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Posts posted by GawnWithTheWind

  1. One thing that is a counter argument is Dean Baileys comments.

    He for one, is not going to go down and pretend that Melbourne still have a chance.

    If Schwartz knows Scully has signed, then Dean Bailey is sure to know that he has signed.

    Why would DB come out and say he is extremely confident that TS will be at Melbourne for the next 12 years or so, if people at Melbourne knew TS was leaving?

    That is the flaw with Schwartz's comments.. If Melbourne knew, we wouldn't play him, would we?

  2. I really, really want Scully to be a man of his word.

    I wish their was some more evidence to say that he is.

    If Schwartz had come out and said, "I have good evidence to say he is staying, I'm 98% sure" we would all be saying thank god...

    This sucks.

  3. Too right shadow... I don't want out supporters to turn into a club like St Kilda

    If you ever sit in the middle of some saints fans, they get so close to punching on over issues like Raph Clarke, its just so stupid.

    We are all so passionate, that's why we are on here, but at the end of the day we have realize, we are all on the same team just looking to share and vent.

  4. So the rumours are he has entered into a contract but now wants to void that contract and stay with Melbourne?

    I can tell you now, he will not be held at ransom and go to a new club if he does not want to.

    The new club will want to set up a positive atmosphere, with exciting young players and committed 'to the bigger picture' senior players.

    They will not want a 20 year old kid running round for them, wanting to be somewhere else.


    If the rumours are true, then fantastic. He will say to GWS that I have changed my mind, draft me if you want, but I will make it public "I DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE MELBOURNE".

    Negative press will not help them sign anyone else on the edge like our boy Tom

    They will say, you signed a contract, and try and convince him... but at the same time, Melbourne will know his intentions and help him out every way possible.

    Lets hope this rumour is true, cause it will save alot of demonlanders hearts.

    Stay and Win Tom.

  5. So we go after Pendles...

    What? With all the money left in the salary cap after paying Scully, Trengove, Watts, Gysberts, Sylvia, Moloney and Frawley the big bucks they deserve...

    I doubt in 2 years time we would have that much money left to import a star into a team of (hopefully) stars... It would be like Geelong poaching Franklin!

  6. For some reason I have a feeling one morning this week I will wake up and news of 'contract talks between MFC and Scully are close' will appear.

    I don't know why I have this feeling, but I seriously hope its true..

  7. Dane Swan is taking the trip to Arizona for 12 days over the queens birthday game.

    Apparently the only player to miss a game...

    Would be nice if pendles and cloke wanted to accompany him! Just to give him some support... :)

    Jolly is making the trip too, so Wood v Martin will make the stoppage game alot closer...

  8. With Newton out Dunn or Gawn has to play, preferably both for mine...

    Ins: Dunn, Gawn, Scully, Trengove, Howe, Bartram

    Outs: Bate, Newton, Bennell, Evans/Nicholson, Maric, Jetta

    FB: Frawley - Warnock - Bartram

    HB: MacDonald - Rivers - Morton

    C: Scully - Jones - Trengove

    HF: Sylvia - Green - Howe

    F: Jurrah - Watts - Petterd

    R: Gawn - Moloney - Gysberts

    I: Dunn - Martin - McKenzie

    S: Evans

    E: Nicholson - Bennell - Maric

  9. Makes you sick? Hahahaha.. I feel sorry for you that demonland has such an impact on your life, maybe you need to go to rehab over this issue... I was just wondering if anyone could shed any light into the Rumour of the mature players.. And it did.. Mission accomplished!

    Keyboard heroes :)

  10. Jaded,

    I understand that you have a problem with the 1000 Tom Scully threads on here.

    But why waste your negativity here? There is so many other threads which are yet to be negativitilized by your comments.. (actually for you, i dont think there are many left)

    No one really cares....

    This thread was created to discuss a rumour of the mature players in our playing group boycotting Scully.

    Your right, its probably not true. But I want to see what some other fellow Melbourne supporters have to say on it.. Its not like we are cutting down trees to discuss it, this is all up in the cloud

    I didnt realise he was such an intravert, but thanks to this thread, now I know.

