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Posts posted by ucanchoose

  1. Mrs Ucanchoose here - I've been reading this thread while watching the game, and finding myself more and more amused with the antics of some of the posters tonight regarding Tom Scully - it's like I'm reading the posts of a bunch of women on a parenting messageboard, arguing about the best way to toilet train your toddler!

  2. How did it go on the program ucanchoose??

    Good. I had my 3 minutes of fame. They even put a snippet on their news.

    The matter is now under investigation by the appropriate authorities - that's about all that I can say about it.

  3. Cale Morton: Cale was pretty good defensively. He made a few errors when in possession, but overall was solid. We want to see Cale taking the game on more and getting more involved in our counter attack.

    If that was "pretty good" we are stuffed. He was dragged to the goalsquare by every opponent, looked out of place and COULD NOT TACKLE resulting in at least one and depending on how harsh you are looking at the replay of the game three goals.

    If they want him more in the counter attack, how about starting on the wing and moving forward? Dragging his opponent around the park for a change might help

  4. I got a reply for the women who was supervising them. She was from Betezy

    Basically she said that I was a liar, that my children and wife were also liars, that I had no credibility, that I was agressive and pretty much made up the whole story.

    Very disappointing.... Wife in tears...... Oh well, them's the breaks.

  5. I know this is going to sound like I'm getting on my high horse...............

    Last night I had the boys (6 and 4) with me, and the wife. I had my camera taken off me at the door because it was too professional. (WTF?!?!?) Was taken to the cloakroom to hand it in, but I digress. We sat on level three until about the 10 minute mark of the last quarter when it was time to leave because my wife had to work at 7am. On our way back to the clokeroom we were passed by some scantly clad women handing out pamphlets for "Dogsbet". I declined but behind my back gave the pamphlets to my children. After arriving at the cloakroom I noticed what my children had because they both yelled out "Look Dad, Dog betting!" I was instantly appalled and the women in the cloakroom asked where they got them from and didn't believe it was from them. My wife was about 5m behind us and saw them give it to them.

    I politely (as possible) pointed out to her that what her staff was doing was illegal and immoral. She got loud. I got angry. My wife and I had an argument about this on the way to Southern Cross Station and other people confirmed that their children were approached too. I want to lodge a complaint. Does anybody have an email address or contact for the AFL I can send this to. I have an email address for Etihad Stadium and the Bulldogs but want this to go to head office as well.

    Sorry if this isn't on the right board, or I sound like some kind of snob, but this is really annoying in my book,

  6. I thought it was interesting that he only flew up once the whole game, when he was on his own in the goal square. Seemed to me to be a coaching decision for Watts, Jamar and Martin to crash the packs and Jurrah to sit down and crumb.

    Worked a treat.

  7. This is all subterfuge, to inflate Scully's value. Seem tobe working, MFC will have to pay over his market value. After they successfully put pressuer on our salary cap, they will go after their intented target...

    There is really only one player on the MFC list that could attracked desent coin now.....Colin Sylvia!

    Interesting............................. NHL teams do this all the time, make an offer to a restricted free agent they know that a team is despirate to keep, knowing they will pay to keep him, then take the real target from under their nose.

  8. He was excellent on the half back flank last week for Casey after half time. He's a very good kick of the football. I knew he could play with a bit of confidence.

    The three guys they bought in all had good games last weekend, right in front of the whole coaching staff. Probably was a very good thing they all got to watch the reserves at the same time for a change.

  9. Interesting McNamara is listed on the ball. Haven't seen any casey games while he's been playing in that role. Anyone have any reports about his progress?

    He played in the midfield last weekend, got towelled up, and had a crack and someone, gave away a 50m penalty which resulted in a goal, right when we were on top

  10. What I know about Todd Viney is that he played 233 games for this club and in each and every one of them he played like his life depended on it.

    The sort of bloke you couldn't look in the eye if you go half-hearted.

    That's what we need for now.

    What you also need to know is that he was standing and sitting right next to Bailey all day today. He's NOT the next coach.

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