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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Yes I take your point .. Hnmm Yeah but I do see so much upside!! If May and Lever don"t come up to expectations and with Hibberd and possibly Jetta slowing down we would be extremely limited in defence. I have NO faith in Oscar at all. I say a keeper for mine!
  2. Oscar of course...... man!!!! Just cannot believe it if Frost goes
  3. Immaterial name those with Serious Serious A+ Grade that WANT to come to DEES DAMNING TO SAY THE LEAST!
  4. No we wont Not on this years Fiasco!! Hope is a at best Serious tragedy!
  5. Ok WHO is the last A + Grade talent we have lured to our club a la Danger, Etc Etc??? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................!!!! That"s right.. NONE I'll call this thread "The Diamond Jim Tilbrook" Thread! B Graders we have recruited maybe but no "Bona Fides" Templeton, Past It, Carman Pft, Moore Brownlow v=but not much else and Inj when we could have made an Assault in 87 Elliot Nar Yeah But not superstar! I rest my case! MFC HAVE NEVER LURED A + SILK .... NEVER!
  6. Should not have been playing says it all. Really gotta question it!
  7. Yes and it could Just could be the fault of the testing procedure and human Error! Jury Well and truly out. What happens if he is Innocent and West Coast lose by a point?? Could they claim ????????
  8. Yeah I thought the same thing But this is a methodical and ahh intense scrutiny at the actual sample being produced! How the hell could the sample be changed, contaminated or doctored?? I smell a Rat
  9. I have a son who played local senior footy and badly injured his same knee twice.Two major knee operations later I had one bit of advice for him. Think about your long term future and even though you love it , there are other things which you need to consider. He didn't play this year We are Talking knees , to my way of thinking Concussions are in another more serious level again. I would hate to see KK get any more head knocks concussion related injuries. I really would hate that.
  10. Exactly that, our List management is and has been Appalling over the years??
  11. Yeah and just remind me again how many SIMPLE shots by forwards went astray Petracca the biggest offender!!
  12. DISAGREE a host of other Dees who HAVE CONTRACTS are as useful as an Ashtray in a motorbike FROSTY BIG KEEPER IMV
  13. This is WHY this club is a Basket Case. We have a player who will finish top 6 in our B & F, we haggle over a few bucks, He has improved out of site YET WE KEEP DUDS like Oscar, ANB, Spargo, JKH, Stretch and others FMD If he goes to hawks two things will happen 1 I'll believe our List management team has NO idea and that might nearly be it for me I'll be Ropeable!! 2 Watch Clarko make him into an All Australian. JUST GIVE HIM A GOOD DEAL MFC another 100 K won't break the bank. He had a very good year! Here's an idea Put Spargo on Billy Stretch's Shoulders, GAFFER tape both of them together, Put a number 17 Jumper over both and let them play in Frosties Role!! FMD
  14. Nup needs to RETIRE! Not worth the risk of sustaining Life Long injuries Give it away Son!! PF
  15. You are kidding....... Howe is playing career best footy, Lynden Dunn before injuries was also pretty good. Our list management mistakes over the decades have been astounding!! Bout time we returned serve and nailed a Good un! Get him in!!
  16. Could be any number of Collingwood supporters that fit this bill!!
  17. Well I beg to differ here, Conspiracy theorists and Im one reckon there could have been an elephant in the room because one may just have tipped the other out of the side. I would have Ollie Wines anyday of the week over JV! AND over Jimmy Toumpas as well as I said often enough at the time of this draft!
  18. OK but whatever stats ur going on there will always be discussions about Validity. Example Clarry makes Supercoach Team of the year AND NO 1 for Contested possessions in AFL and doesn't even Rate for best 40 AA FARCICAL! The players mentioned are all NQR and should be moved on IF we wanna be successful IMV
  19. Ok put up seasons or career figures and you might see where I am coming from One game ..does not make a player.
  20. Well...... Don't leave us all hanging!! who do you think/know that it is??
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