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Everything posted by CHF

  1. I think there is one more player trade to be done in the next hour. 50/50 in my book.
  2. I think it will just be one or the other. Not both.
  3. I am confident that this will get done. As I understand it, just haggling over the price. I think it will be pick 31 or 33 that goes to Norf.
  4. Not a rumour, just a thought..... TMac and pick 43 to Carlton for pick 30?
  5. Still hearing that we have not given up hope on Tom Phillips. Less than 50/50 in my book.
  6. One further comment I heard was that MFC are in this as a long game. What they are doing this off season will be part of a much longer term strategy that is in place for the next few seasons. I note the positive, supporting comments made on the exits of both Preuss and Hannan as a marker to other players in the comp as to the respect the club has for the players. (This is my comment, not something that ha been passed on to me)
  7. I heard the Swans are nibbling again. Chances of it happening as far as I am concerned and in a basis of what I heard are around 1 in 4.
  8. Brown deal to be done tomorrow. I would not be surprised to see TMac move in a give away last minute deal. AvdB is a possibility to move and there is movement for a further pick swap to move into the first round. A couple of days to go and still a bit to play for. If we can make the move into the first round a well as the player trades we have made then I think we will have executed our strategies exactly as we wanted.
  9. I do not think Treloar will end up a Dee. I would give it less than a 1 in 20 chance. Phillips of the Filth variety is still a better than even chance. A few things need to get done to unblock the logjam. I think tomorrow we may get the Hannan and Preuss deals put to bed.
  10. There have been a few good players taken at 43. · Adam Goodes – 372 games · Lindsay Gilbee – 206 · Mark Williams – 115 · Breet Peake – 118 · Andrew Swallow – 224 · Easton Wood – 173 · Esava Ratugolea – 40 · Corey Wagner – 19
  11. We are looking at a few avenues to do this both during the trade period and during the draft with pick swaps. Best chance of it happening would be during the late stages of the trade period when there is a lot more clarity. If we do not get into the first round during the trade period I would not be surprised.
  12. I would rather not at this stage as I have witnessed how others have been jumped upon and have had to defend themselves. I will post further if anything more solid that a whisper comes up.
  13. I am hearing a lot of whispers about a number of players. My last post was the most solid I have heard from a usually reliable person. I will stress that it is still only A RUMOUR.
  14. I am hearing that the rest of the trade period is starting to come into focus for the MFC now that there has been more detailed discussion on a number of situations involving players. I understand that we have a bit more clarity on what might be on offer for both Hannan and Preuss and that marks a way ahead for us on a couple of other deals. I hear we are looking more closely at Phillips.
  15. I reiterate... Only whispers but I understand that these two plus swap of picks to move up the draft.
  16. I mentioned a couple of days ago and the whispers will not go away. TMac/AVB package to GWS. Not really solid info.
  17. From what I am hearing, I don't expect much to be moving on trades for the MFC until there is a bit more clarity with regards to the Big Macs possibilities and what might eventuate with Preuss. I believe that we have looked at Treloar and it is all a bit messy between him and The Filth. Not sure when/how that will all play out.
  18. If 10 people say that they are 90% certain something will happen, does that make it 900% certain to happen? if so, I just need to find 9 mates.
  19. Sorry. The club I heard involved was GWS
  20. I have heard whispers of a possible trade. Nothing confirmed ( a long way from it) and information is very thin. I did hear it from two different people. TMac/VdB packaged with a 2nd round (this year or next) for their first round 2020. No idea where this originated.
  21. Nah.... 9 times out of 10, given the present situation, a deal would get done. So, 90% confidence.
  22. I believe that, unless there is a very big u-turn by him or us, Brown will be a Dee next year. 90/10 rating.
  23. As I understand the way it has evolved, The MFC have been talking with Smith off and on for some time with a view to looking at getting him in the door at this time. Talking progressed to negotiations and an outline of a deal had generally been agreed. It is on the table but as the discussion progressed other opportunities in the market opened up as teams began to finish their seasons and player/club positions gained a bit more clarity. I do not think the MFC want to, at this stage add any sweetener to the pot for Smith. the market has also changed for Smith with Geelong looking hard at framing a deal and Hawthorn also wanting to do the best to retain him. The market for both parties has evolved and it is not finished. I did hear a couple of player names, Phillips being one, But I do not want to name them at the moment as the information was flimsy at best, and I have seen the beating the Doc is taking and, to be honest, I do not have the time or the inclination to defend myself every other post.
  24. These things are always very fluid at this time of year with a lot of variables and different influences. A week ago the information I had was that there was a better than 80/20 chance that Smith would become a Demon. The last I heard on it earlier in the week was that it was back to 50/50 because of two factors. One was the entrance of Geelong into the equation and the other was from the MFC side with other opportunities and possibilities opening up. I understand the deal is still on the table and that from MFC side, it is the final iteration. Personally, I do not see value for money in a deal for Smith at this stage of hie career given our list at the moment..
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