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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. if demonland can't help you, uncle you could try here
  2. as in little john in robin hood or bluey for the red headed kid
  3. damn you, uncle, sometimes your perceptions are verging on the paranormal
  4. Ding, dong, bell Puzzsy's in the well Who put her in? Little Maxy Gawn
  5. i can just picture you in this little number, colin, walking through shinjuku
  6. 5) now we are premiers and others' opinions don't count, how about a demonland blazer, as flagrant as possible
  7. what a load of gallimaufry let's just keep winning and not give a stuff what's being said winning talks
  8. do you know what this is based on? looks to me like the whole list, rather than those who played senior games in 2021. jeelong definitely looks low. figures can be a bit misleading without proper context
  9. he'll be a 4 time premiership player by the end of his contract and only just turned 23
  10. musta been i suppose.......buy surely the mcc has regular sightboards i kept thinking some big surprise was going to happen there
  11. what were the white sheets draped over the l1 seats and upto l2, between the 2 small screens on the southern stand for?
  12. imagine what it would be like in scotland then!
  13. talking of missing soldiers, i didn't see paul roos or peter jackson on sunday, nor any acknowledgement of their part in the club's rebuild to a flag.......unless i missed it
  14. haydon bunton snr was an interesting one. won a brownlow in his first 2 seasons of vfl, then another later, then went to wafl, which was no slouch of a comp in those days and won 3 sandovers in 4 years. vfl brownlow: 1931 (age 20) 1932 (age 21) 1935 (age 24) wafl sandover: 1938 (age 27) 1939 (age 28) 1941 (age 30)
  15. don't take this the wrong way, colin, but could you please delay your return to oz until 2026 so we can get our fivepeat completed. 😈🏆👌😁
  16. i'm hoping kozzie snags a few goals hope umps don't ruin game fingers crossed
  17. after the replay this sunday that will make it 3 games in a row we play those filthy dogs too much, too much, let someone else smash them
  18. i'm well aware all the more reason to not propagate anecdotal unscientific social media stuff
  19. it's a mugs game predicting ladder positions before the season starts, but i've just got a sneaking suspicions the swans will be thereabouts next season. always well coached and a never say die approach
  20. it may sound interesting but is totally meaningless and definitely unscientific we pretty well know that covid affects people differently. dramatically differently, from being asymptomatic thru to being fatal. i'm comfortable waiting for proper scientific studies to be published and ignoring the unscientific and to be clear, i'm 100% in favour of vaccination, no ifs or buts, except for valid medical reasons
  21. i'm surprised at you cyb. A sample size of 1 compared to a sample size of 1
  22. well at least we can have a good guess at your agenda 😄
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