    I tried to warn people before opening this thread, but instead, you ignore that and bore everyone in here... You don't have to open it, but for us to talk about this topic, we have to read your crap

    Carn the dees

  11. Firstly, if you hate Scully threads.... then find another one... I want to discuss this topic

    One thing that has been on my mind is Tom Scully and his friends at the club.

    I follow alot of the players twitter accounts and they are regularly talking with each other and posting status's about hanging out with each other etc.

    One thing I have noticed is Tom's name never comes up in these status, they never say he is with them when they do things together. It seems that watts, trenners, tap and morton all go for dinner together, wouldn't scully normally be in that group? He is never mentioned on Blease's account either, who I thought was his best mate?

    Do you think its true that the senior players don't want anything to do with him until he commits? That attitude would be pushed onto our younger group too.. If Tom's decision has not been made yet, this would not be helping..

    Its childish if true...

    Anyone know anything about this?

  12. In: Davey, Trengove, Scully, Gawn, Howe, Dunn

    Out: Bate, Newton, Bennell, Jetta, Maric, Nicholson (very, very unlucky.. must be promised a game soon)

    FB: Warnock - Frawley - J Mac

    HB: Davey - Rivers - Morton

    C: Trengove - Moloney - Gysberts

    HF: Howe - Green - Sylvia

    FF: Jurrah - Watts - Petterd

    R: Gawn - Scully - Jones

    I: McKenzie, Martin, Dunn

    S: Evans


    Warnock - Hille

    Frawley - Ryder

    Davey - Jetta

    J Mac - Monfries

  13. The three biggest rounds of the year are here for Melbourne Football Club. The clouds were once clearing on the oldest football club in this land, however unforeseen storms have smashed this club on the bow early this year. The poor year started with the doubt surrounding the commitment of Melbourne's best potential, and hasn't cleared with injuries battering the group from pillar to post. The rain continued to poor when a young star was brought down for three weeks for an act that every other player in the greatest game on earth respected.

    However, as the young group turn the corner they face the big stage. The best thing about this situation is they can silent their critics, they can rise above the negativity haunting the club and stamp their authority as the 'next best thing'. Mr Watts is starting to show his potential, the new wizard has plenty of tricks and the battle hardened bodies of Moloney, Jones and Sylvia wont go down with a fight. Some say that this group now does not have the skills, the hardness or the leaders to win these games but as they say..

    "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog"

    Show the world what your made of Melbourne. Its your turn.


    Juddy, Mclean and their mates better be ready.

    Melbourne by 2 points

  14. 1. M. Scarlett - the guy is never worried, always looks like he has the situation under control

    2. S. Fisher - just like him, i know he isnt the best one on one defender, but just like him

    3. Buddy/Kennedy/Tippett - cant decide between the three, but good, exciting young full forwards (i wish we had one)

  15. I think your wrong.

    This round will be extremely important for our club. How much time have we spent in acknowledging the indigenous roots within our team. We have gone up to support Aussie, seen how Jurrah's family lives and other such trips. The dreamtime round shows how important these players are to our game, and I think every player will take confidence and pride from how the MFC supports them.

    The build up will be focussed around them, rather then our poor form.

    And lets not forget our own indigenous players will hopefully pipe up with some good form and show us what they can really do. The exciting thing about that is we have a fair few of them in the team at the moment. Jurrah, Davey, Jetta, Bennell and Wonna.

    Expect a HUGE game from davey.

  16. All i hear on demonland is im sick of hearing this, im sick of hearing that!

    I am sick of hearing you complain.

    When you see a topic about Scully, how bout not opening it? Some of us demon supporters want to vent and discuss this possibility, this is the only place we can really do it with other passionate demon fans. Instead of complaining about talking about Scully, just go onto the other ones about Jack Watts or Dean Bailey... and if you dont wanna open those ones either, you may need to go to big footy, cause those 3 topics are about 95% of what we talk about on here...


  17. I think the interesting one will be Heath Hockings elbow on Polkinghorne.

    He deliberatly elbowed Polks jaw, and then Polk had to be subbed off midway through the first quarter.

    1) It was deliberate

    2) More reckless then JT

    3) Both had to be subbed off

    According to the MRP, it should be at least 3 weeks

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