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Mincho Mania

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Everything posted by Mincho Mania

  1. Goody said it'll be a finals type game, someone tell Gary Rohan
  2. Been telling a Geelong supporting mate for a while now Cameron would look good on the wing, his kicking in to forward 50 is very good
  3. We also don't tend to get in to the opposition after winning a free, Kozzi occasionally. The arrogance of getting in to the other players face when they make a mistake is a bad look and Liberatore is the worst. McCluggage did it to Fritta after he missed a goal, hope Bailey caught up with him after the game.
  4. Yep, they're feckless wimps
  5. All Castrati choir
  6. I care, had a gut full of biased interstate umpiring for the last 30+ years. For a multi million dollar industry it's F'n amateur hour
  7. I'd like to suggest to anyone who's had a gut full of the inept, corrupt umpiring of interstate games to contact the AFL tonight and voice your displeasure. Absolute amateur hour, get some umpires who've got some balls to call the game correctly rather than the feckless cowards we have to put up with
  8. I'm thinking they're more like COWARDS!
  9. Borderline corruption going on
  10. Bloody hell, they playing a bit of Enya pre game?
  11. Knees injuries are very debilitating, speaking from experience. Don't know how to balance the low miles on the clock to the long term effects of the injury. If he plays till 35 I'd be stoked
  12. How long do we think Max can play? I'd be happy with 2 more years
  13. His tackling and forward pressure has come along nicely
  14. I lived in Perth for 20 years and I'll be back there ASAP, best city in Oz
  15. I think that's the main reason we passed on NicNat
  16. When she reported on Ox's gambling issues she lost me, very grubby
  17. Anyone got Ross Lyons phone number? And resurrect the Jack Viney made me cry thread
  18. We can't be Beaten Tatts
  19. Narcissist
  20. And yours and others misogany plus my replies are deleted
  21. The lady stated she had no problem with the situation
  22. Someone on here knows his old man and wasn't impressed, be interested to hear more
  23. If he was live streaming it I'd have an issue. Looks like a group of consensual, drunk, horny adults sharing a moment. Why you want to share that with the world, I don't know Boomer Alert
  24. Bring on the losses, big losses, I want them to eat their own
  25. Talking to my daughter this arvo who's in Perth. She's sure she saw a Gus interview a couple of weeks ago with Gus stating he eventually would like to get to Freo to play with his brother. I've asked her to hunt the interview down and send it to me
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