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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. absolutely nothing wrong, just a bit of fun mucking around. ....but....what I don't understand is this urge to advertise it to the universe. once on the web it is there for all eternity. it just attracts all the trolls who'll give you a hard time.....
  2. well even if it comes to nowt, it will add a bit of spice to the preseason nothing wrong with dreaming.....wishing'n'hoping......and costs sfa
  3. we never take you seriously when you get all moral, dieter
  4. well who knows if (and it's a big if) his ops have fixed his problems..... then mid season seems pessimistic, and start of season sounds too optimistic so, in between......take your best bet
  5. maybe, if, the 10 weeks is applicable.......but then he is coming back with virtually no good fitness. he's still going to be quite underdone come dec 3
  6. sorry, july was 1st op. 2nd op was sept...................will try and edit prev post
  7. well starting in dec3 means he doesn't have a full preseason. he also had 2nd op in September and hasn't trained since (at least not at any serious level). he also hasn't got much fitness base from the last 4 years. he'll also start in rehab, probably for more than 4 weeks. now add all that up, and assume his ops successfully solve his calf problems, there's no way he's ready to play round 1. when he is ready he'' need to prove match fitness and skills via casey again, assuming ops successful, i'd guess his earliest start would be about 7 to 8 weeks into season. i think those speculating mid season are more pessimistic. so, let's say somewhere between round 7 and mid season for a senior debut
  8. that's how i understand it.........unless some club wants to jump over the cliff and make an offer without seeing him train
  9. inconsistency is his hallmark.....no thanks
  10. i don't see any list management connect between bennel and frost. apples and oranges. different needs and purposes
  11. mucho extra points for fitting in rebarbative, bloviate and inanities into one sentence......well played
  12. i'd forget about him way over-priced (even on an average year basis) doesn't want to even engage with us will highly upload 1st contract year to get to carlton only suns might be able to call his bluff as they have a point to make......we shall see
  13. yeah, fair point. I seem to remember discussion on this in previous years and talk of tightening up on it. seems it never happened.
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