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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. ernie, how long have you had ocd? you need a distraction coz this thread is not doing it for you, hence my suggestion of a paramour
  2. apart from a few weeks late 2017, his stats are pretty underwhelming. can see why toiges are delisting him. a no from me Year Team # GM W-D-L KI MK HB DI GL BH HO TK RB IF CL CG FF FA BR CP UP CM MI 1% BO GA Totals 47 19-0-28 267 124 217 484 32 16 9 196 24 70 56 127 37 73 1 223 264 13 27 45 2 18 Averages 6.71 40.43% 5.68 2.64 4.62 10.30 0.68 0.34 0.19 4.17 0.51 1.49 1.19 2.70 0.79 1.55 0.02 4.74 5.62 0.28 0.57 0.96 0.04 0.38 2012 Greater Western Sydney 31 11 2-0-9 50 25 38 88 2 3 2 37 6 9 10 13 11 8 40 52 3 2 5 2 3 2013 Greater Western Sydney 31 8 0-0-8 50 21 43 93 1 1 25 3 16 10 20 5 7 40 52 1 5 3 2014 Greater Western Sydney 31 8 2-0-6 47 17 37 84 1 3 60 7 6 19 29 8 22 42 46 1 2 12 1 2015 Greater Western Sydney 31 1 0-0-1 10 3 12 22 1 1 6 3 2 4 7 4 11 10 2 1 1 2016 Richmond 21 4 2-0-2 25 17 30 55 4 19 5 11 8 15 2 8 26 29 2 2 2017 Richmond 21 5 5-0-0 32 14 17 49 16 2 19 7 2 16 5 8 1 21 24 2 8 10 2018 Richmond 21 10 8-0-2 53 27 40 93 12 7 1 30 19 3 27 6 16 43 51 4 13 10 10
  3. i think the first 5 weeks was before he (re)injured himself which then affected his flexibility
  4. can't wait to see that silverware 'side by side'
  5. i doubt it's possible to overthink the 30 year war - lol
  6. because it is preferable to a presumption of guilt especially on such very public platforms like twitter and the accusations are more of a criminal nature and can not be dismissed as banter, tasteful or otherwise, and especially when attached to a serious movement like #metoo where the press are only too happy to further publicize but i think you knew that anyway
  7. that's how we prefer it, ernie. we don't want the barbarian hordes, the nuffies and the great unwashed. it's a haven ernie not a free for all gang bang open marriage. let's keep the existing quality content, but limited to quality posters (not quantity) p.s. ernie, pull your socks up, you're on probation
  8. you're overthinking, goffy.......harmless fun
  9. you should be put out of your misere!
  10. well now that we have made this momentous milestone (ironically by ernie trying to shut it down) i feel it is somewhat of an anti-climax. there was no flashing lights, no great explosions and no phonecalls from the media sometimes the chase is more exciting than the conclusion. I hope it is different when we win our next flag
  11. We seek it here, we seek it there, Those Posters seek it everywhere. Is it in heaven? — Is it in hell? That damned, elusive Page 999
  12. i don't think he was talking about guilty court verdicts, just the principle of presumptive innocent before a fair trial even if it just plays out in the court of social media
  13. i see what you are doing, ernie, you old dog just posting to claim credit for 999 couldn't be any other reason to explain your rambling about your medical history
  14. alas, od, i'm a disgrace, i don't even have any striped pyjamas let alone a striped dressing gown
  15. jaysus......999 must be soooo close.....i can smell it............................or is that uncle bitters?
  16. keep it up......only 2 pages to go this would be a bigger crime than shooting bambi besides hwfua is still out there in afl land and probably worse for us may actually suit up for the hated dorks next time we play them, so i can still see the need for a safe haven and ernie is a well attested curmudgeon
  17. spoiler attempt or trolling? just when 1000 pages is in sight........no way i'd rather winx was retired think of the bananas, they need our support
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