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Everything posted by darkhorse72

  1. This is expected. Between the 2 articles some interesting points. One of a player who took out premnament disability insurance (He got a payout for his concussion injury) and he said other players should too at the start of their careers. The AFLW player is interesting, (I don't know her history) given the short span of their competition at AFL level. How many did she receive in her juniors etc? I coach junior girls footy, I spend time making sure they know how to approach the ball and protect their heads with good technique. If it gets the trial, will the players need to bring up footage of every hit and who was negligent and why in the head contact? As degrees of negligence is possible. Lastly if one article which included Smith and Jarmen etc. They are starting the case of duty of care from 1985, which was when a major study found the long term damaged from concussion on sporting players. While recent action has seen an improvement in dealing with it, there a few decades the AFL did not address it. This is going to be a long process and it will be interesting to see how the AFL respond with a hard legal defence or reach a compromise and fund ongoing player welfare and support programs.
  2. Yes I know, But its often fun to sit with he cheer squad and that atmosphere. Hoping for a good game with no lightning..
  3. Got my member tickets for the game., they have put us in bay 333, which is opposite end of our cheer squad.
  4. Might be able to get my tickets tomorrow when we get access with our memberships, after the farce of yesterday.
  5. Hi Just seeing if the leagues are being setup again. Also looking for fantasy leagues to join. Cheer
  6. Ignore, found the stream
  7. Being in WA, Kayo is the way,. Though with our success, we're on FTA a lot more than we used to be.
  8. Sliders I expect are: Tigers: simply time catching up Freo: harder draw, more dissecting of their players and game plan. Dogs: most likely fixed their fwd line issues with variety, but defence still lacks and he mids are aging. Cats: If they stay healthy, as they have the home games to support their run. The unknowns are Swans, they didn't play eh SCG well last season, but did very well not he road. So you can't guarantee a high % of wins at home say like a Brizze. Pies, they hold in the 8, with year under their new system they should be better this year. However, can they sustain that pace till the end of the year with the shorter break. Bit like us this year. They percentage say's they won't progress if anything major goes wrong in injuries. However, they had their share last year and managed.
  9. We all saw this coming. Great career giving the short history of the AFLW. More importantly our club is better for her involvement more than just on the playing field. She has been part of the cultural change in the club, plus the creation of the culture of our women's team. Despite only winning 1 GF so far, we have always been almost there with her in charge (Often unlucky based on AFL season decisions or 1 lost game). We'll hopefully get the see her become a great coach and a regular first string commentator of the footy.
  10. As a teacher I'm pushing staff to adopt the capability of ChatGPT as a tool. it's brilliant even with its current shortcoming's in terms of knowledge and ability to process. I can produce new resources and check existing one's very quickly. The area of AI it is still considered that humans have to final say in what is produce or acted upon, as systems even AI at this stage only produce what we tell it to produce. They are taught to look for patterns and act upon them. This is evident in ChatGPT responses. So I would say existing data science techniques with staff over sight will be the norm for a while longer as the datasets. With experience and knowledge we can see patterns without within the AFL context without needing to rely on AI systems.
  11. Which comes back to player management. We have a few more weeks of rest and prep going into next year.
  12. I'm excepting big things from Hunter in the coming season. He should fix our other wing and provide sweet delivery to the forwards.
  13. I would imagine a big party of the season review will be player management and load. The cats got it right this year and kept their team "fresh", though an easy run home certainly helped them do that. It will be interesting to see how we manage players this year.
  14. You seem to be fixated on this, how about make up your own mind what the best game is for you... that's not for me to decide for you. I was commenting on why soccer is popular world wide.
  15. Umm no, where does it say that. I just said most popular does not always equal the best. I didn’t mention AFL at all in the point, that is your own bias creating that interpretation. Simply that soccer is easy to play anywhere, hence its played almost everywhere. I don’t mind playing a game of soccer, but can’t stand watching a game
  16. Haven’t read all the comments. A few point. Soccer is the most popular game in the world simply its easy to get started, just kick a round ball, toddlers do that, and can be played anywhere, in the street outside. Popular does not always make something the best, music proves that :) Plus history of European control introduced the game in lots of places, then has come the huge money for a tiny minority of players. Crowds, in many places like the UK, soccer replaced tribal warfare (Competition between towns etc) between different groups, the second and I think the most important is the make up the crowds. This has been studied by European soccer and they can’t find a solution. Most AFL crowds are generally 50/50 male/female and it also includes lots of kids, soccer is not. This creates a totally different atmosphere and expectation. Until this aspect changes across leagues the problems like this will appear from time to time As for those that went onto the pitch, what if they banned them from all levels of soccer involvement for life that includes junior footy. I reckon that would have more impact on behaviour than just banning them from the A-leguae. Plus it removes their attitude from the development years. From what I heard on TV, it was supposed to be a walkout at 20minutes to protest the finals being held in Sydney.
  17. I thought their plan was to play him as a large midfielder to take advantage of his agility and size?
  18. Like us after 2019, you come back with a much fixture normal (haven't looked depth) and a lot more teams have put more work into you, to find your weaknesses. The test is how well they adjust to the change. They need to find goals and Jackson's not the answer there, so where do they come from. Their mids aren't big goal kickers.
  19. Still playing Geelong... :( at leasts it's not at the end of the year. At least the bombers and bulldogs are also making the trip for once.
  20. No.... people since the Ancient Greeks about 500b.c. new the world was round, not flat, simply observed from sailing ships going over the horizon. They even had a good go at trying to calculate the circumferences, quite accurately as well considering the technology. The idea that the world was flat is from an early modern play in London that was taken seriously (Human ignorance nature doesn't change, does it). Copernicus big breakthrough was placing the sun at the centre of the solar system, not the Earth. Know back to the topic :). Yes they didn't directly address the comment, but according to the article did explain how good the kid can be for the club.
  21. With another preseason by Voss they will improve more. I see a lot of summer work on fitness and game control for the 4th qtr. It cost them a lot this year. Baring some horror run with injury they should play finals. But who drops out to make way for them?
  22. Just watch the game as I was out all day. Great win. I was thinking the same thing, they should produce something and a ream photo like the boys should be sent to members. Then it may only go to AFLW members (Which I'm not one)
  23. Great game but the girls, but now they would rue that 1 point :( We can winner anywhere and we tend to like QLD. The game yesterday was great with the pressure and the backline held up very well. They'll need to be on their best next week. I think we'll be better prepared compared to our H&A game against them, they smothered us and we could get our game going for 4 qtrs.
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