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Posts posted by Viney12

  1. perhaps youre an absolute idiot !!

    Where do I suggest beleif or disbelief in anything towards the coaching choice Billy ? I simply put it that if the club was indeed after heh two most likely candidates Malthouse and Lyon then its hardly likely you'll see anythng in public capische ?? or is that too cerebal for you ?? hmm It was in answer to OMR complaining that he can see nothign visible happening regarding the coaching.

    Go back to primary and learn how to read.

    There is no analogy to the Scully farce. Nice try though

    I personally think they're after someone like Mark Thompson and perhaps he's agreed

    If Carlton do away with Essendon this weekend, we could know early next week

  2. I agree more or less NB. Just making a point that some of us apply a different lens to our specs when assessing other club's players and one of our own.

    It's as though when one straps on a red and blue guernsey they are incapable of even the remotest possibility of standard human folly/conduct/behaviour.

    It's beyond parochialism and I can't understand it to be honest.

    It doesn't make you 'more of a supporter' to think this way. But it does make you a less intelligent one.

    On the flipside, could you admit many journo's putting their credibility on the line, e.g. with Taylor Walker, were wrong?

    I don't see Walker suing for defamation as some are suggesting Tom could if the media is wrong

  3. I heard it is St Kilda that are keen on him. Or were previously.

    And if he ends up at St Kilda (or another club) then it just again goes to show how the media have been wrong on so many occassions

    I find it funny that whilst "absolute certainties" to go to GWS (according to the media) have rejected a deal from GWS yet those who chose not to believe Tom don't seem to keen to acknowledge this

  4. Agree!

    Scully has consistently stuck by his word from day one of the media speculation. He categorically stated that he would not be giving the issue his consideration until after season's end, and that is exactly what he has done. He has not held the club to ransom or played games... the only games that are being played here are going on in the minds of a few posters; the same goes for the displays of "petulance".

    If he goes he goes, and if he stays he stays... regardless of the outcome, he at least has done nothing he didn't say he would.

    Spot on, for mine

    Posters can feel free to call me or think of me as naive, however, I'm simply being hopeful we'll retain him (although concede he may go) and choose to trust Scully at his word

    No words have been publically uttered by Tom to prove he is dissatisfied with the club, or being a prima dona, or petulant etc.

  5. Some understand and reject.

    I don't believe that he is as calculating as you think he is.

    I also don't like the way he has to go back on what he wants to do because of media spotlight.

    Players shouldn't have to sign 14 months before they need to like Trengove did to appease the club or fans.

    Contracts can be sorted out late, it's going to happen later and later with Free Agency coming in.

    Get used to it.


    I understand all the previous posts, I simply don't agree with them

    What has Tom Scully actually said, in his own words, that shows he is dissatisfied with the club?

    How about answer that as opposed to a weak brush off respons?

  6. This has been the crux of the angst in much of this for many ( myself included ). If youre staying why all the precious diva act, and it is one. If youre staying ( and always were ) then there isnt really a 'choice' just a when as such. And if only a when, then surely youd get all things out of the way at the earliest rather than the latest. You only stall if you ARE contemplating any decision of direction, or if yo want to make it look like a decision is still in the offing but want appearances to be appearances.

    If after all this he does stay, then ffs he ought to go sit in the naughty corner all preseason for acting the goose. But i still dont see this as the outcome. Im even more committed to teh notion than Swarta..id say its about 99% hes going.

    And honestly.."Tom feels let down ??" diddums !! Strangely others dont .Can we put things into some properr perspective.. Firsttheres the club....then comes everthing and everyone else. This club cannotever take the position that things revolve around ONE player. If we startpandering to the whims and wants of any individual then well, quite simply,we're f#$ked !!

    This whole ridiculous serious of unfortunate events needs toend.

    Hes not the Messiah...hes not that bloody good..and hes noteven fit..

    This has been a debacle on so many levels.

