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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. that's right charlie did nothing wrong today......not a single fumble, dropped mark nor missed snapshot on goal.....brilliant
  2. no more hokey pokey
  3. one good thing with this is that because the man on the mark is fixed it will make it easier for everyone, but especially the umpire, to see the actual mark and therefore the kicker's legal "line" this will make it easier to spot when a player goes off-line and therefore to call play-on if the umpires are going to be strict with man-on-mark then they need to be just as strict with kicker going off their line, which is something we see all too frequently, especially around the boundaries only time will tell how well umpires adjudicate both these situations
  4. seems like there is a 20m (10m either side) x 5m area where no-one allowed except man on mark. This 20m x5m area already exists. man on mark must be directly on the mark and no movement laterally or back (until ball kicked or play-on called) one can only pray that umps will apply a bit of common sense and not go 50m penalty crazy
  5. doh.....that was my initial question of jnr
  6. while we have switched to the behind the mark rules, i have to say 10m either side is a lot of real estate. players frequently retreat 20m, so that means 20 x (10 + 10) = 400m2 which is about the current size of a block of land! Go back 30m and we are talking of 600m2. And that is ignoring the 5m arc behind the player. imo the corridor should be 5m either side. Now if the opposition encroaches the corridor the umpires are savage....50m penalty. No common sense used even when breach is minor and of zero impact. Now contrast this to player who strays off his direct line. He is either made to go back (given another chance) or it is called play on (but not consistently)
  7. that's the old law mr !
  8. well he did sign the team apology statement and for all we know he might have been instrumental in it we don't know what he has done or is doing within the club he's not obliged to publicly say anymore. people will judge him either way he has always come across as a very polite and considerate person, so no need to pass any cheap criticism on him
  9. that's in the other direction, mr. i.e. from the mark to the player who is kicking we are talking about the other side of the mark
  10. does this include 5m laterally from mark?
  11. any source on this jnr? and is it a 5m arc or just 5m behind mark? also how much can the man on the mark roam in this arc......1,2,3,4.5m?
  12. i couldn't handle the mental torture of watching max take a 25m set shot from direct in front so, no
  13. or just have no-one on the mark, and put another player behind the man on the mark so he can move laterally. they will need to define a no-man area behind the mark.......more opportunity for 50m penalties....lovely
  14. seems that dad jokes will now be called "non-gestational parent jokes" or ngp jokes for short so get used to it and be inclusive
  15. they will have to rename the game of australian rules to "australian 50 metres rules" and we can thank kevin sheedy for even having a 50 metres penalty
  16. c'mon ernie don't be such a killjoy, you've never recovered your good side since the nazis cruelly burned your books and accused you of writing "popular entertainment literature that depicts life and life's goals in a superficial, unrealistic and sickly sweet manner, based on a bourgeois or upper class view of life" all that unwarranted persecution and now you are the self-appointed persecutor of what.....banana lovers! vive la banane
  17. and if you're feeling a little blue
  18. here you are, froggy.....a double fingered banana
  19. can you expand on why "it isn't particularly applauded within the walls of the MCC boardroom"?
  20. well only 4 weeks till rnd1 and yet to start training (AFL wise) I seriously doubt he would be afl match ready i'm sure he is basically fit and looked after himself, but has done nothing approaching an afl preseason still, i hope he's not required by rnd1 anyway
  21. i wonder how much of a pre season he's had? might not be up to scratch for first 4 or so rounds
  22. i'd have said since maurie bartlett.........lol
  23. today is 2 weeks. 4 weeks is 1st march which is almost 3 weeks before round 1 (20th March) making round 1 unlikely, but round 2 a good possibility. now saying round 4 to 6! what changed?
  24. nah, said back to training in 4 weeks (2 weeks ago)
  25. yep that's the pork pie i was referring to - upto 4 weeks off
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