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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. I'd like to see Watts played forward before I jump to any conclusions. I've always defended him, but latey I haven't been that impressed. When I've watched him at the games he always seems to be the last in last out, hasn't provided any pressure or sheperds, hardly spreads, often calls for lazy handballs in worse situations, and my god he is slow - and that particularly annoys me the most because we know he was one of the quickest in a sprint at the club. The only positive was that he took more than 50% of our contested marks and kicked a cople that time he played in the forward line earlier in the season. Ironic, he is starting to remind me more and more of Travis Johnstone... also #1 pick drafted 10 years prior in 1997, so much talent, so little effort
  2. Regardless if it was given for an indeginous program, as mentioned previously, the school does a number of indeginous programs and community service. The kid clearly deserves it, stop making this about the colour of his skin. Everything you have said doesn't excuse your asinine comments on his skin colour and heritage, and that if it was for an indeginous program it should have gone to a darker kid.
  3. Where does it say he was given the scholarship as part of an indigenous program?
  4. I dont know why its relevant. You used a pretty bias stat - that all I called you out on. I'm not suggesting anything. Hypothetically if I made a poor choice appointed a poor coach, I wouldn't retain him purely because it would not look good to sack a coach before his contract is up. However in application I think there are some key differences: I dont think MN is a poor coach (he has made some poor decisions), I think there is a bigger picture than just MN (ie, needs to be expanded to players and FD department), and we are rebuilding (ie, not a perfect world like your hypothetical).
  5. Melbourne Grammar do give scholarships to kids in developing communities - the biggest of which every year they provide a scholarship to a partnership school in PNG and they also give scholarships to indigenous kids from around Australia. They also undertake two annual Northern Territory trip and help out local communities, one football and one normal trip. He is right, rural schools don't have the funds to spend on resources as private schools, and he is more likely to be scouted at a school in the city. Ellis (Hawthorn), Hawkins (Geelong), May (GCS), Rioli (Hawthorn) - all kids from private schools, two of them premership winners, two of them indigenous, three of them on scholarships, three from rural areas, three of them from Melbourne Grammar. I think it's a bit rich for you to sit there and say that the kid is white and then if the school is serious about indigenous wellfare then why dont they give scholarships to kids in poorer communities - when you clearly dont know what the school does, and if they are serious about footy go for a LJ instead of him. They have given a scholarship to a deserving kid.
  6. I went back to our last premership, and also I'm not the one who raised MN. All I did was call you on your statistic that the Neeld is our 3rd coach in 16 years. You're right, previous coaches, such as Daniher have had more than enough time - hence why he holds the record for the longest serving AFL coach not to win a premership. If you look back all the way to our last premership: only two coaches have lasted more than 5 seasons. Don't think what you have said accurately reflects the coaching turnaround... Pretty bias stat
  7. From 1964 only 2 coaches have made it past 5 seasons... Daniher (10) who you conviently used in your stat old dee and Northey (6). I had a look at a handfull of clubs and the only one who could match us was St. Kilda, the rest had lower turnaround rates.
  8. Don't know if you're trying to be witty or funny but that is in poor taste.
  9. I'd pick Viney (captain) as #1... because when he jumps in a pool he doesn't get wet - the water gets viney'd. Followed by Yze, Robinson, Farmer and Howe for some theatrics Then the rest would be our usual flops, Johnstone, Morton, Cook, Bennell, and Bate Sub... Woewodin (got to have a 'star' in there) For a coach I'd definately have MN for a bit of controversy... or a bit of inspiration for players to jump
  10. He contributed no effort, was injured and was home sick. Great player but wasnt that hard to improve You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink!
  11. Is Sylvia a restriced or unrestriced free agent?
  12. Travis Johnstone?... just joking. I know I will get some hate for this but what about Brock McLean? Playing better at Carlton than he did with us. Bruce, Miller, Johnstone, Petterd, $cully - all on par or worse.
  13. Is Sylvia an unrestriced free agent or restricted free agent?
  14. ... My god I forgot how smuggy his face was. He might be moved to #1... currently in contention with K Rudd
  15. I just don't like them because they all for some reason have a smug look on their faces...
  16. God I hate Dale Thomas... ranks #5 on my top 5 people I dont like list: Keff Kenett Kanye West Caroline Wilson Koshie Dale Thomas Haven't met any of them, but like a true keyboard warrior I still hate them nonetheless.
  17. Only issue is that the AFL have no vested interest in us unlike expansion clubs We are just another Victorian team they would rather get rid of to another state so they can expand their market...
  18. Media has already started to shape the show down, The Age last week was running a story about it 6 weeks before the round... I hope we roll them. Positives: Watts, Byrnes, Silivia, and Tommy Mac should be back - possibly Viney and Toumpas as well Negatives: 1 week is a long week in footy... let alone 6
  19. Fair call old dee. Going to be an interesting year. Going to be an even more interesting next year. Supporters have a right to be skeptical. There is a growing impatcience from supporters and what patcience is left at the end of this year will too be pressuring for better performance next year. He said he was the man with the three year plan. It's going to take three years to get out the dead weight, get draft hopefulls for the long-term and gain short-term leadership and skill from trades, and he said it's going to take three years to get us up to AFL fitness. The heat is on this year for wins, which I think is the wrong mentality. Next year will be the true test... but can supporters wait? *que Law and Order or 24 music*
  20. I'd be dead by the time Cook would be classified as a big, solid forward... I like long-term strategy but 50 years is a bit excessive
  21. Remember about the cost implications.People are acting like we can simply axe MN, pay off his contract, hire an expensive caretaker like Roos, and then pay for another experienced coach... If MN isn't coaching next year, whoever is you can bet they will be thanking him... thanking him for restructuring the list, putting up with all the flack of its impact on this years performane, improving fitness and that he has invested in better players for when the new coach comes in (ie, Toumpas, Hogan, Barry) Bit sad when you think about it. MN will cop all the flack in the world about short-term results, but I guarantee the same people won't attribute him with building the foundations of the list (Trelich, Evans, Viney, Dawes, Clark, see above for next year, ect) which will lead to better and more important long-term performance... all the new coach has to do is come in next year and take all the credit for the rebuild - something which I'm sure all the short-term, narrow minded and beligerant supporters will let him get away with. Whoever is coaching next year (MN or someone else), list wise, is getting a better list than MN inherited.
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