    Where / how has Scully acted in a petulant matter?

    What has he said (from his own mouth, not the mouth of the best friend's grandparents etc.) about his dissastifaction?

    From where I see it, TS put off contract talks until the end of the year, I'll take him at his word. The rest has been rumour, innuendo, media speculation etc.

  7. My source is my brain.

    Melbourne's only interest in this is to maximize its compensation.

    It is in our interest to play it out cooly, elevate Scully's image and get the best possible deal from the AFL we can.

    Rubbish, whether it's announced today, tomorrow, next week makes no difference in that regard

    Melbourne will be [censored] if he leaves, they'll owe him nothing, they will announce it immediately

  8. Scully has done the right thing by the club by informing them early and the club is respecting Tom's management's wishes to delay the announcement.

    Who's your source on this

    And I would think in all honesty, if Melbourne had lost the # 1 draft pick 2 years after drafting, after nursing him through injuries all year, they'd say get stuffed and announce immediately

    He may leave, he may stay, but the fact is, right now, I don't think anyone knows for certain

  9. It's a charade. The club knows. Scully knows. GW$ know and the journos know.

    The announcement is being delayed to maintain the credibility of the whole 'he'll look at the offer after the season' bunkum.

    Sorry but anyone who is buying into this crap now is either dunce or phenomenally stubborn.

    What would the club owe TS if he'd already accepted the offer?

    The Bulldogs issued a statement immediately once Ward had accepted and informed them

  10. From Robbo's 'The Tackle" chat forum ....

    3:34 spacer.gif[Comment From Nathan: ] With the Callan Ward announcement today when do you think the other players going to GWS will announce their intentions? And who do you think they will be? fb_share2.png

    3:34 spacer.gifthis week with Scully I'm sure (Reply from Mark Robinson)

    Those journos and their pesky sources! lol

    Also when quizzed later about Dees chances of keeping Scully, he said "don't think so"

    Doesn't sound supremely confident to me

    Wouldn't he say "no chance" "not going to happen" "deal is done" if he was so certain

    If TS leaves and the club knows, they will issue a statement immediately, they'd owe Scully nothing

  11. or maybe we could hope that Tom is a pea heart like Murphy was in his first two seasons.

    I stress WAS - his last two seasons have seen him eradicate the unjustified soft tag that he carried. I say unjustified to the extent that he wasnt hard at the contest in any way shape or form but was a young kid built like a twig. Five seasons of football and look what he is now.

    I don't necessarily agree Murphy was a pea heart ever

    I certainly recall his debut against us at Etihad, he got put on his backside by Melbourne players left right and centre yet got up every time aand finished BOG (if not close to)

  12. Pretty sure GWS can still trade for Walker. Much like GC did to get Brennan

    Yes they can, however according to these oh so credible media people, who according to many here only put their necks on the line when they have fact, stated Walker had ALREADY signed with GWS 100% - this has now conclusively been proven false

  13. Has any one thought that GWS may be regretting their haste? Nah! I'm sure he'll make a full recovery after a post season rest.

    Yeah ok, ignore the points of how flimsy your theory sounds and just make another silly point

    So will you be grumbling when Scully and Trengove stand on the podium and lift our 13th cup?

    Nah, didn't think so......

  14. Yes dicky knee and all I presume.

    Oh c'mon, please

    This is just conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory

    so he plays a full year last year - they put off talks in July / August knowing that in October GWS were going to offer him $6m over 6 years for a limited time only and they had the foresight in that time to know his knee complaint (despite playing the full season last year) was going to be degenerative so he'd be well served taking the money and running knowing he'd be washed up by the time he was 25 and unable to get another contract

    So was it Bastinac's cat that inked his paw on the contract for Scully and Scully's dog that inked his paw on the contract for Bastinac, so that if questioned all they could respond with was a woof or meow and when he fronted the media in March (by his own doing) he wasn't technically telling porkies cause he forgot to say "No one, including myself, my family, my managers or my good mates cat has been approached and spoken with GWS"

  15. Well that ain't going to happen. If that was the case TS will go down in history as the most selfish pig headed gold digger there ever was. That he is not because he's long gone already.

