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Posts posted by GawnWithTheWind

  1. Having done 5 shoulder dislocations in my footy so far.. only 22 :(.. it doesnt look like a dislocation more just a stinger or a sublax.

    Sublax shouldnt be more then a few weeks, all it is when he hit the ground the shoulder would have moved in the socket a bit and goes a stiff and you can't lift your shoulder above your head.

    I would be very suprised if the physio was doing that on the ground if he actually dislocated it or broke the collar bone. The collar bone break normally sticks out and they would know right away.

    I am thinking this was just a minor impact injury and afl.com.au getting all up and about cause they had people there watching training.

    If I am right, expect him back for round 1 at the latest.

    • Like 1
  2. So with this 4 new players at half time, surely the 2 subs are worthless. But it seems like the afl are just making it different for the sake of it.

    My lineup would be.

    Bartram - Frawley - Garland

    MacDonald - McDonald - Grimes*

    Nicho - Couch - Jones

    Sylvia - Watts - Howe

    Davey - Clark - Blease

    R: Martin - Magner - Bate

    I: Petterd - Tynan

    S: Bail - Sellar

    Swap: Green - Rivers - Moloney - Jamar

  3. Yeah I went down for an hour or so.

    Jurrah, Tapscott, Blease, Williams and one other who I couldn't see (could have been Tynan/Taggert) went off onto a separate oval to do what looked like medium distance running.

    At Casey you can't see both ovals at once so couldn't really make out what they were doing but they were over there for over an hour.

    The main group consisted of 25ish players but the players who I didn't notice participating were Grimes, Jamar, Sylvia, Cook, Jetta, Davey and Bartram.

    They started the session with some warm up kicking and then a very sharp handball drill. Skills were up, however some players lacked a bit of intensity. Some things I noticed were:

    - J. Watts needs to up his intensity, look a bit more interested and look like he is working hard. Seemed to just go through the motions and look bored.

    - Joel Mac was very clean and working very hard making sure he was pushing right through. Skills looked great.

    - Fitz..... The only one who didn't look sharp. I do not know how he has played a senior game. They must see something in him that I can't.

    After this they split into two groups doing some contested work in the goal square, however I only saw one end so comments are a little bit limited.

    - Bennell has really improved his one-on-one and gets in great positions. Leigh Brown very happy with his efforts in this drill

    - Cale Morton battles with strength but persisted and persisted (looks like he should be playing in the Aus Open)

    - Howe has unbelievable hang-time, he jumps, holds, then marks. What a gun.

    - Jones has been working on his kicking style I reckon, slightly changed for the better.

    Then after that drill, they just did some goal kicking.

    - Funny how good they all are with no pressure however Fitz struggled and Martin put one out of the full.

    They then had a drink and a mini break.

    - JT and Moloney are very vocal and natural leaders. Always on the jog and always yapping.

    - Frawley is the popular one in the group, they all get around him whenever they can. I think he is too much everyone’s mate to be the captain of this team.

    After the break they went into a stoppage, full ground drill which was great to see. I could hear the coaches harping on the defensive pressure and it seemed a real focus in this drill. The intensity was right up and the skills were reasonably good too. Some things I noticed in this one

    - Watts took a nice mark over JT and was happy about it

    - Green is all class, need 2 of him, one in the forward line and one in the midfield would be perfect.

    - Joel Mac was looking good

    - Ricky Petterd had a nice smother which lead to a score

    - Garland was very instructive of his defenders around him.

    - Tommy Mac was playing as a forward

    - Rivers is a natural leader too

    They had another break for goal kicking.

    - Clark can kick a goal!

    - They all joke around with Green about being old, needing a wheelchair, calling him fossil etc.

    - Dunn has slightly changed his routine, looks better than his old one with the ball waving all over the place.

    After their goal kicking break, they went into a clearance/stoppage drill which ended up having to pick the right option up forward. From where I could see there were a lot more defenders then forwards down there which made the execution crucial. It was full contact, full pressure and full on.

    - Jade was harping about defence the whole time, I really like his instructions, I learnt a lot for my own game by listening to his words.

    - Jones was always yapping and ordering people around

    - Bate had a shocking kick where literally the whole group cringed at. Jade was angry but it was pretty funny actually.

