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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Coz he and GWS KNOW he will end up with 6-8 and they do not want any further destabilization and disruption to a finals campaign already comprimised by his actions
  2. 5 or 6? Until we win a premiership it could be called the Neeld curse!
  3. You are missing 1 vital piece of information.. You actually need to have a brain before being able to have it fade. Take the point regarding bread and butter. Gaff looked totally mortified with what he had done. The other still has no remorse and never will learn. EVER
  4. Dont want to see him at all ! 22 odd charges, Needs to find another sport!
  5. In fact any comparison to Jimmy Toumpas means a solid NO! Definately would do Weeds for Maynard and then start playing and developing Joel Smith AS A FORWARD
  6. Should have been 4 weeks plus 25 grand! What an absolute Muppet!! PLUS a 2 match susoended sentence for any other guilty verdict on top of what he would get for ANY proven offence in next 2 years. 23 CHARGES 23 guy will NEVER learn
  7. On appeal will get 2 wait and see eligible for Grand Final potentially
  8. 6-8 Weeks would be appropriate. And as iterated If I was GWS coaches and hierachy I would be livid with Toby Greens actions which have just probably torpedoed their season
  9. His kicking for goal, which I previously criticized has now become a strength. Well done!
  10. Why does he have blisters?? Cant be incorrect footwear??? Anyway Cyborg Clarry Choo Choo motoring along just nicely😁🤩😇
  11. Crikey, Im gonna start a son of picket fence thread the way we hang our hats on any semblance of M F C connection! Kalani White 13 years of age? Let the kid grow and nurture .GIVE ME A BREAK u can just see it " Spikey fence, moves just like his ol man" LOL 😁
  12. Because he talks good sense! I AGREE with all Gerard has said on this matter
  13. Should get at least 8 weeks 2 for making contact 2 for being a deekhead 2 for bringing the game into disrepute 2 for arrogantly thinking he can do what he pleases without thought or consequence If I was Leon Cameron, footy hierachy and players at GWS I would be totally livid that he has comprimised the club with his actions which could torpedo their season
  14. Sorry Daz Hibbo is cooked and in Bowey he has been a revelation! Hunt in for Smith is about it I think
  15. Wont have to worry he will not play for the rest of the year arrogant reckless twerp
  16. Yesterday at 8.35 a.m I said this "Watch Toby Greene do something stupid and get reported" Sometimes I get lucky😆
  17. Deekhead who needs to go 4 weeks downgraded to fine coz Its a marquee player
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