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Everything posted by Monbon

  1. Gleeson has simply re-affirmed he is a dictator.
  2. Even more to the point is that Jonas gets a free kick for assaulting McDonald, then gets suspended. Like I say, the AFL Industrial Complex is becoming an even bigger joke.
  3. I'm on the brink of unfollowing the game period. It's become a farce: inconsistent umpires, different rules for different players, different clubs, corrupt fixtures - we always play Geelong at Geelong, for instance, how often does Collingwood play interstate, etc etc.
  4. Has anyone watched the Franklin tackle I alluded to above? Like I say, he pinned his arms, dumped the North player whose head hit the turf. Nothing !!!!!I think Melbourne should change its name to Geelongcollingwoodsydneycarlton.
  5. What's this wolf creek? Related to Bergmann's Hour of the Wolf?
  6. She texted me: it's flat. That's all she wrote that time.
  7. My wife was on the train which passed your Manor yesterday, on the way to the Fine Arts Centre called Castlemaine. She said it was a very degenerate looking place. Just though I'd pass that on
  8. Just been watching The Round so far: check out at 9.10 into it: Buddy tackles, wraps the players arms and the North player's head bangs into the turf. Then again, there's one rule for the Cripps and Dangerfields and Buddies, another for Melbourne players. Then at 9.50, a Sydney player shirt fronts a north player in a marking contest. If Christian leaves this alone.... The AFL is full of the word which involves excrement.
  9. 'Pretty clearly elected to bump in my view..had plenty of time to put his head down and contest. Chose not to, lead with the hip and the player contesting the ball in the right way was collected high as a result.' You must either have tainted vision, or you live in Fantasyland: Hunter at no time attempted to bump. He braced himself when Rozee kept his kamikaze momentum...
  10. A bump implies forward momentum. Hunter simply braced himself.
  11. Just as the news came through, I was going to post that Christian will obviously suspend Van R for retaliating at the 16 minute mark of the last quarter.
  12. I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned. From what I saw on the television is that Rozee, head down, ran into Hunter who turned side on the protect not only himself, but Rozee.
  13. Anatomy of ostriches is one of my blind spots.
  14. Yawohl: then there's Brahms Haydn Variations, not to mention the diabolical Diabelli...And I might have included Elgar's Enigma Variations had he not written Land of Hope and Glory, and Gerontius - both works which are anathema to my sensitive soul. Uncle Bitters of the Romsely Manor would describe the latter works as egregious.
  15. Yawohl: ick - as JFK put it - bin NICHT ein Berliner.
  16. I was a postie in Hawthorn in 1980. I quit after a German Shepherd, bounding along 100 metres ahead of its owner chased me round my bike. I kept yelling F.Off - it had worked with a German Shepherd once before, German, you know, they just follow orders - and when the owner casually sauntered up to us. He said. Don't yell at the dog - you'll frighten it.
  17. I've spent a lot of time in that region - though not west of Menindie. In other words, Goolwa, Hindmarsh Island, the land across the lake on the western side of Raukann, reaching it via the road from the Wellington Punt north of Lake Alexandrina - beautiful country.
  18. What I love most of all, is the Indigenous acknowledgement about the inter-connectiveness of all things, about respect for family, culture, language and history. We are missing that. It's why we make so many wars.
  19. This brought buckets of rain to my eyes.
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