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Posts posted by GawnWithTheWind

  1. If you are looking for reason and positives from such a tragic and sad day, this final act from Jim will hopefully unite us and provide direction in a time when the club seems so lost. After such a positive off season, problems started arising with troubles with jurrah, more big losses, injuries and other issues, Jims passing gives the club vision and a real purpose to start performing. The players, administration, board, staff and supporters owe so much to the great man, hopefully we can gain some belief and power to direct us into the future.

    He cannot be replaced and never forgotten.

    A hero in every sence of the word.

  2. Mike has got a couple things wrong and just got sucked into what everyone else thinks.

    There are some seriously overrated players in there.

    1) My first problem is Cyril at 17. So Mike is telling me he is a better asset then Pavlich, Cox, Jack Reiwoldt and Dustin Martin just to name a few. Cyril is amazing in patches but without consistency, is not better then those players.

    2) Brad Sewell, Petrie, Luke Ball, Jamison, Leuenbeger are all better then Frawley?? Every single one of those clubs would trade those 'stars' for Frawley in a heartbeat.

    3) Nic Nat is not better then a host of those players between 28 - 50.

    I think Mike took an easy route and went with what the uneducated (football wise) crowd thinks.

  3. With the squad for the last round of NAB released, it has given us a slightly better indication of round 1:

    FB: Garland - Frawley - Bartram

    HB: Rivers - Sellar - Grimes

    C: Jones - Magner - Trengove

    HF: Howe - Green - Petterd

    FF: Davey - Clark - Watts

    R: Jamar - Moloney - Bail

    I: Blease - Martin - McKenzie

    S: Tynan

    E: Tapscott - Bate - Dunn - Bennell - Gysberts

  4. 2. Nathan Jones, 3. Clint Bartram, 6. Matthew Bate, 7. Jamie Bennell, 8. James Frawley, 9. Jack Trengove, 11. Mitch Clark, 12. Colin Sylvia, 13. Jordie McKenzie, 14. Lynden Dunn, 15. Ricky Petterd, 17. Sam Blease, 18. Brad Green, 20. Colin Garland, 22. Brent Moloney, 25. Tom McDonald, 27. Jared Rivers, 28. Joel MacDonald, 30. James Sellar, 34. Stefan Martin, 36. Aaron Davey, 38. Jeremy Howe, 40. Mark Jamar, 46. Josh Tynan, 47. Tom Couch

    Watts dropped no Gysberts Grimes or Tappy.

    So will it will look something like this:

    FB: Garland - Frawley - Bartram

    HB: Rivers - Sellar - Bennell

    C: Jones - Bate - Trengove

    HF: Howe - Green - Petterd

    FF: Davey - Clark - Dunn

    R: Jamar - Moloney - Sylvia

    I: Blease - Joel Mac - McDonald - Martin - Tynan - Couch - McKenzie

    Not a weak team, and with the inclusion of Tappy, Magner, Grimes and Watts for Round 1, we are looking to have a decent team.

  5. I highly, highly doubt the club didn't know about the interview.

    After all that has happened, I am sure Liam has people surrounding him everyday, helping him through all of this.

    They know he doesn't understand Melbourne AFL Media yet, so would be supporting his every decision.

    I am pretty sure the interview would have been scripted and filmed with plenty of editing.

  6. Ok.

    Best case scenario would be Liam is charged with holding an offensive weapon and the other charged drop.

    He was simply there and armed himself incase of an attack. He did not use the weapon on the victim.

    I imagine this is what he said in his bail hearing.

    Lets hope this is the case cause he get off with a good behaviour and a fine and get back to what he does best, kick goals on the mcg.

    Does anyone have a timeframe for the court hearing?

  7. Mate it's the complete opposite, Im on the low horse here - "I tell ya what, if my family was involved in a brawl, i wouldnt give a [censored] who I played for/worked for or anything, I would be there protecting the ones I loved. They are the most important thing in my life. Period." How hypothetically noble of you, as would I, and I too would be expected to lose my job over it (amongst many other things)

    Yes, I would absolutely tell him he has no place at the club even if he 'just got caught up in the brawl', even though Im not quite sure what is entailed in 'just getting caught up' in a machete fight entails.

    So quick to judge.

    I am glad your say stands for close to nothing.

  8. Unbelievable - we have a professional sportsman here representing one of the oldest clubs in the world, who requests personal leave from the club on the outset of what is one of our most important seasons in memory, is then arrested and charged with possession, intent, and causing serious injury (all with a machete mind you) and you're crying for support?

    Im sick of this cliche and fashionable attitude - "A very open article that everyone should read before jumping to conclusions on situation and character". Give me a break..

    Regardless of any explanation, he has no place at the Melbourne Football Club following this incident. End of story. I say and comment nothing on his personal situation as I know nothing of it nor of the trials and tribulations his position in the Yuendemu community puts him through, save to say that I wish him all the best with what must be a tough time for him.

    So if it is found that he has no part in the viscious assault and was just caught up in the brawl (with his only family members) you would tell him that he is not welcome back at the club.

    I tell ya what, if my family was involved in a brawl, i wouldnt give a [censored] who I played for/worked for or anything, I would be there protecting the ones I loved. They are the most important thing in my life. Period.

    Get off your high horse

    • Like 4
  9. There is no one on our list who has more 'potential' then Colin, and there aren't many players in the AFL who has more 'potential' then him.

    He is everything you want in a footballer, hard, strong, elite hands, elite feet, explosive and reasonably quick when he needs it.

    He just lacks desire. It seems to be that Colin is happy for the fame and money from AFL, but maybe lacks the desire to be the best.

    Neeld needs to find what makes him tick.

    I suggest he go down to Tigerland and ask them what they do to him, cause everytime he plays the tiges, he has 30 touches, 5 goals, 10 marks and about 10 tackles.

    I personally think he is our MVP.

    • Like 1
  10. FB: Garland - Frawley - Bartram

    HB: Grimes - Sellar - Bennell

    C: Jones - Magner - Tynan

    HF: Howe - Watts - Davey

    FF: Green - Clark - Petterd

    R: Jamar - Moloney - Trengove

    I: Bate - Martin - Bail

    S: Nicholson

    E: Gysberts - Dunn - Rivers

    • Like 1
  11. In fairness, Bastinac was 50% correct though - Scully did ultimately make the 'right decision for him'.

    It won't be the right decision for him, he will leave that club in 6 years with a fatter wallet, but no cup and no respect.

  12. The best thing about his mongrel is that it will give confidence to other blokes around him.

    Howe, Petterd and Watts the most

    With him smashing packs and getting agro, they will hopefully wanna chase and smash opponents too.

    Then enter Frawley, Magner and Moloney..............

  13. The video doesnt show it low enough for a dislocation. I am still sticking with sublax.

    When I dislocated my shoulder, my collarbone stuck out across alot more, but his shoulder muscles are a little bigger then mine.

    Stingers hurt, they do, not as much as dislocations but still more then your hamstring, knee sorta thing.

    I still have my hopes.

    And in terms of cracking, that could have been anything, doubt it was directly related.

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