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Everything posted by Clintosaurus

  1. Dogs look great in bruise free games. Umps still love them too.
  2. Barrett does hate us and would love it to happen.
  3. Interested in the thoughts of @binman on whether Hunter will see our forward ball movement change. Noticed more than a few times we kicked to him on the HFF and he centred to about 20 out. Resulted in shots on goal from directly in front. My thoughts are we will still go to the pocket, but also to 20 or so out directly in front. This doesn't include fast breaks on turnover.
  4. Watching quarter 5 for the first time and the Saints still have most of the ones out there. Ross obviously not happy.
  5. $2870 on TAB. Swap BBB for Frittata and it's $1470. PF may have got better elsewhere.
  6. Chiefs 1-6
  7. When Kate Roffey was on RSN the other week she mentioned having over 60000 members but I'm not sure if that was the 2022 final or 2023 progress. It wasn't clear and the 75000 target was mentioned.
  8. Kicks from 15 metres missing targets, simple marks dropped. Bottom 4 here we come.
  9. 9ers 1-6 Chiefs 7-12
  10. Zeke Elliott snapping the ball on the last play was interesting. Not an eligible receiver either.
  11. Otherwise a journo goes with it first and makes it sound a lot worse.
  12. Chiefs 13+ Eagles 1-6 Bills 7-12 9ers 7-12
  13. Goodbye Tom
  14. Went to the BBL so not seen a second of the Jags. About to watch the replay.
  15. 9ers 13+ Jags 1-6 Bills 13+ Vikings 7-12 Cincy 7-12 Dallas 1-6
  16. That be Bulldogs and Norf's domain.
  17. Worst to first. Offence need to lift next week.
  18. And like in the BBL they are enforced selectively.
  19. Vikes, Bolts, Cowboys
  20. Only after 2009 and 2022 get 50 showings each.
  21. 4pm tomorrow is 2019 v Carlton.
  22. Dallas, Miami, San Francisco
  23. Nah, MFCSS always wins out.
  24. Bills, Lions, Buccs
  25. Geelong had the luxury of their FIXture having soft games in the middle to later part, which meant they could do this.
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