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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. The rise of Trump emboldened supremacists and racists over the globe. We never dealt with that properly and we condoned it through that silence and now it is a fire out of control. Some on here think ‘wokeness’ and PC rhetoric are shoved down their throat, well then what is the solution to this? If we can’t preach, how will the masses change their behaviour? Because the olden days of ignoring it and saying to the Eddie Betts of yesteryear “don’t make a thing of it” are over - they are done. They are as mad as hell and not taking it anymore - so what do you want to see happen - if not more ‘woke’ preaching, education in schools, clubs, workplaces, and pushing of the agenda of respect and reconciliation?
  2. https://youtu.be/RwA_4OamFhI 47 seconds if interested. Applies to Aus too.
  3. Mate, that is pure PR and damage control and I am sure he is sincere - he hurt people. But I would never get the person in like that to be paraded as a part of my own image management. I am sorry to be so cynical about this but I find it quite disgusting tbh. This bloke is just a stand in - he shouldn’t have to be there to comfort or provide absolution. Walker should just apologise, answer questions and do better. That’s how I see it.
  4. What is on the other side of that argument? What is the statute of limitations on the stolen generations? Death in custody? The Tuskegee experiments on the US when the govt gave blacks suffering from syphillis ‘healthcare’ in the 70s. When does a country’s or a people’s collective conscience wash that away and absolve themselves through the guise and excuse of time? 20 years? 50 years? Depends. Or this just another excuse for inaction and passing of blame?
  5. Their advice needs the assistance of a PR person. They were naive in how their ‘adjustment of their advice’ would be perceived and utilised by people and politicians. How about telling the country that there is greater risk of clots for half the population who take the pill than for AZ? Having a discussion about risk is not their job but it became the cudgel that bashed them sideways. I empathise with your argument but ATAGI ‘unwittingly’ getting to where they are is somewhat fault of their actions.
  6. Perhaps you don’t need them ‘rammed down your throat’ but the society you live in certainly does as evidenced by another instance with Walker. And you shouldn’t ‘get on with your life’ that is not the gold standard. You should understand and try to comprehend the pain of past experiences and exploitation to understand why it hurts all the more for black and brown people when the racists pop up out of their hides hole. So maybe it would ‘go down easier’ next time you hear it… rp
  7. Yeah, you can see Troy waving when Long’s hips got X-rayed the next week.
  8. How Walker can think like this after having so many colleagues over the years who were black… really does illustrate how ingrained it can be. And it isn’t like he was caught in the heat of the moment - standing off a huddle in a game he wasn’t playing in. Who are these people to you, Tex? And anyone who thinks like this in private; do these humans earn your ridicule and hate based on their existence in your world? Do Black Lives Matter? So sad that we can’t agree on some as fundamental as that. And the fact that to say those three words above, or to take a knee, is to be ‘political’… just a shame in our time.
  9. When the AFL world turned on Goodes - that revealed the collective character of the game and our society. This is prevalent; we are a racist society. BUT people like that Crows staffer and players pointing out racists at games is a step in the right direction. Next step is on us to not be comfortable with “well I don’t say those things” to “when I hear those things I confront the person and make it clear to everyone around that it isn’t acceptable.”
  10. It’s not your POV that grates, it’s the sincere impish thrill you seem to show when you give it. It borders on ‘trolling’ which I don’t want to call Land regulars, and you are a smart member of our community. I just wish you would accept that there are those in your community who have a different view to you and for you to be comfortable with that. Without being flippant - I understand you are saying that I shouldn’t be telling people that they are not entitled to their opinion. It’s a turn of phrase - the people that decide what people can post are Andy and the mods. Yes, I can avoid posters and the thread. I’m off my soapbox, next round is on me (this is a reference to my Demonland as a pub joke). rp
  11. Can you just give it a rest? Do you realise how you seem? You don’t have to be ‘on’ all the time.
  12. I think everyone has to get their head around at least a prelim that you won’t be able to go to if you live in Melbourne. These are the cards that the AFL has been dealt and I would say there I such a slim chance of a PF/GF at the G that you should steel yourself for it not to happen. I am so sorry in both senses of the word and I have missed my fair share of Dees footy over the past decade that I have a callous toward the pain - but as the saying goes - Go Dees. rp
  13. Good start next year and we will get to 60k next year
  14. Thanks Nasher. I couldn’t read you losers for a few hours. Was not pleasant.
  15. Nice try Angus but the club doesn’t read Demonland.
  16. You know there’s a pandemic on when they send Collingwood down to Hobart…
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