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Posts posted by ucanchoose

  1. The fact that it happens in a different sport which operates under different rules is totally irrelevant.

    The practice is calculated to manipulate and undermine the rules which the AFL put into place. Yet when someone made the suggestion last year that GWS could buy back its own mini draft pick the AFL knocked it on the head immediately. It warned Melbourne and the clubs that finished below it that a deal worked out over Jack Viney might be considered draft tampering. Yet this most obvious piece of manipulation is not only disregarded but Port Adelaide gets handsomely rewarded. It smacks of the AFL giving one of its basket cases a handout for fear that they will collapse if they don't get the help.

    Show me the AFL regulation that they have defied?

    I guarantee there isn't one

    MFCSS strikes again

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  2. The point I was making to Redleg was that the two clubs were clearly tampering with the draft system for the benefit of Port Adelaide who reaped this year's trade bonanza and Essendon also got a bonus pick out of it as well. Good luck to them. I'm so inured to this rubbish we're being fed by the AFL that I really don't care any more.

    Happens all the time in the NBA,it's called a sign and trade.

    Don't see anything wrong with it, although it's a bit different in the NBA because you can sign bigger deals with your home team than other teams can offer in some instances.

    Protects teams from getting inadequate compensation from the AFL. Hawthorn could have done the same thing with Young for a better pick if they had cap space and a brain

  3. No excuses for people not to get there.

    Seriously who is busy at 4:40 on a sunday?

    By the time the average punter with 2 school age kids gets home it's 8:30 on a school night.

    It's a terrible timeslot

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