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He de mon

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Everything posted by He de mon

  1. It would be worth you taking a break from posting while you are on the p**s.
  2. Yeah, I hear ya. It would be worth calling the membership hotline and seeing where it is.
  3. Selling your family on your holiday. Great idea.
  4. Did you register? I hd no idea you had to register, but luckily I read on here that you need to opt in to get the pack. I called them last week to opt in, and apparently it is on the way, although the recorded message says 4 to 6 weeks. I tried to download the tickets via the app, but kept getting an error. I tried logging into the club website, but it wasn't recognising my password. I tried resetting my password, but I was not getting the password reset email. I was pretty p**d off by that stage and called the membership hotline, and they tell me that my issues were due to me being set to do not solicit. Now I can't remember doing that, but do not solicit means no marketing emails. I did not get the email telling me I had to register to get the pack, I was not able to access my account on the club website or change my password, and most importantly I was not able to access game day tickets. Absolute madness, paying for a premium membership and not being able to go the footy because I was set to do not solicit.
  5. I suggest they play "You'll never walk alone" after a goal. We could hand out pamphlets with the lyrics before the game.
  6. Although, maybe you are onto something.
  7. Great thread. I haven’t had time to read it all, so apologies if this has already been said. As far as I am concerned our drug laws need a complete overhaul, in particular with respect to cannabis use. Yes, there can be a detrimental impact, I have seen it firsthand, but I have seen far worse from alcohol. Domestic violence and alcohol abuse seem to go hand in hand. In Ginnivan’s case, it is more than likely there is a clause in his contract about the use of drugs. Similar to mining companies, where if you test positive to drugs it is instant dismissal, and I recall drug testing was quite common (not sure if this is still the case). In some ways, football players get off lightly compared to other Australian employees. I am not saying the policy is correct, but it is the policy they sign up to. If you do the crime you do the time. That said, the public hounding he is getting reeks of hypocrisy given that alcoholic benders seem to be celebrated.
  8. It felt a little like that for most of the second half of the season.
  9. Interesting that Richardson said that van Rooyen was unlikely to debut in the round 1.
  10. He was my only comeback to the kids I went to school with in the 70’s and 80’s, when they gave me sh&! for being a Dee’s supporter. The greatest Demon I have witnessed play.
  11. Why is DL sponsorship the kiss of death?
  12. The make some noise pop up in the big screen was frankly embarrassing. But whatever works.
  13. Having lived in Brunswick for 15 years, I tend to agree. Throw in a yoga centre, a wellness clinic and a vegan cafe, we might get it done.
  14. I have a GFG. If I have to go in a ballot, I will be asking for my money back. It’s not really a guarantee if you have to enter a ballot.
  15. I was curious about Stafford, as I couldn't remember him kicking many goals when he played. I was surprised that of all the VFL/AFL players who have played since 1967, he sits 35th on the goal kicking accuracy table. At least he knows how to kick goals.
  16. I found that happens with Kayo if you watch the pregame show and then continue to the game. i simply go back and find the live stream and watch from there. It seems to fix the issue.
  17. And several from different angles. They are just wasting our time otherwise.
  18. Don't worry Kev, i was kidding. i would never advocate violence as a solution.
  19. Brilliant. 7 more years of BT.
  20. Punch him?
  21. Very slow, but I got it finally. Thanks again.
  22. I got in finally as well and got seats in M50. Are they decent seats Jaded? Also, I chose to get my tickets via sms, but nada.
  23. Interesting. I spoke to a mate who is a Collingwood premium member and he reckons they are limited to 1 ticket per barcode. I have been in the queue for 20 minutes now. Really annoying. It wouldn’t surprise me if it is being clogged up by Collingwood members. trying to get in early.
  24. Good to know that they are the same, although I am a bit annoyed that I haven’t received the email. Thanks for the heads up.
  25. Do we get new barcodes to buy tickets, or can we use the one we got for the quarter finals? I haven’t received an email from the club.
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