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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. you're totally correct but i still think the whole protected area rule/penalty is a bit of an over-reaction........but that's the rule
  2. well last week the g was capped at 25k and fully ticketted by ticketek. they said it was a sell-out, but attendance ended up over 20% down at 19.5k so i doubt they have sold 25k tickets for this week, but they will probably say they have gov has already announced no lifting of current restrictions, so the anticipated lifting to 85% capacity for this week is put off for another week you could try ringing the club as they can often help in these situations.....worth a try at least
  3. speaking to your gp as the gov tells us, is to determine if one's medical history contains any contra-indications for a particular vaccine before proceeding. the gp should be the keeper of our medical history or can ask relevant questions if not. so the medical specialists (cho's etc) tells us if it is ok to have a particular vaciine and under what conditions (age and other medical pre-conditions). the GP checks and discusses the medical pre-conditions that's the distinction, as i see it and of course you still have the personal freedom of choice to vaccinate or not or wait
  4. a mere shadow, uncle, to a master of the manor and shepherd to long legged sheep
  5. and a special thanks to mrmoose who responded to a post of mine from may 2015 much appreciated
  6. jaded, i'm not necessarily disagreeing, but i would not take advice from gp's on complex epidemiology issues. there is a good reason they are gp's and not specialists. i like my gp very much but he is very risk averse (like mosrt) and refers any matter that is not mundane or routine to a specialist at the drop of a hat. the average gp doesn't even do simple procedures like stitches nowadays, instead referring you to the nearest hospital er. my nephew is a orthapaedic surgeon and he disagrees with your best friend gp, as does my long standing family gp......but there again, neither are an epidemiologist either. still, i guess we are all human anyway and take advice in whatever shade of grey, wherever we can get it
  7. well, it's as i have suspected for a long time. the health experts don't have the answers and they disagree with each often. they are becoming experts in supposition based on a lack of real data a bit of a "we don't really know" answer sometimes would be preferable to constructing fairy tales
  8. port melbourne in the 60/70s at least was also a war zone and the old crones were some of the vilest. they would line up on the visiting team's wire framed race and spit on the players
  9. our biggest problem will be staying largely injury free increasing our scoring would be nice but as long as our defence stays strong it's not a deal breaker
  10. just tried on my desktop, even though i can't book till 3pm barcode entry only pops up after you select the game in the date box same as before iirc
  11. it's only lvl 2 members at 1pm lvl 1 members at 3pm non reserved seat members at 5pm
  12. i take back the 12 and now make it 14, as travis said google maps shows 12 block equivalent plus 2 adjacent normal size blocks but when you look at the satellite picture those 2 blocks are now part of the bentleigh club car park
  13. no hurry yet, uncle. there has lately been a large influx of oriental bluerinsers in burwood which is proving a delightful and rewarding challenge. i'm sure you can appreciate my reluctance to move on at this time
  14. when i was a kid i often found i was surrounded by home team fanatics, but i always thought they'd never beat up a kid so i used to barrack as hard as i could. luckily it seemed to work for me despite a few scary moments i wasn't till i was much older and wiser that i realised fanatic bummer fans would kill their own children if it would ensure a win, and how lucky i was in truth, to attain my majority in one piece
  15. well i'll toss in for 12 blocks. if you look over the road at yawla st it lines up exactly with 6 block frontages now of course it all depends how one defines a block. Is it the traditional 700m2 block or the latest trendy 300m2 if you're lucky block i also have no idea what size those current blocks on yawla st are any other takers?
  16. just like to point out that hit out to advantages don't necessarily equate to successful clearances just saying
  17. re sparrow: he only had 50% time on ground......yet got 11 disposals, 5 tackles and of course that excellent 50m timely goal you couldn't drop him on that performance
  18. is touching balls still banned?
  19. i'd just add one thing re the game i thought the game was planned in pretty good spirit by the players there was no spite or melees and thugs out to intimidate like in a few other games over the weekend only big downer was the bummer fans and the umpires (as usual), plus the reduced number of tickets
  20. agree with this i would have paid the goal despite the video being too fuzzy based on umpire decision stands i would pay goal if foot made contact whilst ball not completely over line i.e. ball still in play but this is just my opinion
  21. i don't think the rules cover this situation precisely it's just a grey area and the afl should clarify it in the rules
  22. i think the reason seems to be legal. i.e. people have a legal right to be not vaccinated (or to wait) and can't be forced or fired. seems strange to me in certain industries but that's what it seems to be
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