    - Great lead and mark from Clark into the dead pocket, hard kick and missed.

    - Nicho has a shaved head and soooooo quick! Going to be a gun!

    - Watts needs to look more hungry in his drill too.

    They continued a similar drill but moved the stoppage into CHB.

    - Joel Mac sells JT into trouble and stuffs the drill, Mac very angry with himself.

    - Magner can tackle!

    - Gys kicked a lovely long goal

    - Howe was showing some class on the half forward line, he will definitely be playing there this year.

    - Martin loves to play on, pity he can't kick.

    - The coaches really get stuck into Magner, maybe he is lazy or maybe they need him to work harder on his fitness?

    - Bate has picked up some pace.

    - Love Mitch Clark

    The last drill I saw before I left was a one-on-one drill down in the goal square with Jade (they also had the video camera out)

    - Jade very instructive and supportive

    - Cale is not strong

    - Garland has amazing body position

    - Bennell is looking great in these drills

    The drill then turned to focus on three efforts, a spoil, run to make another spoil and then go back with the flight. Was a great drill!

    - Loving Jade's work

    So overall that’s some of the notes I took from what I saw. It was a good solid session but would have loved to see more of the players out there and a bigger turn out by the Dees faithful (maybe only about 30?)

    Happy to answer any questions.

    • Like 6
  4. I have been away for a couple weeks, been watching the posts but didn't have much time to post myself.

    We need to stop turning on our own, we forget the great things great players have done for our club so quickly its disgusting.

    Bradley Green is one of the most passionate and loyal players this group has. He is mature, understand what it takes to become an elite player and knows what the MFC stand for.

    I will be the first to admit, he could not back up 2010 form last year, and did struggle with the media attention on his leadership but he is still a fantastic contributor to our club that doesn't deserve the hating.

    This time last year we all voted on leaders for 2011, and the results came up with Brad Green or Brent Moloney for captain. You chose it too! So stop turning on him. He didnt turn his back on us when Eddie and his CashBags offered him a chance to be in a real premiership chance, he held fast and stayed with the club he loves.

    I also believe he will not be given the chance to captain the team again, but he still deserves our respect.

    Carn the dees

  5. Our Lineup can change heaps now

    FB: Garland - Frawley - Tapscott

    HB: Grimes - Rivers - Blease

    C: Trengove - Sylvia - Jones

    HF: Howe - Watts - Petterd

    FF: Jurrah - Clark - Green

    R: Jamar - Moloney - Davey

    I: Martin - McKenzie - Gysberts

    S: Bail

    E: Morton - Bennell - Dunn - Bartram

    Sylvia = Now with Clark playing our dominant forward, it will allow Sylvia to train as a midfielder and give some much needed size and raw talent into that group

    Petterd = Petterd can be swapping with Sylvia, I see this guy as the same sort of player, big engine with a good preseason and plenty of talent

    Green = Boy watch him have a good year without the pressure of all of our forward entries ontop of his head. He will take the third defender and shred some teams in half

    Jurrah = Has a big step ladder to climb on now. Pressure off him too and will love having a 200cm 100kg player backing him up down there

    Watts = Watts + Clark as the twin towers.

    Martin = Ultimate Utility now, 2nd ruck but can seriously now do a job where ever we need him

    I am excited

  6. Firstly, you will not find a happier melbourne supporter then me this morning. Won some cash on Southern Speed and wake up to M.Clark saying he wants to come play for us. I am very excited.

    However, what to do from tommorow?

    9am - Do the deal, make it official. Pick 12 for M.Clark

    9.05am - Where to from now?

    What other steals can we get from this trade week?

    Maric, Bate or Warnock traded off?

    Should we go for a Caddy or Toy?

    Is there anyone else we should be looking at getting?


  7. I would be throwing lots at him.. He has a bit of grunt and aggression, and will really change the way our forward line sets up.. Imagine him staying deep, with Jurrah being a 2nd option.. Howe and watts leading up and Petterd/green getting dangerous.. Really good looking forward line.. Please mfc give 1st and 2nd round for him.. Or even compo pick!

  8. Who do you think?















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