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Its Time for Another

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Everything posted by Its Time for Another

  1. Hunter 23 disposals 2 goals 467 metres gained DE% 73.9 Langdon 24 disposals 0 goals 298 metres gained DE% 70.8 Langdon 6 votes Hunter 1. It's all in the eye of the beholder. I maintain Hunter is going to be our added point of difference this year. Two Langdons instead of one.
  2. Does higher scoring have to mean higher scores against. We are currently first for points for but 9th for points against. Last year we finished 1st for points against and I think second the year before. Is it as simple as deciding to have more players running ahead of the ball which results in more players being behind the ball chasing when the opposition get it back. Or is it something else. Do you agree that there seems to be a change in the connection i50 where forwards are leading more into the space in front of goals instead of leading out to the boundaries. I thought Chandler noticeably did this a few times himself and passing into that area. It also seemed there were more instances where players were looking into that space for options rather than having rushed snaps from acute angles.
  3. Wow I've just watched him kick 8 in a row. Exactly the same every time. Not going to miss that shot this year.
  4. Very strange time to be away from Pre Season training as it reaches it's final peak. Hope it's not a Go Home Factor already. Hopefully the 4 wheel drive pic is old.
  5. Such an incredible set of highlights and that was just the goals. He's right up there with the best of all time IMHO. I'm not going to waste any emotional energy getting worked up about if he stays or goes. There's nothing any of us can do about it. I thank Scully for teaching me that no player is irreplaceable or worth getting worked up about. He turned into Hogan turned into May. Life goes on. But having said that what a player. Ever since I saw his pre draft highlights he has reminded me of Cyril Rioli. So I did a little bit of picking. Here's some stats to compare them. Kosie Cyril. Kosie Cyril Kosie Cyril Year 1 1 2 2 3 3 Games 14 25 25 19 23 20 Goals (Av) 7 (0.5) 24 (1.0) 40 (1.6) 21 (1.1) 41 (1.8) 27 (1.4) Tackles (Av) 35 (2.5) 87 (3.5) 87 (3.5) 89 (4.7) 62 (2.7). 98 (4.9) Some very interesting comparisons. The one that stands out for me as I always thought Kossie's defence work and tackling was way ahead of Cyril. Wrong. Also interesting that Kossie's tackling dropped off last season. But Kossie is clearly a much more substantial goal scorer than Cyril who kicked 42 in his 8th year and 47 in his 9th year.
  6. Speak for yourself. My first ever day at the cricket was the 1975 Boxing Day test. I was driven there in the back of a panel van. No seat no seat belts in those days. The guys I went with took their own esky. You could do that back then. It might even have been two and drank the contents dry. Then having sat in the sun all day drinking probably 30 cans each they got in the panel van and drove home. No breath tests in those days. Ahhh the good old days. Have to admit I never did anything like that again. 6 kids in my school year died in car accidents in the first year out of school. I have never been a drink driver. Sorry I digress. Back to training bases.
  7. You make some interesting points. There's a bit of a misconception that the facilities we are using now are substandard. As I understand it that's not correct. They are both excellent and the Club has spent $100's of thousands in the past couple of years updating the equipment at AAMI as well as the new facilities at Casey. Keep in mind that if we've put in that sort of money we are one of 3 or 4 clubs contributing to that investment at AAMI. So a lot of money has been spent there. When Richard Colless was the Swans President he put a syndicate together and they bought a property in the hear of Kings Cross and did it up as the Swans Social Club. It was quite impressive. You'd be very happy if it was a Demons Social Club. It was never supported by the Swans members and supporters and ended up closing and was a financial disaster. A lot of us have had a fantasy about having a permanent Social Club but II agree with you it might be no more than a fantasy that would be a financial disaster. I can't see why we can't set up a room like the Jim Stynes room at the G as a social Club post games. I doubt many people will turn up to the MCG precinct outside of game days. The main benefit will be getting the Admin and FD under the one roof. I hope it's on the AAMI car park overlooking Gosch's. That would be my pick. Otherwise like others I suspect it's more likely to end up in the new Sthn Stand. Facilities for the club and for MCC members and possibly the public in some form.
