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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Oh I get it we are playing the English equivalent to Bazzball, known as Goodyball. Yep that works well🤮
  2. SO BLOODY WHAT!! To be considered great ya gotta do what Richtank. Bisbane an going way back Wet Toast
  3. OUTS GOODWIN, STAFFORD, CHANDLER, ANB, LANGDON, SMITH, TRAC INNS, CLARRY, WOEY, JVR, JEFFERSON, JORDAN, and biggest out the Censored Selection committee Oh and also.. No more P.F Casey Training reports.. This team is a psychological killer. Thats it done and dusted!🤮
  4. Stuff my training reports, I am putting on my P. E Teachers hat and going to offer my services FREE to fix this goal kicking maelstrom which is derailing our season!
  5. Coz his ball drop is and has ALWAYS been far too high. Surely the park Someone should have ironed this out years ago FFS
  6. Sounds like a three kick, 4 Goal man😁
  7. Wash ur mouth out..... CLARRY IS BEST IN GAME ... Daicos wide reciever on overlap pretender !!
  8. The only other intetesting thing was Hibbo ruled out with intetnal laceration but training Thursday??
  9. Thats coz they dont have many good ones to leave!
  10. Perhaps Uncle you needed Indy's Dial of Destiny Revivative to assist in recovery!😁
  11. Surely it has to be Melky, you want an impact player not a defensive limited skillet ( My new word of the week.... Skillet)
  12. Worst kicking for goal since under 11 footy! Swans will rue this result!!
  13. Has he got the same Norm Smith hairstyle???
  14. Hnmmm seems I have heard the name FRITSCH before!! Any relation??
  15. Check his career Goal kicking record and you will see we have no one near his record, thats why!!
  16. Nup Im in the opposite camp Van Rooyen has done little since his 3 goal cameo vs Richtank, and I like what Smitb has done so far!! My IMPACT sub would undoutedly be MELKY!
  17. Nup Im in the opposite camp Van Rooyen has done little since his 3 goal cameo vs Richtank, and I like what Smitb has done so far!!
  18. I see the Ressies are playing at Casey Igloo at 12.05 on Sunday vs GWS. Surely if BBB was not going to play he would be getting another game under his belt there??
  19. Based on what I saw today BBB MUST get a gig and if not club have erred MASSIVELY.
  20. How Chandler still gets named is mystifying??
  21. Forwards win Premierships Defenders sell Life insurance😁
  22. These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away. HEART Oh my God, what a Dream I had last night, several Demonlanders were featured! And before some of you start thinking strange… It wasn’t one of those dreams at all. But it remains vivid and live and the scene was set at my training report at Casey. I arrived and then…………. Came the familiar song Daht dar dar daaar Dat dar dar Dat the Dat Dar Dut da dar dar Dar ….. And before I knew it there he Was INDIANA JONES Right before my eyes WOW INDY “Stop STAY out of the light” P.F “Sure Indy whatever you say” INDY Puts out his hand in the light and a turnpike complete with Mumified remains scuttles past my nose. INDY “ This is where FORESTAL Cashed in” P.F “Ä competitor”? INDY “ He was good he was very very good”…. Oh oh looks like we got company! Fence turning around and there standing there was … Bitter but Twisted, WCW and Dazzle Davey 36! WCW “ Where the heck am I? I was making the banner when whoosh Im now here? Oh Bloody hell Uncle Bitter is here as well, what a nightmare, whats your story” Uncle Bitter “ I was talking to my surveyor about putting in extra security at the Mannor and all of a sudden a Whoosh and I’m Here, Fence whats going on”? Hang that’s not Dazzle Davey 36 over there is it”?” Dazzle Davey 36 “ How did I get caught up in this Fence, I want some answers”, quick”! P.F Dazzle man, what have you got in the kit bag, it looks like a protractor, a set square and a Copy of Peter Schokmans book “ Fitness for football” as well as a BMI Profiler and is that a Sonic Screwdriver?? Dazzle Davey 36 “ How would I know Fence, this is your STUPID DREAM?? Uncle Bitter “ He looks totally LOADED with all that apparatus” Dazzle Davey 36 “ Don’t get me started on LOADING Uncle”! Uncle Bitter “ CRIKEY its as Cold as a Mother in Laws Kiss down here Fence. WCW “ I reckon I just saw a Yeti and Two Abominable Snowmen lurking” Uncle Bitter” Hey WCW What do Collingwood supporters order from the Fish and Chip Shop” WCW “ This better be good Bitter and Twisted” Uncle Bitter “ GUMMY FLAKE!!! OH HO HO HO ALL IN UNISON “FENCE WHATS GOING ON”????? Fence turns to Indy and says “ ASK