    In who's mind

    In the absence of concrete evidence that Scully signed with GWS last year - evidence that could be produced right now if it existed - if he signs with GWS at the end of the year I am not going to be embarassed in any way. If the evidence mysteriosly appears then the worst I'll be guilty of is taking someone at their word - I can handle that heat.There's only one faction riding for a possible fall in this race and it's a huge fall baby.

    I meant from those spitting venom at Scully for "already going". When he signs for Melbourne, they should feel ashamed

    Under my scenario, how likely do you think it is that a player manager would say that?No, he'd be thinking ... "if I don't get my boy to sign now ol' Paul Connors down in Melbourne is going to get this deal for one of his lads and we'll be high and dry".

    They know how good Scully will be, they hold the whip hand (Velocity), they can make GWS wait and sweat and increase their bidding. It would be insane to sign on the spot

  16. And don't forget it was Scully's manager who said a few weeks ago that they heard GWS might be interested and Velocity Sports approached GWS just because they thought there was some interest. Must be very shy folks out there west. Ready with a sack full of money but too hesitant to make the first approach. What a load of humbug. Just like all the moderators here to a man and aided and abetted by some life members and the like steadfastly refusing to diverge from all the spin and tripe dished up by MFC, TS and VC. They are going to cynically keep that finger plugging the dyke for as long as they can. There are going to be a lot of angry supporters who will feel duped when the truth finally comes out.

    No, they said that if Melbourne put their offer down before seasons end, it's only fair they let GWS put their offer down

    I feel the same as you, yet in the reverse, if Scully signs there's going to be a lot of embarrassed and ashamed supporters

  17. What if someone approaches you and your Dad and says ... we've got three multiple year, million dollar plus contracts and we've identified you as one of a small group of exceptional players we're prepared to offer one to. You've got three weeks to make your decision otherwise we'll approach players x, y and z with the offer.

    What do you do then? That would be the smart way for GWS to go about it. Lock them early.

    Which they did. The AFL confirmed that three or four GWS contracts were lodged with them late last year.

    I hear what you're saying, but the possibility of what I've just stated above occurring changes the dynamic of what ensues.

    And if Scully's manager says "you'll have to wait until the end of 2011" do you think GWS would just go cold on him??

  18. Green...was waiting til teh best offer from Melbourne came.. not the first one.. Sorry not same at all. Melbournes offfer for Scully is as is..what ever it is. . If he wants to continue at Melbourne he could obviosuly sign now.

    rift,...blah blah


    "THE Scully camp is at odds with the Demons over the clauses in the club's latest contract offer."

    hardly ambiguous

    You said TOM is unhappy with the clauses, trying to imply he supposedly didn't know of the contract conditions

    It states SCULLY CAMP, not Tom Scully himself

  19. you see this is where it gets interestiing.. Green Held out to better his offer..yes...no doubt..Then he signed.

    Tom is holding out for ???? The offers are on the table.. So whats he holding out for exactly ?

    Anyone else pickup on the faux pas.. Its been said all along that Master Scully wasnt worried to know of the details of offers to date just yet as it would all be considered at seasons end. yet apparently hes not happy with some clauses.!!!! Hey..im not making it up

    A few things

    APPARENTLY he's not happy with clauses (not factually)

    And SCULLY'S CAMP - could be management - it doesn't state "Tom Scully is unhappy with some of the clauses)

    Furthermore, he knows the details of the Melbourne offer, it was the GWS offer he didn't want to know about until seasons end

  20. Well no, because rarely do players get involved in each others contract discussions.

    If he wasn't confident, surely he'd say something along the lines of "that's between tom and his management full stop"

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