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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. Not disagreeing with that, but the game plan shares blame for our position. Gameplans can be changed. Port changed theirs as admitted by the players and they beat the Premier on their dung heap.
  2. Maybe I was smart in discussing bananas, they don't disappoint you too often.
  3. Hard to play when you can't run because of injury. Did you not know that?
  4. In summary you could say it is arrogant to only consider your performance and not that of the team that beat you. To simply say we didn't play our game, is to ignore what the other team did to cause that. That is what he is continually saying each week. It ignores what others are doing to you.
  5. That is not quite right. You could argue that the defence and maybe mid field issues are caused to some extent by lack of fitness, but not the forward 50's. We in fact have more inside 50's than the sides that beat us. That is the gameplan and structure. Having a totally congested forward 50 and relying on chaos footy is purely the gameplan. It is not working. Bombing long is killing us. We need separation. We need to get our key forwards one out to give them a chance. We need to get them leading to give them a chance. We need crumbers, not 6 flying for the ball at the same time with no one down. We need to clear up the forward 50 so that players coming from up field have options to kick to. Yes we need our forwards to apply absolute pressure and stop defensive run and spread from our forward 50, but it is the gameplan that is killing us in that part of the ground which is then causing the problems at the other end.
  6. Ok. I think we can say that the teams that have beaten us have pace and have been manic in their attack on the ball and willingness to run to make position. We seem to be always chasing on the spread. This will be funny as I am not a fan of ANB, with his skill errors, but as others have said he does run hard all day. I watched Spargo pretty closely and he appeared to be jogging to a contest and choosing not to tackle or get involved on several occasions. That was not how he played last year. I hope this is not a cultural thing. Most likely our poor start is a combination of injuries, poor form, fitness, commitment, confidence, pace, skill and a game style that requires the maximum in fitness and desire.
  7. Morris is a Dees fan and I don't think he would go with this players unfit story unless he had some good intel on it. Maybe the Coaches are deflecting after the media wide condemnation of our game plan, who knows. If true however and if it is not because of surgeries as has been stated, then it is an indictment on the playing group and the leadership. You talk about culture, there it is in front of you, a lack of total commitment to success, IF TRUE.
  8. So are you saying that fans are not allowed to analyse team performances, that they have no knowledge of footy and have no right to offer an opinion? Are you also saying that the club will publicly tell the truth about in house matters and that whatever it tells you is correct?
  9. If what Morris said about the players returning after Xmas in poor condition is true, I could imagine McCartney paying out on them. He would tell it as it is and maybe they don’t like hearing it.
  10. Tom Morris also said the players came back after xmas in poor condition. If true that would explain our lack of run and fadeouts after half time. How unprofessional if true?
  11. After we get smashed by the Tigers, I would try out all the guys that can cope physically, to see who stays on the list next year. I would rest all injured players like Tom Mc and put a line through Lever and May and let them be cherry ripe for next year, after a full pre season. I would make sure we get a good kid in the mid season draft. I would chase the best conditioning guy around. I would look at the assistant coaches and set up deals to get the best available in place for next year. I would be prepared to delist anyone who is not up to it at season end, even if that number is 12-14 players. Of course the core of good players must be kept. I would target pace and skill in the draft, a key forward and an extra rookie experienced ruckman as Insurance, and to help Casey in developing their AFL listed players. I would free up the game style for the rest of the season, playing a more basic game and letting players take the game on. While not tanking, I would make development, not winning the key. We have the basis of a good side which needs some consolidation and filling the gaps in a list that is not well balanced. One bad year is bearable, if the next 5 are successful. Anyway that’s how I see it now, with the long injury list and poor start to the season. PS. If we win the next 4 ignore my post, but given our current circumstances that won’t be happening.
  12. Looks like everything is going to plan.
  13. Maybe not rubbish but certainly poor. I have been banging on about pace and disposal for the last 3 years and I don't believe we have done anything about it. Interesting that our disposal is causing turnovers that are gifting goals to the opposition and we are now described by many as the slowest team in the AFL. Added to a poor gameplan is it any wonder we are losing every week.
  14. Looks like it.
  15. Ladder position at that time.
  16. The many of us who have said exactly that obviously know nothing about footy, because the experts we pay a fortune to for running our team did exactly that.
  17. Wanna bet?
  18. Many share your anger.
  19. Maybe Saty some of us are hurting more than you. Sorry if you find that funny or strange.
  20. They are reviewing it on Queen’s Birthday while the Pies tear us a new one.
  21. The Coaches need an honesty session.
  22. Did you watch him yesterday, obviously not? Is a mile off. Want to destroy him like Watt's first game or Petty's?
  23. I am not that arrogant that I won't admit when I am wrong. I was wrong when I said we will be Carlscums first win, we will be just one of their wins. Pace, skill and a reasonable gameplan, yep they have that.
  24. I am not that arrogant that I won't admit when I am wrong. I was wrong when I said we will be Carlscums first win, we will be just one of their wins. Pace, skill and a reasonable gameplan, yep they have that.
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