INDIANA JONES”!! All turn to Indy who dips his fedora and smiling sartorially starts to speak. INDY ‘’ Well as you all know I star in the next movie which sets on the mythical but possibly true device called the Dial of Destiny which is sort of a link to time travel. Each universe has a paralell and as I was fidling with this Gizmo I saw a Vision of a Bloke from your past who was a revolutionary Coach by the name of NORM SMITH. Now legend has it that he wrote a lot more about the nature of the game, set plays, strategies, Fitness and so on” Said to be manuscript in length and professionally edited and complex in nature it sets out in almost foolproof form a formula to win Premiership after Premiership after Premiership. As such it’s a mantra for success! Norm worked at a place called Millers Rope works in Brunswick and later took over an engineering business, but one day whilst working at Millers the regular Driver took sick and an urgent order of Premium Twine was sent out to a place called Shire of Cranbourne with map reference to now where this Ground casey fields sits. Apparently the place was overum with wild animals and the farmers and locals were terrified to go out at night, hence the need to rope of farm land and keep Wild animals at Bay. Anyway Norms Manuscript was in the car and after he delivered the Rope returned to the Car to find the Manuscript GONE!!. He had locked the car and so had no idea where the Manuscript had gone. As he vainly went back to the farm house his car suddenly started sinking into the abyss that is now …. Pointing to the lake where it was never seen again…. So I am here to search for it and return it to the custodians of your Melbourne Football Club via …. YOU FOUR PEOPLE!! You then give it to a guy called Simon Goodwin for some INSPIRATION!! WCW “ WOW Fence what did you have before bed to Dream this stuff up”’ Uncle Bitter “ I can personally Vouch for Fence. He only ever drinks the Good stuff, Bowlers Run Red from Dan’s at $2.99!! Chortlingly good drop Dazzle Davey 36 “ Fence I’m expecting a big fat royalty cheque when this gets published In fact… Do you need a manager?? AND AS QUICKLY AS IT HAPPENED I WOKE UP AND REALITY SET IN!! What a dream, Ä Strange Fantastic Dream. Hmm, it didn’t really happen… DID IT!? TRAINING REPORT I'll start by saying it was as cold as an exgirlfriends stare this morning at Casey. Its stark featureless lanscape drifted seemlessly into the incandescant beackdrop of a bleak rain drizzled day and as iterated it was cold. REHAB T MAC confined to Gym duties and KYE TURNER doing drills with medical staff SKILLS , DRILLS AND MANOUVERS. Various drills consisting of skill implemenations of overall game plan, Run and overlap, quick in tight handball, Kicking to a leading player, ( Something we dont see enough of in MATCH CONDITIONS, plenty of run and carry and high emphasis of ball use to advantage. A couple of things I noted were 1 Forwards were practicing shots for goals from all angles, none of this fancy around the corner stuff , all intent on a set shot routine and repetition of consistency BBB Just did not miss from anywhere. 2 Harrison Petty was training mainly in drills with defenders and Joel Smith with forwards. 3 Clarry ?? Well he didn't miss a beat did all work with main group, and was typically Clarry like. Was he going at Full pace??? This is the million dollar question, and given that at no stage did I see any of the groups in drills going at 100% intensity I would concure then that he did what was expected no less no more. IMV He is right to go so to rule him out already adds another interesting layer to the natrrative and dialogue we have been fed. 4 Fumbles? Well there was a few, and yes it was wet BUT again I bring back the intensity and skill levels required at this level. If you fumble in training , well ya going to fumble in a match where pressure really ramps up. 5 Stand out trainers, not that they were standouts but VINES and HIBBO who were both under some injury clouds were out training. From my perspective I was impressed with Verall, BBB, Grundy, Hunter, Bowser, and Thommo. Melky was clean, and I also thought Woey was very very good and cant be far of a game. Other than that I arrived at 9.30 and left just before 11.00 I did see the scoreboard set up for what looked like match sim however I would doubt whether this would have been done during main session given timelines for play. Think emphasis today was building wet weather skills into broader game style. Cheers P.F
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