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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. only if you swallow yet another story from sports media may have some truth, may not. too hard to judge from here
  2. good 'ol tommy - take it to the bank that would only push up his trade value
  3. this is so boring. i can only imagine how bad it must be over at big footy
  4. setting a high price and saying they were just as happy to keep him, suggest there is some fight but at the end of the day who knows what to believe i still think their no1 option would be to retain him on a new long term contract. the window is open and the mfc need to get going now not at the end of 2019 it would seem jesse wasn't prepared to accept no1 option so this is now playing out (and good for the club being strong)
  5. we know the opp player must be 10m back from the top of the square but no mention is made of the protected area to the sides i.e. is it 10m clearance on all sides of the square or is there a virtual 10m straight line from boundary to boundary (like in nrl)?.....................this aspect was not made clear the other aspect is how long are the opp players given to clear this no-go zone, esp as the full back can play-on as soon as the goal ump acknowledges a point? also what if an opp player stays with his opponent player who stays in the no-go zone? would hate to see more confusing (and unfair) 50m penalties applied
  6. oh ffs, won't someone just do something
  7. encouraging mcc members to become mfc members (if they haven't already) by shaming or demeaning them seems pretty counteractive to me (i'm not a mcc member)
  8. so boring, can we go back to bicky-ering
  9. not really......most have their weird moments (often involving the wanchors)
  10. but only for very big people
  11. want more than sm + kk for 5, bub. may not worth 5 and kk will go for small change
  12. perhaps bell end sees himself as the wolf of wall street
  13. for 5 i'd be expecting something extra to be coming back
  14. was wondering exactly the same thing what we don't really know is how much he is influenced/controlled by his player manager
  15. we could call the the anchor biters, certainly no shin boners there
  16. thanks hardtack.................i was wondering what a biscuit was ......?
  17. i'll have to stick with arnotts royals - sheer looxury or for an everyday biccie a sultana slice or date roll
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