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Everything posted by Vipercrunch

  1. Some big names for Sydney have been horrible so far. Heeney, Blakey, Papley, Warner, Mills. A lot of scope to improve, but I can’t see it happening.
  2. Heeney hasn’t had a great finals at all.
  3. Very poor by Sydney to let Hawk get one goal like that, never mind 2.
  4. Solid first half. Highlight for me has been some of Banno’s handballs. Not something I had expected from someone’s whose obvious strength is outside run. First class, especially in the drizzle.
  5. Not related to this topic I know, but has the AFL investigation in to that video of Dusty Martin that surfaced a month ago come out yet? I tried several searches for the thread but couldn’t find it.
  6. Very disturbing reading. Lot's of horrible allegations made that unless they are completely fabricated, I just can't see how they can be defended. Scary thing is this is relatively recent, not something from the 70's or 80's. It all seems so counterintuitive to think that these young men would perform better if forced to remove themselves from their partners and kids...
  7. I don't think the poster will let facts get in the way of claiming their opinion is fact.
  8. I think Corey Ellison might get a gig at AFL next year. Very solid defender who also went very well up forward when needed during the season.
  9. Should be a good granny. Swans play the MCG better than the SCG. Just spent a lot of petrol tickets though. Finally the luck runs out for Collingwood.
  10. If they don’t pay the big shoves Hawkins does, theres no way they’re going to pay that as in the back against Papely. Thankfully they didn’t.
  11. Commentators advocating for hands in the back 🤮🤮
  12. Good game so far. Heeney having a quiet one so far so some upside still for Sydney. Been a while since I’ve watched a SCG game. Such a unique ground.
  13. Surely you could figure out on your own that the poster meant after the H&A season?
  14. The straight sets motivation should be huge. It's one of the most embarrassing things an AFL club can do and the media and fans of other teams won't let any one of us forget it for many years to come.
  15. It will always feel like an opportunity lost, but looking back through history, there are many far worse premiership defenses than what we put up. Lots of teams who have won one then missed the 8 entirely. And for a team with a 5 decade history of flakiness and failure, finishing 2nd really did buck the tend. What's impotaant now though is how the club responds. The competetion has risen to our threat of a dynasty and has made it clear we will have to earn it. It is now up to the brains trust within the club to interpret the mountain of information and data that none of us are privvy to, to find out what went wrong and to begin to address the areas we need to improve in to take what is still on offer; a period of on-field success than many of us perhaps gave up dreaming about.
  16. Perhaps it also wasn’t super smart of some of the players to train through their break also. We all lapped up the stories of them doing extra sessions, but perhaps they should have switched off and given their bodies some time to recover.
  17. Come on Dees!!! It’s not over yet folks.
  18. Historicity hasn’t been that accurate with things like that. They saw him limp off and ticked the injured button. Doesn’t mean more than that.
  19. Brayshaw doing a good job on Neale. 9 disposals and not a heap of influence. Would love to be further ahead. Looking sore again, but time to dig deep and get the job done this quarter.
  20. Vipercrunch


    Not a super dedicated NFL fan but after decades of mediocrity, I’ve come to love watching my Buffalo Bills the last few season. Josh Allen is an absolute freak and pleasure to watch. Defence is looking better this season too.
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