  8. Genuine question. What better plan do you think the Club could have had for Jackson. Obviously it was a dud trade but what better trade do you think could have been achieved. They didn't have any better picks to offer. Similarly Port don't have a first rounder in this draft. They'll have to give up something serious to get a first rounder this year. Next year's first rounder won't do it. I hope. Surely they'd have to lose a player or players to make it happen this trade period. I'm sure the Club has tried very hard to avoid another Jackson circus so you'd have to think that's been a fail and the writing is on the wall.
  9. You could be right. Of course the traditional Lyon gameplan involves camping 18 players in the backline. Wouldn't be counting on the Saints round 1, they are going to be cruelled with injuries the first part of the season and will probably struggle to recover.
  10. Yep. I could. That would certainly free up a lot of my time permanently. The good news is it's now late May not Sept. So Premiership mission back on track. And marriage. 😎
  11. Hi Luci I just rang the membership number. No specific contact. They were always happy to give me the current number. it took 13 years on here for my originall name It's Time to become redundant. I'm still basking in that glory. But it's nice to think about another. Although my wife wants to go O/S next Sept the only time she'll be free so I could still miss actually seeing one.
  12. Not quite. He's listed as 186cm Nicholls 189cm which wasn't necessarily that short for even his era. '68 GF Don McKenzie his Dons opponent in the ruck was 188cm. 1970 GF Graeme Jenkins 193cm.
  13. Does he already have players in mind for our picks in next year's draft. Has Hogan and now Jackson going home to WA impacted decisions on recruiting WA players if talent etc is even. Did it impact the decision not to take Allen. Did the intended move to a tactical sub have any impact on the makeup of the list and the recruiting
  14. Spare a thought for this kid for a minute. One week up at schoolies the very next without any prior warning running around against the most elite athletes in the country and having no fitness base to be able to keep up. I know the feeling of trying to keep up with fit athletes when you're not. It's excruciating. It's going to be a tough summer for him catching up. They'll really have to nurse him psychologically as well as physically. It would break many young men. Wouldn't surprise me to hear that he's got a different fitness training to the main group until at least after the Christmas break.
  15. Reminds me a lot of Petty. I'd be very happy with a Petty Stewart hybrid.
  16. JT was just saying he has played key forward.
  17. Except Port have already given away their first rounder next year so at this point have nothing to offer.
  18. One has to assume that the Club has done everything it could to get him to extend his contract before entering what is now the final year of his contract. I'm sure they would have preferred to have avoided another Jackson like circus but here we are again. Can't help feeling he's gone.
  19. I'm no mathematician but I have heard of the law of averages and based on that law surely we are due to finally draft a successful key position forward. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe we've ever drafted a key forward that's gone on to have a career. Lyon and Schwarz didn't come in through the draft. Neiter was recruited as a back and started his career back before going forward out of necessity when Lyon retired. Robbo was brilliant but not a key forward. I didn't realise Neiter like Robbo was from Tassie. T Mac was recruited as a back. The only key forwards I can think of that MFC have drafted are not in order Newton, Molan Cook, Weideman and now Jefferson. My genius mathematical brain tells me statistically we are clearly due for Jefferson to be a Coleman medal winning success.
  20. Wow! A training report from Goschs. How long has it been. Thanks @Slartibartfast and any others that can make it to training over the coming summer. Reports always gratefully received from those of us who can't make it.
  21. I know it's laughable to make any comments off photos but....... his kicking action in that photo looks like someone who knows how to kick a footy. While he might look skinny from my point of view he also looks pretty cut for an 18 yr old. Skin folds already look pretty good. He doesn't look like he's coming in from a zero base like some other Rookie B's I've seen.
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