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Stiff Arm

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Everything posted by Stiff Arm

  1. Umps finding a way for swans to win
  2. Petty has been huge, given his knee and shoulder issues
  3. We have been remarkably unclean and fumbly tonight
  4. Max might be the answer to our KPF issues!
  5. Clearances, clearances, clearances!!!!
  6. Fritter doing what none of our other forwards can tonight
  7. How was the Papley goal not a push in the back to Hunt????? They need to pay the obvious ones, even if it goes against the play
  8. Should been 50 to harmes. Two on the msrk
  9. Commentators on 7 all but cheering for the Swans
  10. Felt a bit like a fish out of water at last week's game, accepting a rare loss for a change. Briefly brought back simmering MFCSS feelings, but didnt last long. Onwards and upwards! Swans to give it a crack and then collapse when the MFC burners are applied. Dees by 25
  11. JT reassured Goody on draft night that Bowser and Laurie were the two best users of the footy that draft. He emphasised the term 'they're the lovers of the game' several times if i recall correctly. There was discussion about taking a tall (can't remember who) but JT wanted Bowser and Laurie Incidentally, how good is it that we have two first rounders (Laurie + JvR) developing away at Casey who are yet to debut for the seniors Found link:
  12. Buddy will play, AFL will find a way to make it happen. Nothing is more certain
  13. We are the house that the premiership window is built around. Walker? Yeah, nah
  14. A few beers pre game at The Duke with some Demon buddies, stroll down to the G and have another beer in the Betty Cuthbert bar, then sit down to watch another Dees win. Jeez, I love autumn footy at the G
  15. I'll ask the same question I said to a mate before the Essendon game: If Weid kicks 4 goals does he hold his spot and who's place (if anyone) does he take the following week?
  16. Sonetimes it depends upon the support around the volunteers. In my child's league there is a parent from each team that escorts the umpires wherever they go outside of the changerooms, even to their cars if needed. We are told by the league to report abusive parents as a matter of urgency. And we do: one parent got a life ban last year You'll always get idiots. Unfortunately they need calling out
  17. Yes, it was always going to turn to poo Surprised Godwin's Law hasn't kicked in yet
  18. If Ooze get the gig, how long before their supporters start a thread titled "Is Adem Yze the right guy?"
  19. Want the big man cherry ripe for September to hold the cup up again If he is to travel to Perth, at least get him a private jet fitted out with a king sized bed
  20. Out: Lever, Gawn In: Tommo and Weid Would love to see Bailey Laurie get a couple of games before the season ends. JvR too.
  21. Good point, Dof, but with our depth you'd have to think the FD wouldn't take any chances with a player underdone due to covid. Still, its an unpredictable virus!
  22. Agreed. Many of the unlucky ones would be regulars at 9 or 10 other clubs Fantastic to have such depth and know the Casey is on the same page developing players
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