguments on this thread - its almost like you want us to lose. You can continue with this out look, whereas my self and my peers, will continue to support the club both through donations and on forums like this. To paraphrase MN, your either with us or not - might I suggest if you choose the latter Collingwood? You seem to like them.
  2. TO be honest this thread has gone crazy. We posted a modest, but consecutive profit under considerable circumstances, which is amazing considering other clubs (*cough* Brisbane, Geelong, Western Bulldogs *cough*). Be happy with this. If you have some preference with either the Gardner or Stynes Board take it somewhere else. But know this - both boards do this work mostly pro bono and to help the MFC - neither would risk cooking the books. This is the best statement I can make being bipartisan.
  3. Within the rules that us regular posters have to comply with? Welcome to the internet
  4. Kevin Sheedy "I dont think the Prime Minister is on $900,000, she runs the country" in regards to why he thinks Kurt Tippett wasnt worth signing. Tell me Kevin... who was player on the largest contract for which team last year?!? God I find the man insufferable. Almost as bad as when he was saying Israel Folau could have been a great player - FFS HE PLAYED FOR TWO YEARS AND IN THAT TWO YEARS PLAYED 13 GAMES AND 2 TACKLES - speaking of, how much was he paid and for what!
  5. It was more an attack on his weight. From what I've read there isn't any room for him anymore under AD's new direction. I think that this helps with us though
  6. Far fetched, still think he is being squeezed out of the room by big AD. Pretty easy to imagine...
  7. Ah, ye olde classic "stick my head in the sand and everything will go away/I don't know what to rebut because I've been burnt worse than a primary school Chinese burn so I'll type some silly contradicting sentence" tactic. Keep it up champ, you'll get there one day... Actually on second thought maybe not...
  8. Your comparison of Collingwood and Melbourne is a hyperbole. It is not an accurate comparison as you are comparing the most profitable team against one of the least profitable team. Sure we opperate in the same industry but there are stark contrasts in assets, liabilities, expenditure, turnover, profit and every other accounting figure and ratio under the sun and differences at membership levels and on field performance - all of which you have conveniently failed to mention. If "our lack of financial resources inhibits our ability to compete" then why has Collingwood only beaten us by an average of 30 points over the past 4 games? They made 101 times our profit, dont you think this margin should be bigger? For example, Geelong made only 4 times more profit than us (tiny compared to Collingwood), but they beat us once by 186 points. Our on poor field performance isnt down to our finances, its down to our players. Stop tying to draw correlations between the two, stop using hyperboles, and stop trying to compare turnover and profit. Got it? Simple.
  9. Lol, when have we ever had a decent start to the year? But I'm happy to see "alleged tanking" rather than "Demons tanked". You have to remember that the media is driving this, but at the end of the day they dont decide, and if the Tippitt and Adelaide salary cap precedent is any measure the AFL is becoming more conservative and would rather punish the individual people involved (if any), not the club. Plus add AD's original statements and not wanting to look like an idiot. Re the dark cloud refer to MN's recent comment about tanking, why would an investigation into something that happened 3 years ago affect their training
  10. Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity. Both of you are wrong when it comes to your interpretation: Supportive members who donate a lot should not be looked at as a weakness and I don't think anyone views the generosity of supporters as a long term solution for keeping our heads above water This is not an impossible battle. The AFL is moving into a two tier industry but the AFL is motioning to help reduce this and with better performance from the players we will be on the right side of the fence Dont start comparisons of clubs, particularly clubs who aren't comparable, without acknowledging differences in assets, liabilities, ect.
  11. His constant "last time" concerts created my favourite saying - "doing a Johnny Farnham". That fan who sued unfortunately lost... misleading in my mind Almost up there with "doing a Mel Gibson" (when someone blames something they did on alcohol) Ps, Anyone noticed his concerts were conveniently situated around tax time?
  12. Not that simple. With such vague allegations, rules, and evidence this is going to be like herpies for the dees... It will go away but it will always be lingering in the background, occasionally coming back.
