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Everything posted by JTR

  1. I'll reserve judgement until the end of the trade period. Maybe 31 will be used to get something better. If we keep 31 I'll be very disappointed that the club didn't suck it up and recognise that Jack offers a [censored] load more than a speculative pick in a reportedly weak draft. He was top 5 in last years B&F FFS. He and Hogan combined were being touted as the next big forward line duo earlier in this very season. He offers us things structurally that no other player in our squad can. Thats worth more than 31, imo....
  2. With no rucks and Hogan out, I'd argue Watts had a big hand in getting us to that position in the first place. Up to the Bulldogs game he was having a very good season and the coaches appeared to agree, having at 6th in the B&F at that point. We all know what happened after that... :/
  3. You mean like the post from GNF a while back which suggested Watts trip to Byron got him on the slippery slope to where we are today? That the club were filthy, that his rehab was hampered... etc etc etc? Look how much that has evolved. Now its been accepted as fact that Jack never tries, that his injury wasn't that bad, he just didnt care enough to get back as fast as he could, that he is a terrible trainer, that he doesnt spend enough time in the gym putting on muscle, that he is a terrible influence on all the young players... etc Scuttlebutt central this place, from both sides of the debate.
  4. Nope, nope, nope. The Watts bashers will absolutely not have this.
  5. Where'd he come in the 2016 B&F? How was he going this year until the injury? The rest is just absolute rubbish cobbled together from a few select pieces of select info, most of which comes from other theorys on this very forum that are dubious at best.
  6. I see both sides of the argument, but this thread is getting ridiculous now. Where is the actual evidence that Jack is a culture killer? Or a terrible trainer? Or went on a trip to Bondi? The poor training and the Bondi trip 'analysis' both derived from GNF's post a while back - someone who I might add, a good few of you wont have a bar of at around this time of year. GNF says he went to Byron, one person later repeats that as Bondi and now everyone says Bondi. GNF says his rehab was hampered/delayed/not ideal and that morphs into him being a terrible trainer, thats why he's no good.... yadda yadda yadda What next?
  7. Happy with the trade for a known quantity. To those upset with what we handed over, would suggest waiting till the end of the trade period before giving your final assessment. You only need to go back as far as 2015 to see why. Remember that trade period when we handed over 25 very early in the trade period for Melksham? Remember how ropable everyone was at the time? Subsequent schrewd moves after that turned our first round pick into two first round picks which we used to get Oliver & Weideman In Mahoney I trust!
  8. Cant see us playing Adelaide here. It'll be much more dramatic if played over there in front of their rabid faithfull. AFL loves fixture drama
  9. EXACTLY my point, but in a few chapters less.... :/
  10. My judgement has been a little clouded given the way Jacks second half of season played out, but I'm now firmly back in the "I desperately want him to stay" camp. He plays forward, he plays back, he can play on the wing and he can even do a better than average job in the ruck. He is one of the best kicks in the team, one of the best decision makers, one of the few you dont worry about when he has the ball and probably the one you'd bet your house on to kick the goal after the siren for a win. How many other players do we have like that? If he goes, who in our team is genuinely capable of stepping up to replace him and cover all those gaps? Other players are going to get injured, lose form or get suspended. What if that all happens at the same time again like we saw this season? Who here genuinely believes we would have been in the positiion we got to this season without him being there? We want to be a club with a lot of multi dimensional, multi skilled players and Jack would be one of - if not THE - best we have. Why get rid of him now when at the very worst he is an exceptional, multi faceted depth player? Because he has "currency"? Is what we are probably getting in return really worth more than what he brings to the team? Players like Jack dont grow on trees and I struggling to see him leaving as anything other than a big step backwards. I really, really hope the club knows and understands what it is doing here. I sure dont.
  11. According to big screen he was 6th on 166 votes (for memory - may have been 164) after 14 rounds
  12. Yep, typo with the games and I corrected that. The rest... meh. We'll never know, but he was heading towards another 2016 type season before he went down.
  13. He was 6th after 14 rounds, then got injured for a month, then was ordinary. His first 2/3 of the year was good
  14. I grew up in NZ so dont know if anyone else here is familiar with All Blacks history. but I think this is going to be exactly like when Wayne ''Buck'' Shelford was dropped in 1990 from the side and never re-selected. It was highly controversial amongst the public and for years and years afterwards, in any sport that NZ was involved with in both at home and abroad, someone somewhere would be holding up a "Bring Back Buck" sign! You can still see such signs to this day.
  15. If I saw the screen right on the livestream, is now 6th after 14 rounds...
  16. No doubt jumbo... but given his generally laconic demeanor and playing style (perceived or otherwise), it is not inconceivable to think he may put a bit less effort into rehabbing than other more dedicated players, is it?
  17. " Watts did not do rehab properly while away and lost so much fitness he was useless on his return " I read that from GNF as Watts not rehabbing properly the entire time he was away from playing, so when at home, when he had a day off, wherever and whenever he wasn't at the club... etc. Not just the Byron trip. Certainly would explain why he appeared to do a reverse Viney and take double the time to return from a two week injury.
  18. I am completely torn on this. I've always been a supporter, but got right off Jack late this season, particularly after the injury. Now I'm back to wondering what if.... Maybe this is the rocket that'll finally see the penny drop? He's had plenty of rockets before, granted, but the worst he got from that was a spell in the twos... this is much different. I think I'd be much more comfortable with this, if this were happening this time next year, after this wake up call, cause if he doesn't get it now, I know 100% he never will. Why do I care about this so much vs any other half decent player we move on? No idea... probably because he has been so maligned over his career. He'd probably be the most talked about, scrutinized, meme'd, option #4 on every big footy poll, average player in the history of the game, and I've been riding the wave, hoping one day he'd prove everyone wrong. Just hoped that'd be for us rather than someone else
  19. Yeah, happy with that. I'll be tuning in for sure. For those who can't.... TIMINGS (APPROXIMATE) 7.40pm - Event begins with MC's welcome, and Welcome to Country by Aunty Joy 7.50pm - Presentation of 2017 team 7.57pm - Address from Chairman Glen Bartlett 8.05pm – Troy Broadbridge Memorial Trophy (Best VFL Player) 8.10pm – Ian Ridley Memorial Trophy (Club Ambassador Award) 8.15pm – Harold Ball Memorial Trophy (Best young Player) 8.20pm - Round 1 – 8 video 8.23pm - Main meal break. 9.00pm - Round 9 – 14 video 9.04pm - AFLW B&F 9.10pm - James McDonald Trophy (Heart & Spirit Award) 9.15pm - Ron Barassi Jnr Trophy (Leadership Award) 9.20pm - Norm Smith Memorial Trophy (Coaches' Award) 9.30pm - Milestones 9.40pm – Dessert Break 10.10pm - Rounds 15-23 video 10.12pm - Simon Goodwin Address 10.20pm – Top 5 Awards Approx 11pm Event Close
  20. http://demonland.com/forums/topic/42698-trade-rumours/?do=findComment&comment=1479077
  21. Not to nit pick, but that's not exactly what he said. What he said is that our offer to Adelaide involves a 1st & 2nd round pick. When asked, he added that one of those could be a future pick. So I took that meaning this year 1st + next year 2nd or next years 1st + this years 2nd or both 1st and 2nd for this year. The "involves" wording also suggests something extra is in the deal like a player or swap of picks.
  22. As a side note, something else Mahoney said (which we probably already know but I haven't heard it from myself from the club) is that Lever would help form part of a strong backline with Jetta, Hibberd, Hunt, Frost & OMac. Didn't mention TMac, which I think signals quite clearly their intentions for him next season.
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