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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i think we would be better off using one of the many other similar incidents not the cripps one, because firstly it is quite different but more importantly most commentators and public think he was guilty and only got off because his legal team "gamed" the system. finally the afl vowed that that type of legal arguing would not be allowed in future building a case around cripps would just create a very risky can of worms
  2. i still find it very strange that the mro is entrusted to just one person. just looking for trouble.
  3. really? you need to let the umpires know 🤣
  4. i don't dislike suns either....but 12k crowd ... c'mon
  5. seem to remember they have till 11am today, but don't quote me
  6. i wonder how bing can tell where jvr eyes are looking from that video? bing must have supernatural powers. it's pretty clear however that jvr was only going for the ball under a difficult hospital kick
  7. hundreds of replies indicating appeal and outrageous, etc
  8. all this talk about where someone's eyes were pointed is all sheer rubbish. people do have good peripheral vision especially footballers. besides, from all the videos i've seen i can't see his eyes clearly anyway. people just making up this eyes argument. where is it written in the rules of the game anything about eyes what is obvious is that jvr was making a legitimate attempt to punch the ball away. full stop. and not going for the man.
  9. it was the optics of the stretcher that got jvr done over even though stuie dew said it was just precautionary by the doctors and turned out unnecessary and no concussion or injury.
  10. higgins got hit in the head by norf player coming in late, today in a marking contest. higgins marked it but didn't get a 50m, i.e. no penalty
  11. btw the mro didn't let cripps walk free, it actually gave him 2 weeks. it was the tribunal appeal that let him off
  12. you seriously asking if purple is a moron? in legal terms quod erat demonstrandum
  13. yes, and i fail to see how that part of the arm could do much damage, esp when glancing suspect he was still a bit off from the earlier accidental kozzie hit
  14. whassa madder you.....dis dain, dat dain,... who giva care
  15. here is what it sounds like in afrikaans nothing like i would have thought sticking to jvr Jacob van Rooyen.m4a
  16. you would need to develop an afrikaans accent to do it justice 😁
  17. no ferry needed, luci new stadium is located similarly to cbd as the mcg is - ie 5 min walk
  18. seemed to be a lot of empty seats. blues just broke their membership record so where were they?
  19. those blue baggers make damn fine witches hats a classic front running team
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