  13. They also took another 30% drop from 2005 - 2007 If you look over the past 10 years they have had significantly more members for 7 years... Reflects well for our supporters given everything we have gone through since 2008
  14. I'll be really interested in having a look at their fiancial report when they post it. With a membership base of around 20,000, finishing 13th, long-term sponsors like Suncorp, their membership increasing at the Lions@springfield club and AFL piggy backing them as they aren't a Vic team there has to be something happening that we can't see yet - most likely some serious debt/membership decrease Here is their membership history over the past 5 years: 2008, 23,073 [+0.03%] 2009, 26,324 [+12.3%] 2010, 29,014 [+9.3%] 2011, 20,792 [-39.5%] - boom 2012, 20,762 [-0.14%]
  15. I thought this might help people put things into perspective. 2012 Result/Team/Membership No./2012 Net Profit or Loss(-) 1) Hawthorn, 60,841, $2,023,720 6) Geelong, 40,200, -$996,000 (Doug Wade stand write off of $1.3m) 8) North Melbourne, $1,193,080 (reduced debt by $1m) 9) St Kilda, -$436,818 10) Carlton, 45,800, -$683,799 11) Essendon, 47,708, $401,429 (High performance center write off of $11.9m) 12) Richmond, 53,072, $3,017,791 (still has substantial debt of $1.9m) 13) Brisbane Lions, -$2,513,262 14) Port Adelaide, -$2,117,071 15) Western Bulldogs, -$136,679 (reduced debt by $600,000) 16) Melbourne, 35,459, $77,619 Its interesting that we are the only team in the bottom 6 to post a profit. With increased performance, you can be sure that this modest profit figure will increase and help for 2014's fixture with hopefully a friday night game, which will again increase revenue. We aren't there yet my any measure, but what a foundation for next season. No debt, small profit, new recruits, better training facilities, and first propper pre-season with coaching staff.
  16. Ex-son? It's his money and I guess he can do what he wants with it... Like its your house and you've been dying for room for a home cinema/man cave [wink wink]
  17. True, I was worried we would have everything thrown at us - kitchen sink and all - because of what happened to Carlton who were made an example of with salary cap breaching. With most of the focus being on Adelaide/Tippett, the draft over and the latest ruling on Adelaide I have a good feeling about all of this. ... However I'm sure Caro can conjure up some she-devil magic and write some more bullsh1t
  18. Have cheques started coming in the mail yet? It's been a few years for me... I think when I was wishing I forgot to give them my address :S
  19. ^^ sorry for all the spellimg mistakes my phone likea to lay the game lets see how hard we can make it for me to type and randomly starts sentances in diferrent words and not let me ammend them
  20. I think you are all missing the point. I understand why LJ had to cut and run from the MFC but i thi. there are a range of issues here that none of us will understand. His career is on a knifes edge and he is a football player - has to make an income and be near home. It will take a while till this issue geta towards the point end of thibgs but let us remember rhat LJ wasnt a hack, he was a sharp tool in the shed and was a cut above the rest. It was knife to know him and i wish him the best of luck in his endevours.
  21. Not all teams improve, want a good example Carlton: 2011 - 4th, Carlton 2012 - 10th.
  22. Ill admit I have a crack at him every now and then, but Flash is one of my favourite players at the MFC. In terms of attitude he is one of the most modest and all round good blokes I have met and had a chat to - absolute leader and role model. But he needs to lift his game. In terms of the stats you've listed he looks good on paper but off the play he always seems like the last one out of the pack and his sprints somehow seem to be always delayed and lacks the earlier pressure he used to make. Hopefully a new Flash in 2013
  23. Lol I wonder if that was what Voss thought when he recruited Fev!
  24. I guess an easy mistake to make when the drafts have such long reference numbers. I was thinking to myself earlier i wonder how many mistakes are made. Thanks redleg
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