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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. More so Tell that to Rob Flower... Almost ALWAYS the best in Victorian Games!
  2. If we have signed him for 4 or 5 years I believe this will come back to bite big time! As iterated limited player who won't improve.Will keep making the same errors time and time again. Before anyone wants to criticise then this is just my opinion.
  3. I picked up on that comment as well. Would love to know who, in his opinion was not "Buying in" Meet him a few times during that magic season in 1987. I remember him being the first one in at the after match at the G and buying me a beer. His comment after taking a large gulp was "Gee I needed that, a beer always tastes better after a win" Top bloke and top coach. Would love to see what he would do with this current team.
  4. Hnmm I knew him briefly in another life and in all honesty a terrific bloke with great sense of humility, brevity, and LIFE balance! From a great family, who supported him magnificently. Let's focus on the positives in a negative world, Might not have had the burning desire to play AFL but did anyway, to the tune of 170 odd games! AND had more than a touch of "Briiliance" If he had an EGO, he might well have gone down as one of the greats , but like Robby "EGO" was left far behind! That to me says plenty! Plus a very decent and genuine human being. Congrats mate well done cheers PF
  5. This must be a stitch up, seriously "CLUB DESPERATE FOR HIM TO STAY" ??? Give me a break if so we are really in deep sheeit!
  6. Get him in to teach Fritsch how to kick goals!
  7. That would be a super deal but could not see them going for it.Second round pick and a player say T Mac??
  8. Should still be a Demon, so to should Sam Frost!
  9. U would cry!!! ??? MATE I would need therapy from Nurse Rachett for the rest of my life if Clarry left?
  10. Mate I dont have to take a good hard look! ! After supporting heart and soul, and personally knowing former players, and putting my hard earned into the club over many years without success then I reckon I like many on this site are OWED BLOODY BIG TIME! But over and over and over again this club CONTINUES to tease, torture and ultimately Underachieve time and time again! You want me to take a look? Yeah well the Admin,coaches and many players who OWE us need to take a bigger more introspective look. Dont knock me for passion! If I see underachievement and pizz weak efforts then Ill call it out.Thats MY opinion and as always after all thats what Demonland is about. So dont friggen tell me to take a good hard look! Vent ur spleen on a perrenially underachieving non relevant at this stage club!! By the way I never knocked Weeds for his 10th finish,so dont misquote or put words in my mouth!!
  11. Anyone who thinks J.V Had a better season than Clayton Oliver and Ed Langdon is fantasy land stuff. Yes played some solid games but not better than these two. Congrats Tracc and Steven May !
  12. But he was Captain in one game!! SURELY whoever thinks that this is satisfactory needs a reality check
  13. I think it says more who rate him highly than any opinion I might have
  14. Viney finishing 3rd is not a good sign for MFC
  15. Viney 3rd says a lot about WHY our club is where it is! Clayton Oliver and Ed Langdon had MUCH better seasons
  16. LOL Won the Ron Barassi leadership award but was sacked as captain!! REALLY???Consolation prize stuff IMO!
  17. It all leads to the same conclusion ... GET RID OF GOODWIN and assistants!
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