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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Not too late to join me at the G! The chips are good! And the pies, well they are certainly pies! Yessir, pies they are! See you here!
  2. There’s a ‘pro-rata’ dispensation that we get that is more than the average bear. There is also special assistance. I believe we don’t receive the latter atm, but do receive the former and we get more than a number of clubs.
  3. Was handy in the 3rd in the Granny…
  4. Literally not true and also never true really.
  5. Would be great if we can grab him… will require a departure though.
  6. If he leaves it’s because he wants to go home. The money will not be much more. Let’s just ease up on the kid.
  7. Back up ruck is the role Sam plays well in my view. Less pressure to be the focal point, his ruck craft is good for a part timer, and it gets his mindset to be more competitive around the footy.
  8. We simply have to beat Adel, PA, and Coll and then get two of the other 6.
  9. I just run a ladder predictor that had us winning against BL, Adel, PA, and Coll and had us finishing 7th with all 3 teams you mention above us… so 14 wins may not be enough for top 4…
  10. One of the plethora of ‘stats gurus’ out there has us finishing 7th: Gawn missing, Lever injured, but Petracca, Oliver, Fritsch, Langdon, May, and Salem healthy; we should be able to compete against anyone. If we couldn’t win 4 games out of 9 to (most likely) finish top 4 - it is immeasurably harder to make a prelim and at risk of being a failed year. We should win at least 4… surely…
  11. GWS have made inroads up here - lots of orange about. When we played them early last year, the crowd was obnoxious. Always a good sign.
  12. Looking at the evenness of the top 12 teams and ESS, GWS and WCE threatening to beat better teams - we could see 13 wins necessary for getting in the 8 but 14 wins might get you top 4… Then the pre-finals bye makes it even more even.
  13. Even Oliver, Gawn and May shouldn’t ‘break the bank’… The fact Petracca mid way last year signed an 8 year extension that will take him through his prime and doesn’t average more than $900k is testament to what our best players have agreed to to keep the list together. I have heard both Gawn and Petracca talk about this. Jackson would be no different, especially with Oliver OOC at the end of 2023.
  14. You know a thread has no hope when picket fence has the most cogent and sensible contribution.
  15. It is not a basket case of a club. This was going to take decades. As I am constantly reminded; low crowds have a myriad of excuses that we are comfortable with trotting out. And as for the talent pool - what a ‘training load’ - our ‘talent pool’ from the first half of 2020 is not much different to now but confidence, health, and proper coaching does wonders. There are blokes like Martin, Durdin, et al that are jumping in and playing roles well.
  16. Hang on a second, there are some wildebeests on here who hate the Friday night fixture as they can’t make it from work or take their kids. There is no pleasing people.
  17. That too. I feel for Hunt, he was exposed at the time we had an injured-yet-playing Lever and Petty, Salem coming back from injury, and May missing through concussion and idiocy. Our backline is getting there I hope. If we get close to top 2 it is on the back line’s coattails.
  18. He has an injured foot. His 1-1 numbers are good but the fact that he has had so many 1-1s is a problem. Teams have figured us out a bit and keeping Jake ‘honest’ and it is leaving others exposed.
  19. Setting up to fail. If you want to do it - commit to it for two months. I wouldn’t do this btw. Our mids are winning it, our forwards are the problem with their lack of pressure and connection. Dare off the backline would be handy too. I think this is robbing Peter to pay Paul, and Paul is pretty well off.
  20. The Straw lobby disowns this nonsense and wants nothing to do with this farcical notion.
  21. Pert should just go to WA, find Luke’s mum at her favourite cafe, get out the 5 year contract and just say: ”Sorry, Ms Jackson? I am for real.”
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